Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Playoffs
Results submitted:
by Hildreth (England)
SteamID Screenshots: A
Norway | (9) qnx, Rudey, toogyboogy, Ace, Issun, fanny_filth, polar, Andy, Zimmer |
England | (9) Coopxr, Hildreth, Grenja, lawn, kindred, Starkie, Hutchy, T', LonelyWalrus |
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Seems like thursday 21 is best
as in 21:00, not 21st, just realized that was a thursday
Thursday as good a day as any for us, we’re guaranteed to miss players either way. Lets do it.
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Thursday, 14 August 2014, 21:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
Hildreth: i dont care u can elim first
Hildreth: or 2nd
NOREG FANNY: gravelpit
Hildreth: interaidsodel
NOREG FANNY: lol, we eliminate steel
Hildreth: hmm
Hildreth: process
NOREG FANNY: we pick viaduct
Hildreth: upward
NOREG FANNY: badwater decider then
Hildreth: badwater decider
Hildreth: yurp
NOREG FANNY: allright, gl
Hildreth: ty u too
Hildreth: can u post on matchpage im on my mobile
Hejja Norge! I want to see a Scandi-final!
Do not fail me
Casted by CeeJaey & HiGPS
GG :)
good games