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Nations Cup #5 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Group Phase

Group A

Round 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Germany Germany vs Wales Wales
0 - 6


  1. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Hi guys, when do you want to play this? Monday is really the only day we can field a team. But with enough notice we might be able to do another day.

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Monday, 04 August 2014, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. basH.: hf said:

    I spoke with Mike, we gonna play it on tuesday or thursday

  4. cheeseyLG: exe.tf - -Xe- said:


  5. lune said:


  6. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    What would have been nice, is if Mike had told any one about this conversation. Talked to everyone on the team. It’s today or never for us sorry. 

  7. basH.: hf said:

    Guess we cant play today

  8. billeh: exe.tf - [syz] said:

    pls cast

  9. Leftism: W.tf - KC&LtL said:

    connect; password fapwar

  10. eviLRaptor said:


  11. Ling: HH said:

    They’re already playing a match at the moment.

  12. eviLRaptor said:

    this is a tv?? or is server?

  13. eviLRaptor said:

    connect; password fapwar? TV?

  14. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    gg wp

  15. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Yeah thanks for wasting our time lads. Real decent of you to try and arrange the game with me. GL next round. 

  16. Ling: HH said:


  17. deathyy: Open't - said:


  18. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:


  19. ETF2L Staff said:

    Noshow by germany

  20. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Grow up please. I tried to arrange it. But Bash decided to try and arrange it with Mike, who did not talk to ANY of us about it. We’re a team of retired players. So we can actually only play mondays. I proposed a date, a week ago. No one from team Germany tried to propose an alt date. So before all of you German fan boys get your arse in your hands. Please, look at it from an unbais point of view. I did everything i could to get this match played. Germany didn’t care enough about the fixture to propose a date. Let alone send any of their other players to the server. Wales have 7 active 6’s players. How many does Germany have? 


    Byte x
  21. Shepard said:


  22. Shepard said:


  23. Shepard said:

    Nice one guys!

  24. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    @ (trial admin) coleman

    as i said before gg wp

  25. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:


  26. billeh: exe.tf - [syz] said:


  27. Droidster: tavi said:

    21:37 – xy: and wales gets dropped
    21:37 – xy: coleman gets banned for “aim assist”
    21:37 – xy: ac team doesnt want to provide proof
    21:37 – xy: permzilla bans everyone who’s complaining?

  28. Droidster: tavi said:

    Will happen within a week

  29. schocky: MAFIA said:

    “Grow up please”
    “So before all of you German fan boys get your arse in your hands.”

    Oh man, I hope you won’t become a fulladmin x) I do not like you and for me you are an unsympathetic person if I am allowed to say that.


  30. NKF: [HA] - #T4F said:

    gg trial admin

  31. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    Okay, just being a random spectator, I am really interested in how this went down… So let me get this straight:

    – a default date gets issued
    – the match is not played on said default date
    – some ppl of the two teams talk to each other on steam, of which there are no pastebins or anything (neither from Germany nor from Wales)
    – Team Germany (bash) suggest playing Tuesday or Thursday
    – Team Wales is unable to talk to each other, even admitting that on this page, and finally comes up with “today or never” on Tuesday, about 5 hours before the match would be happening
    – Team Germany replies they cannot play it that night on the matchpage, as they are supposed to (which by default leaves any other date open later that week)
    – Team Wales completely ignores that comment, and posts a connect info as if nothing had been replied
    – Team Wales pretends to be actually mad about Team Germany “not showing”, instead of reading their opponents comments on the match page
    – A random “ETF2L Staff” comment defines all of that above as a no show by Germany
    – An obviously unbiased and well informed Trial Admin posts a comment that is ridiculous and absurd from the first to the last line, including admitting that Team Wales didn´t communicate themselves enough, lying about Germany not proposing a different date which was actually done by bash before on this very page (Thursday), and claiming that nobody showed up with the provided server info when even some random fanboys noticed AND posted here that GER were already playing another match
    – Wales gets a Defwin.

    Did I miss something?

    And some follow-up questions:

    – Did anyone of Team Wales actually read the comments on this page, which you are supposed to do, even if you ignore that your very own players spoke to each other on Steamchat?

    – Did it ever occur to you that Team Germany might have other plans for that night, which was the only night you ever actually proposed without any alternatives, about 5 hours before matchtime?

    – Is it somehow the fault of the Germans that Team Wales was not capable of communicating within their own team, as they even admitted themselves more than once on this matchpage?

    – Is a comment like “today or never” enough to exclude all the other possible dates out there?

    – How does a statement like “grow up”/ “I tried to arrange it” (where is that noted, btw?) / “Wales have 7 active players, how many does Germany have?” / “we can actually only play monday” (lol) or ANYTHING else in Coleman´s comment help to fix the issue?

    This is just really, really sad. And yes, go ahead and call me a German fanboy, but I don´t even care about this Nations Cup or Team Germany or anything related to that. I just happened to notice a big, BIG amount of unfairness in this while passing by, and that alone made me give you my 2 Cents of “unbiased” opinion. And yes, I can call it unbiased, since a Trial Admin playing on Team Wales himself can do that while cleary being everything but unbiased, and even get away with it.
    GG WP, enjoy your win Wales, you know it´s the only way you would have gotten it anyway, and you know that. Be ashamed, be very ashamed. And Coleman, dude I don´t even know you personally, and I have never played a match with or against you as far as I remember, but Jesus fucking Christ, I hope someone as biased, ignorant and unfair like you never gets past the trial admin status, cause otherwise this league is doomed.
    /rant off, carry on.

  32. havok: TOOSTRONG said:

    100% agree with Nuck.

    From a spectator point of view, this looks too unfair and biased.

  33. yak: VNC said:

    Admins aren’t allowed to handle anything involving their own teams, what makes you think nations cup would be any different?

  34. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    I’ll just clear a few things up, before this potentially blows up.

    Coleman has had no role in this decision other than being a Leader for Wales. In all events and competitions in ETF2L admins are not allowed to contribute towards decisions in which they are personally involved, nations cups are no different.

    From an admins point of view, Wales proposed some dates and there was no reply from Germany so a default date was set, I’m sure no one has any issues with that. basH then states that he has agreed with Mike to play on either Tuesday or Thursday, however [b] since Mike is not a leader it does not mean anything officially [/b]. In all competitions agreements such as mercs/servers/dates need to be verified by a Leader of the team, this is no exception.

    You can blame Wales for not communicating well and that is true, but it is also Germany’s fault for making an agreement with a player who is not a leader on the roster and not checking with a leader.

    Then of course Germany couldn’t play on Monday and a legitimate default win was submitted.

  35. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    Thanks for the reply Perm.

    Just a few things:
    I never believed that Coleman issued the defwin himself, and I know that admins don´t have any saying in matches where they are involved themselves – that would be hillarious. It just had a small taste of an admin circlejerk, since he probably has a good connection to the other admins of whom one finally issued an obviously strange default win. That just smells a bit fishy to me.

    The original default date (Monday) was never an issue and is not the problem here, everything afterwards is, as you kinda said yourself. After that, both teams had their problems with communication, agreed. Yet two german players with at least deputy or even leader status (bash, smzi) commented they could not play the one date Wales suggested a few hours before matchtime. That should be enough for anybody, especially a Trial Admin, to notice that it doesn´t matter if they post a connect info, but that the game wouldn´t happen anyway. To simply ignore those coms and then even pretend to be mad because no german player showed up and finally running to your admin friends instead of finding a decent solution for everybody is just a sad behaviour.

    How all of that is enough to simply get a defwin for Wales instead of trying to rearrange the game or find another solution like extending the deadline or so is still the most incomprehensible thing about this whole drama. Even if that defwin is legitimate, which I can´t understand at all in the first place, it still smells like a week old fish to me. The truth lies in the middle, it was neither completely Germanys´nor Wales´fault, and the solution that was found is just not satisfying at all, except maybe for the 7 active guys in the Wales roster.

    Final point: My biggest concern is that someone with that attitude, ignorance and complete lack of common sense and sportsmanship like Coleman showed on this single page already might get in a position where he can actually continue to ruin things for other people. This is “just” a nations cup, I´m pretty sure nobody of Team Germany is really upset since they won their other games and aren´t out of this cup as far as I understand, but still, someone with that kind of attitude should never get in a position where he can do even more damage. I´m not gonna start an online petition saying “prevent Coleman from becoming full time admin”, but you get my point.

    Cheers for a good laugh at least, and if this decision stands, I just hope Germany will meet Wales again in the later part of the cup again and make things right.

  36. Anderson: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Thanks for the reply Perm.

    Just a few things:
    I never believed that Coleman issued the defwin himself, and I know that admins don´t have any saying in matches where they are involved themselves – that would be hillarious. It just had a small taste of an admin circlejerk,

    Admin circlejerk? What is this…this Illuminati? There’s no hidden agenda here, its purely protocol and following the facts. I think you owe the admin team an apology for even considering such a naive and senseless comment. If they had to read comments like that all day then we wouldn’t have such a dedicated team of individuals willing to put their own time and effort in to maintaining the league. I’ll continue…

    since he probably has a good connection to the other admins of whom one finally issued an obviously strange default win. That just smells a bit fishy to me.

    Again, we’ll assume that you’re still in a hyper state of shock…please see previous comments. Lets hope the rest of your post saves your skin…

    The original default date (Monday) was never an issue and is not the problem here, everything afterwards is

    Ooops i spoke too soon… As per Nations Cup Rules

    1.4 Match schedule and deadlines

    Late matches are not allowed – any games unplayed after the deadline will be defaulted. Matches may be played on the day of the deadline. Teams may agree to play their matches early.

    Rules are rules Nuk…

    May i also remind you that while Team Wales was sat on a server with our fingers up our asses while numerous Team Germany players were playing with their respective LAN teams. I’m pretty sure its acceptable to be a little annoyed..

    , as you kinda said yourself. After that, both teams had their problems with communication, agreed. Yet two german players with at least deputy or even leader status (bash, smzi) commented they could not play the one date Wales suggested a few hours before matchtime.

    Woohoo Nuk, i agree! Communication was the key failure here, we’ll take on board your comments and will endeavor to be more social with our fellow participants.

    That should be enough for anybody, especially a Trial Admin, to notice that it doesn´t matter if they post a connect info, but that the game wouldn´t happen anyway. To simply ignore those coms and then even pretend to be mad because no german player showed up and finally running to your admin friends instead of finding a decent solution for everybody is just a sad behaviour.

    Nuk…Nuk…Nuk…again…Team Germany were PCWing, not being able to play and not wanting to play are two different scenarios. Given the amount of German comments in/around the result being confirmed, i think its safe to say there was adequate ‘cover’.

    How all of that is enough to simply get a defwin for Wales instead of trying to rearrange the game or find another solution like extending the deadline or so is still the most incomprehensible thing about this whole drama. Even if that defwin is legitimate, which I can´t understand at all in the first place, it still smells like a week old fish to me. The truth lies in the middle, it was neither completely Germanys´nor Wales´fault, and the solution that was found is just not satisfying at all, except maybe for the 7 active guys in the Wales roster.

    w/e – im losing the will to post…

    Final point: My biggest concern is that someone with that attitude, ignorance and complete lack of common sense and sportsmanship like Coleman showed on this single page already might get in a position where he can actually continue to ruin things for other people. This is “just” a nations cup, I´m pretty sure nobody of Team Germany is really upset since they won their other games and aren´t out of this cup as far as I understand, but still, someone with that kind of attitude should never get in a position where he can do even more damage. I´m not gonna start an online petition saying “prevent Coleman from becoming full time admin”, but you get my point.

    Wow…i think you need to take a step back Nuk. The world is a big place, full of different people and personalities. Singling out Coleman just shows your level of judgement. You see the Trial Admin tag and go on a witch hunt. You fail to acknowledge the xenophobic comments made by others, which would lead me to believe that you’re bitter about the result and targeting Coleman was the best way to express your bitterness. Maybe next time, add him on steam and have a chat – not post your thoughts for all to see?

    Cheers for a good laugh at least, and if this decision stands, I just hope Germany will meet Wales again in the later part of the cup again and make things right.

    We hope so too, we were looking forward to the game. It was unfortunate that some players had other priorities.



  37. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    Glad you came by to provide some urgent help for your fellow Welshman. But since you are already uncapable of even getting my name right (it´s Nuck, with a C, 4 letters in total, seems like that one letter is one too many for you?), I don´t really take your post as a serious reply. Or is that supposed to be some sort of childish insult? Then u r funny…. Not. But yeah, just to drag myself down to your level: very cute, Behinderson.
    Also wondering why Coleman himself never posted anything after his great appearance here, but hey, at least you are here, Behinderson.
    So just some thoughts about the few points you made which can actually be taken seriously:

    – It was not only me getting the impression that this defwin was issued way too easy for Wales. And yes, you start wondering if that has something to do with Coleman having good connections to fellow admins, even if he had no saying in the decision himself. It just seemed like the defwin was issued very fast and without checking the facts – and I only know what was written on this page, but that already seemed weird to any uninvolved spectator. That doesn´t necessarily mean there is an admin circlejerk or favouritism going on in the background, and I didn´t want to insult anybody who is actually putting in time and effort to this league, its matches and cups. But still, the taste is a bit fishy, and if you don´t smell that, good for you, but asking about how this was decided in detail is still legitmate imo.

    – Even if I am completely wrong in that regard, one is still left wondering why a match that still could have been played the entire week (4 more days as of today) was issued a default win so fast instead of thinking about other possibilities. And btw, there have always been ways to extend a deadline, but even if ETF2L changed that and is more strict today about matches beeing played within the given time, that still doesn´t explain why there was literally zero discussion about playing it any other day of this week – cause the top of this page still says it has to be “played before August 10th”, and it´s the 7th today.

    – How is it up to you to decide if the Germans weren´t able to play or didn´t want to play? And, while we´re at it, what´s the difference anyway? Two Germans posted here that they wouldn´t be able to play it that night, and that should be enough reason for anyone to try to rearrange it instead of being default hunters.

    – You can emphasise the point about sitting on your server waiting for Team Germany to show up all you want and all day long, but that doesn´t change the fact that they actually stated they couldn´t play clearly and more than once right here. No, you guys weren´t able to read that – or just ignored it. You just pretended to be mad when in fact it was your very own fault that you wasted your time. And you can think it´s “acceptable to be a little annoyed”, but nobody else does, so get a grip and read the match comments next time – that will save you a lot of time and embarrasment, and maybe provide us viewers with a match worth watching instead of some sad drama.

    – The funniest part of your post, which I just have to point out, is your hillarious passage about “xenophobic” comments, a “witch hunt” and my “bitterness”.
    First of all, regarding my bitterness: As I said before, I really couldn´t care less about a Nations Cup of an almost dead game between two teams, of which one is clearly better and would have won if things went down the right way. I just wanted to ask how this decision was made, since it seemed (and still seems) somehow strange considering the facts available to a public audience, and not fair to both participants – quite independent from my own nationality. You might not believe me when I say I would have posted pretty much the same if things had gone the exact other way around and Germany would have gotten the defwin, but that´s the way it is.
    I am also not out on a “witch hunt”, I even admitted I don´t know Coleman on any level, and that I know this small piece of him here does not really give me the ground to make a general judgement about him. But just reading his comments on this single page makes you wonder if somebody with that approach, attitude and tone should be in a position of a league admin, which he is obviously applying for. If someone in that position is behaving like this and, most importantly, not being able to deal with some criticism himself, he is not capable of being an admin if you ask me.
    And “xenophobic”, really? Do you even know the meaning of that? And if you do, where exactly is any xenophobic “comment made by others” here? I can find not a single one. But even if I fail to find it, how would that affect anything I said myself…? I really don´t get your point there mate.

    Your post in general just doesn´t make any sense, sorry Behinderson. The only comments made that actually are worth discussing are those by Coleman himself, for example: “grow up please” (what´s that supposed to mean or help with anyway?), “before all of you German fan boys get your arse in your hands” (nice tone for a representative of this league) and his passive aggressiveness all over the place with statements like “thanks for wasting our time lads” and “gl next round”, when clearly he wasn´t able to complete the simple task of reading comments on a matchpage himself. That just left me worried that someone with an attitude like his would be empowered in the future to continue to behave like the selfish idiot he seems to be, and even if I don´t participate actively in this league anymore, I wouldn´t want that for anyone. That´s why I spoke out here, and that is still my biggest concern.

    Funny btw that you suggest adding him on steam instead of posting here… I have no personal issue with him, as I said clearly before, I just wanted to know how this could happen and why people were robbed of playing and watching this match, from a quite neutral point of view and as one of many observers, and that is rather something that should be discussed publicly and hopefully be explained to everyone that has an interest in this.
    But hey, if you want to express some more weird, incoherent thougts of yours, feel free to add me. I personally prefer this to be explained to the players and viewers in public, but if you´d rather keep it down because you lack actual arguments, go ahead!

    To anyone else, sorry if I annoyed you with my wall(s) of text, I just somehow felt the need to express my astonishment and sadness about how this whole thing went down. But I will leave it at that now and not post anything further (nor read anymore of your strange tries to pick my posts to pieces, since you clearly failed the first time, Behinderson).
    Thanks to Permzilla AGIAN for your sole honest reply and effort, even if I still disagree in some key points.
    I hope Team Wales is happy with the result they got, as well as I hope Germany will get the chance to make this right in another phase of the tournament. Best of luck to all involved.

  38. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Simple facts are:
    We could only play that monday. We can’t play in the week due to work, sports and family commitments. we can’t play next week due to work, sports, family commitments and holidays. The match could not have been moved to another day. It was monday or never. We made that clear. So the two outcomes were. We move the game, and get a def loss. Or take the defwin that night when Germany didnt show up.

    This game hasnt been handled any differently then any other match i’ve seen. Please keep in mind that i havnt touched any of this. I never even entered the result. Def date set by a German admin, result entered by another. Result accepted by a German admin.

  39. basH.: hf said:

    Just chill… its ok for us

  40. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    You should find a publisher.

  41. Anderson: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Glad you came by to provide some urgent help for your fellow Welshman. But since you are already uncapable of even getting my name right (it´s Nuck, with a C, 4 letters in total, seems like that one letter is one too many for you?), I don´t really take your post as a serious reply. Or is that supposed to be some sort of childish insult? Then u r funny…. Not.

    May I apologise? My iPad has a habit of auto-correcting, especially with those pesky German internet aliases! Bad Siri..

    But yeah, just to drag myself down to your level: very cute, Behinderson.
    Also wondering why Coleman himself never posted anything after his great appearance here, but hey, at least you are here, Behinderson.
    So just some thoughts about the few points you made which can actually be taken seriously:

    I find it kind of strange how you’re addressing my post but questioning Coleman’s input? You’re starting to make me feel like a third wheel here Nuck, I have feelings too you know?! I guess I can only deduct that you must have some deep emotional feelings for Coleman? That’s great! We live in a modern society where you can express yourself in whatever manner makes you most comfortable…You go girl!!!
    I guess my only advice here would be that he likes to be called by his full name; Sir Coleman IV of Llanedeyrn (Trial Admin)…that should earn you some brownie points on your next essay! ;);)

    – It was not only me getting the impression that this defwin was issued way too easy for Wales. And yes, you start wondering if that has something to do with Coleman having good connections to fellow admins, even if he had no saying in the decision himself. It just seemed like the defwin was issued very fast and without checking the facts – and I only know what was written on this page, but that already seemed weird to any uninvolved spectator. That doesn´t necessarily mean there is an admin circlejerk or favouritism going on in the background, and I didn´t want to insult anybody who is actually putting in time and effort to this league, its matches and cups. But still, the taste is a bit fishy, and if you don´t smell that, good for you, but asking about how this was decided in detail is still legitmate imo.

    I think you summed up this point yourself…you don’t know all the facts…but if you’re gonna keep coming back to this post and raising the questions, then I’ll keep answering them. I believe the speed of the result reflects the evidence that was presented. We provided screenshots and status shots, 1 team turned up, 1 team didn’t. I don’t think it needs a rocket scientist to work out what the result is here? Once again you judge the admins ability to perform their duty, and by using terms such as “admin circlejerk” would once again highlight your disrespectful attitude towards them. You mister are working yourself up a 10min sin bin in the cooler!

    – Even if I am completely wrong in that regard, one is still left wondering why a match that still could have been played the entire week (4 more days as of today) was issued a default win so fast instead of thinking about other possibilities. And btw, there have always been ways to extend a deadline, but even if ETF2L changed that and is more strict today about matches beeing played within the given time, that still doesn´t explain why there was literally zero discussion about playing it any other day of this week – cause the top of this page still says it has to be “played before August 10th”, and it´s the 7th today.

    It was made pretty clear (the very first comment) that we generally can only play on Mondays. We do try to accommodate for other days but would require some prior notice…not 16 hours before…especially when we gave Germany over 5 days to respond to our requested day.

    – How is it up to you to decide if the Germans weren´t able to play or didn´t want to play? And, while we´re at it, what´s the difference anyway? Two Germans posted here that they wouldn´t be able to play it that night, and that should be enough reason for anyone to try to rearrange it instead of being default hunters. .

    I think we have a right to say we want to play as much as the other team say they don’t…it just so happens they decided to go play with their respective LAN teams than play an arranged official. Does that clear it up?

    so get a grip and read the match comments next time – that will save you a lot of time and embarrasment, and maybe provide us viewers with a match worth watching instead of some sad drama.
    As I said before, I really couldn´t care less about a Nations Cup of an almost dead game between two teams, of which one is clearly better and would have won if things went down the right way

    “…us viewers…dead game…” do you have a split personality or something?
    I could go on critiquing your post but it’s becoming more and more apparent that you’re only here to question everyone’s fucking ability to play a “dead game”. If you’re so keen next season I would suggest putting your name forward for team Germany captain!
    Until then; may I at this point suggest you head over to http://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Kerbal%20Space%20Program ; it’s a fun game where you get lost in space (I hope).

  42. cube said:

    so this is germany´s elite huh

  43. Trane said:

    GG lads shame it wasn’t casted.

    Germany should recruit Nuck purely to schedule matches though, he clearly has a lot of time on his hands.

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