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The Highlander Open

Group 28

Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

European Dingus Party vs Belgium Pioneers
0 - 6


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 27 July 2014, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. Sfs said:

    Hey, can we play at 20:30 ? It would be good for us due to a roster issue

  3. Sfs said:

    i added your leader

  4. Yuval: YN - DBLE said:

    20:00 ca be good :)

  5. Sfs said:

    We can’t at 20c:00

  6. Sfs said:

    We only can play for 20:30ces, no before and after it will be very hard for us. So do you think you can change the hour ?

  7. Yuval: YN - DBLE said:

    i dunno man
    our team is bearly here leader is inactive as hell
    roster is shit
    dunno what to say

  8. Sfs said:

    Connect server: connect fps02.mtxserv.fr:27140 ; password oz
    Connect stv: connect fps02.mtxserv.fr:27145

    GL | HF

  9. Sfs said:

    Dingus Party gave us def win.

  10. Sfs said:

    ZeroZ30o: I know, I missed the match, right?
    ZeroZ30o: Couldn’t do shit about it x.x
    ZeroZ30o est actuellement En ligne.
    Sfs: Np, that arrive for beginner team
    Sfs: Your team didnt play
    ZeroZ30o: W0t
    ZeroZ30o: Fak
    Sfs: can you write on the etf2l page that you gave us def win
    Sfs: Yutal is come on our server for tell this
    Sfs: but he didnt write this on the etf2l page
    Sfs: your deputy, do it
    ZeroZ30o: I’m not writing shit ‘cuz I have no fucking clue on this
    Sfs: lol just ask to your friends if they played
    ZeroZ30o: I’m kinda not in touch with anything that’s happening in the team
    ZeroZ30o: I hardly ever play tf2
    Sfs: your deputy, do you job
    Sfs: yutal gave us def win
    ZeroZ30o: Bahahahah
    Sfs: lol
    ZeroZ30o: My job
    ZeroZ30o: Lol
    Sfs: ok bye.

    He is awesome :’)

  11. Sfs said:

    ZeroZ30o: My job
    ZeroZ30o: Lol
    Sfs: ok bye.
    ZeroZ30o: Take care
    ZeroZ30o: Also
    ZeroZ30o: I’m sorry but I have to do it:
    ZeroZ30o: You’re*
    Sfs: you’re awesome :’)
    Sfs: bye

  12. Yuval: YN - DBLE said:

    they got a deafult win contract admins please

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