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The Highlander Open

Group 18

Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by evil (Anberlin's Rules)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



5 - 0

[Screenshots: N\A ]



12 - 0

[Screenshots: N\A ]

UnitedStates Anberlin's Rules vs UnitedStates Bread-Emic
6 - 0



  • Anberlin's Rules [Minor] Missing, wrong or incomplete status screenshot
  • Bread-Emic [Minor] Missing, wrong or incomplete status screenshot


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 13 July 2014, 02:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. There is a Snake in said:

    Ok, my team can make that date! Thanks! What is the server ip btw?

  3. evil: AR said:

    Can I assume that the timezone is ET? and 2 PM?

  4. evil: AR said:

    Server info: Password: “bread”. We are working on the assumption that it is ET and PM. Can we have one ringer to play as scout? Here is his Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023167820 He does not play scout competitively, so I think it’s not a very large deal.

  5. There is a Snake in said:

    Lol bread, k thanks for the server ip, and I think its CEST so it will be 2:00 am over in Europe, but be 8:00 pm est over here. I’m pretty sure, but I would ask an admin just to makes sure.

  6. evil: AR said:

    Alright, I checked and it looks like that’s correct. So 8 pm EST. We may not need a ringer anymore in that case, but if we do, is the person I mentioned before okay?

  7. There is a Snake in said:

    Yeah, you can if you need to, I really don’t care :P.

  8. There is a Snake in said:

    Wait, what is the mumble server we will be using?

  9. evil: AR said:

    Our team is using my mumble server, I don’t know what you will use. It’s up to you, but ours is only 10 slots at the moment, so we can’t accommodate 2 teams, sorry. BTW We don’t need the ringer as mentioned before.

  10. evil: AR said:

    We’re actually using one “merc” this match. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042508469/

  11. evil: AR said:

    I wasn’t sure whether to put 12-0 or 4-0 for the upward game, because SizzlingStats says 12-0, but TF2 ingame says 4-0. Whatever if an admin sees this, just change it. Also nobody from either team got a screenshot, but I have the server demos, and the precs.

  12. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Dear teams, please submit a status screenshot!

    You can do so at http://etf2l.org/wp-admin/index.php?page=add_screen

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