Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

The Highlander Open - Cup Stage

Round 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Atanor (Pioneers)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



4 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Belgium Pioneers vs Russia Reckless Daredevils
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Reckless Daredevils (8) Abyss, Snip, Assai, G00D 4 Y0U, RD//ZamRuk 金井, Craygore, Alucard, ILyaLee
Pioneers (6) Ardacos, Atanor, Byakuei, Sfs, Berry_Punch, Ralken
Unrostered (4) senko, BackFlip59, Taxel, Bonep


  1. Sfs said:

    Hey, we won’t be able to play saturday 15:00 sorry. We will see today with my team all days and hours where we are available. (sorry for the late, internet issue).

    I added Reckless Daredevils leader.

  2. Sfs said:

    We are surely available for tonight (tursday) around 20:00CET, and tomorrow (friday) around 20:00CET.
    Not really available this weekend, maybe saturday around 22:00CET with somes mercs.
    Hope it wont be sunday, since we will need many mercs and off-classe from players if defaut date is this date.
    If it’s sunday, available for 22:00CET

  3. Drake_: TF2Co said:

    Gl les potos !

  4. fnzkie: C9 said:

    gl RD

  5. Craygore said:

    You too

  6. Craygore said:

    Server (available 19:00 CET):
    connect turtle.dmci.hva.nl:27295; password lmao

  7. Sfs said:

    Craygore: We got server

    Sfs: we will need one merc for tonight:http://etf2l.org/forum/user/92227/

    Sfs: Ok, for server, i will quicly check ping

    Craygore: Sure

    Sfs: Is it ok for the merc ?

    Craygore: Sure, it’s fine

    Sfs: Thanks you

  8. Sfs said:

    Sfs: And finally we will need 2 more merc…
    Craygore: connect turtle.dmci.hva.nl:27300; password tv
    Craygore: Well, it’s fine. We also need one. As engie
    Sfs: take who you want ;)
    Craygore: Thanks :)

  9. Craygore said:

    Well, gg. Gl next, guys

  10. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear Teams,

    Please remember to submit,check and verify the results aswell as add both status and scoreboard screenshots.

    Failure in providing the results before the playing deadline (August 24th 23:59 CEST) will result in a nullification of this match.

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