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The Highlander Open

Group 63

Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match has been nullified. Neither team receives any points.

European r/ip vs UnitedStates The Otaku Lords
0 - 0


  1. ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Removed the scheduled date because of missclick and instantanous admin request.

  2. dzisu: r/ip said:

    We’d prefer sunday 13th, about 23 cest or some other day (but monday) around this time, 24 might be too late since it’s 2 maps

  3. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 13 July 2014, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  4. Lazorcat: OtakuL\'s said:

    Hi guys, I moved from the US to somewhere else where the time zone is very different. If yocould choose a time on sunday, I can do it. So basically you choose the time (CEST). Thanks.

  5. dzisu: r/ip said:

    Can we make it 19.30 CEST? World cup final starts at 21…

  6. Edderix: mealo. - r/ip said:

    Lazorcat please accept friend request so we can play this match.

  7. Edderix: mealo. - r/ip said:

    Here is the connect to our server, we are meant to be starting now, but I’ve been unable to contact anyone: connect; password RugcEurope

  8. Edderix: mealo. - r/ip said:

    It’s 2120 CEST now and only one member from Otaku Lords has shown up. I have a status screen shot of at least 8 of /r/ekt on the server and and just 1 of Otaku Lords.

  9. Epic said:

    It appeared as though the leader hasn’t been online for a day or so. He’s been unhelpful in scheduling, and we’re not exactly sure what to do…I apologize for him, as he cannot himself. Hopefully we can resolve this soon. :/

  10. Lazorcat: OtakuL\'s said:

    So sorry I couldn’t make it. Can we reschedule? Hoping for a good match. I will send a proposal and such. Also can you tell me the server name and password (pm me). Thanks.

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