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Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 6J

Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Romania GO-ON eSPORTS sponsored by Oldje vs European Video Game Gamer Guys
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


GO-ON eSPORTS sponsored by Oldje (3) bluR-, DiMaggi, Flame
Video Game Gamer Guys (6) Raziell, SUZY, Lt. Steve, sassy, funlover5291, Trynn
Unrostered (3) Gotti, Theoneseeker, korudr3n


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Elite Squad eSports replaced KilerDeeks.

    Week 3 deadlines apply here. (Default Date on Friday 23rd, Match Deadline Sunday 1st).

  2. Trynn: vg said:

    We can play Sunday 25th, Monday 26th, Thursday 29th or Sunday 1st.

  3. bluR-: Pander - TEMU said:

    Thanks for the game guys, really intense match.

    They allowed us to use 3 mercs.

    Trynn: I’m not sure if we get default if you use three mercs or you just get a warning
    V³ drunnky`: we just need 2 players more
    Trynn: Two mercs plus the one I approved earlier, or one more merc?
    V³ drunnky`: two mercs + the last guy your approved :)
    Trynn: Link them
    V³ drunnky`: okay
    V³ drunnky`: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/92336/
    Trynn: Is he playing scout?
    V³ drunnky`: yea
    V³ drunnky`: whatever it’s a team full with mercs
    V³ drunnky`: so we played 1-2 matches together lol
    Trynn: Allowed
    V³ drunnky`: thanks
    V³ drunnky`: next guy
    V³ drunnky`: let me see
    V³ drunnky`: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/59958/
    Trynn: Sure
    V³ drunnky`: thx

  4. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    Since whenn can you use three mercs

  5. ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Default win to Video Game Gamer Guys because of VENI VIDI VICI using too many mercs.

    1.5 No mercs allowed unless your opponent agrees


    A team can use up to a maximum of 2 mercs, even if the opponent would allow the use of more than 2 mercs. This includes players who are still shown as unverified on the team’s roster.

  6. Squig: dcv! said:


  7. bluR-: Pander - TEMU said:


  8. bluR-: Pander - TEMU said:

    @Mentelex, is just a fun season. (srs)

  9. Theoneseeker: #brahs said:


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