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The Highlander Open

Group 8

Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Canada PACE Highlander vs UnitedStates GuysWeMadeIt
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B


PACE Highlander (7) Ghostexx, deetz, Tux Yo, IndieGameJudge, Eagle_Peak, Molester Man, Operative M
GuysWeMadeIt (9) Lilshadow48, Korag The Impaler, Castiel, Kso333, Thumper, ghost, fofufu, The Great American S, Brown
Unregistered (4) badwords, jaceyang8, MTC | Kronazo, Shoki


  1. The Great American S said:

    Server address is servechi1.tragicservers.com:27015 and the password is match.

  2. The Great American S said:

    I approve of their mercs, Kronazo and jaceyang8.

  3. The Great American S said:

    Badwords is also a merc, and I approve of him as well.

  4. The Great American S said:

    They used 4 mercs, which I approved of. Kronazo and Jaceyang played for the first map (Gullywash) and Shoki and Badwords played on Lakeside.

  5. ash: (Legend) said:

    Dear PACE Highlander, please register the currently unregistered players or this match may get defaulted!

  6. IndieGameJudge: PACETF2 said:

    Ash, these four players we’re mercs and therefore are not part of the team. Unless there is something I’m missing, we’re not supposed to register mercs, correct?

  7. The Great American S said:

    I think Molester Man is not registered on your roster yet.

  8. JohnnyBambo: #T4F said:

    All players need to be registered on the ETF2L.

    Using an unregistered player is strictly forbidden.

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