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Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 3C

Week 2

Round commencing: -
This match is affected by one or more wildcards.

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



3 - 5

[Screenshots: N\A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: N\A ]

France Pulse_ vs Wales yurostompers
0 - 6

SourceTV: Active Wildcards:



  • Map 2 (cp_badlands): Source TV [Pruned] by IcEb3rG (59 Downloads)
  • Map 1 (cp_gullywash_final1): Source TV [Pruned] by IcEb3rG (61 Downloads)


  1. IcEb3rG said:


    Sunday 25th 21:00 cet ?

  2. IcEb3rG said:

    or Friday 23th 21:00 cet

    thank you

  3. IcEb3rG said:

    connect; password pv

  4. IcEb3rG said:

    you accept this merc? (playing Med)


    thank you

  5. IcEb3rG said:

    00:44 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: you accept this merc? (playing Med)
    00:45 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: for server
    00:45 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: you have ?
    00:45 – not dingo: uhh
    00:45 – not dingo: our server will be in chicago
    00:46 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: connect; password pv
    00:46 – not dingo: yeah thats fine
    00:46 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: its ok for your team ?
    00:46 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: ok nice :D
    00:46 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: for merc is ok ?
    00:46 – not dingo: ya
    00:46 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: ok thank you very much

  6. IcEb3rG said:

    20:55 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: http://etf2l.org/matches/51664/
    20:55 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: possibility to play friday 23th ?
    20:55 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: is better
    20:55 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: 21:00cet
    20:56 – dingod: uhh
    20:56 – dingod: team leader not here
    20:56 – dingod: should be fine but idk
    20:57 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: when your leader is online
    20:57 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: speak with him ok ?
    20:57 – dingod: ya
    20:57 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: and come speak with me plz :)
    20:57 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: thank you very much
    lundi 19 mai 2014
    04:22 – dingod: friday isnt ok
    17:50 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: hi
    17:50 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: nice :)
    17:51 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: 3. IcEb3rG proposed to play at 23/05/2014 21:00
    17:51 – Pulse_IcEb3rG: thank you very much

  7. IcEb3rG said:

    Sorry two players not available rrrr :(

  8. mason: iSlam said:

    its friday go outside

  9. McKoston: (ETF2L Donator) - tbd - mon said:

    Go Pulse !

  10. 1pt: CC said:

    Bonne chance!

  11. amppis: DTR said:

    woo go frenchies!

  12. IcEb3rG said:

    thanks <3

  13. IcEb3rG said:

    STV PUBLIC (128 slots) connect

  14. mason: iSlam said:


  15. Bape: iSlam said:


  16. loopster said:

    thug life :)

  17. mason: iSlam said:

    u guys should probably fire ur manager if he cant manage to report the match

    or is this the french strat of “if we dont admit we lost it never happened?”

    what a lame country-based circlejerk

  18. mason: iSlam said:

    gully 5-3 us
    blands 5-0 us


  19. mason: iSlam said:

    man this website is tough to use oh well at least u guys have some cool backgrounds to try out

    maybe we need a manager this is really hard

  20. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Minor warnings to both teams for flaming and abusive chat. Only use chat in a constructive manner.

    Another minor warning to yurostompers for violating class limits during two rounds.

  21. JohnnyBambo: #T4F said:

    In addition, both teams need to submit all the necessary screenshots:

    a status screenshot and the score board screenshots from both maps.

    You can add these screenshots here:


  22. Bape: iSlam said:

    gg france some of the funnest and easiest games of tf2 i have ever played! :) <3 i cant wait to play again <3 :D

  23. Bape: iSlam said:

    just dont call me a n***er ever again or i will report you to authorities :D

  24. loopster said:

    you want to play and rape etf2l ok. but first, learn our rules and how to submit result. second. try to be more respectfull ( ok you are better than div 3 but men up ladies you look like stupid kids).
    I don t understand why Pulse took warning here. it was the same history for our match

  25. mason: iSlam said:

    ash whats the violation for calling a team with multiple black players on it niggers?

    whats the violation for not setting up your server config properly and not telling the other team about it?

    whats the violation for pausing and unpausing twice without telling the other team?

    just so were on the same page

  26. loopster said:

    GG pulse btw :)

  27. mason: iSlam said:

    also i will never be respectful towards racist ass sore loser lan ping-having div 3 french players who have a fucking manager and are apparently part of some kind of e sports organization

  28. Bape: iSlam said:

    we have them handicap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o2TZrGkfZA#t=77

  29. Bape: iSlam said:

    i am god

  30. Xabi said:

    Do you even realize how stupid and how far this shit has gone ?

    I haven’t played this game but it seems like you guys have serious issues, it’s only a game. So I’d advise you to shut it and play.

  31. Bape: iSlam said:

    we did play, we rolled ur team

  32. loopster said:


  33. Bape: iSlam said:

    with 200 ping

  34. mason: iSlam said:

    “Xabi: Pulse_ said:
    May 27th, 2014 at 23:59

    Do you even realize how stupid and how far this shit has gone ?

    I haven’t played this game but it seems like you guys have serious issues, it’s only a game. So I’d advise you to shut it and play.”

    ur failure prone french circlejerk is so fuckin sore about losing u wont even post the screenshots/correct score of it

    im fairly sure u give more of a shit


  35. Tim said:

    Go back to macdonald and stop shitstomping players that basically play 3 divisions under yours

  36. Tim said:

    And u pretend to be good. Damn

  37. Bape: iSlam said:

    french people get so emotional after gettin shit on

  38. Mista said:

    reading from those logs, i rarely saw such a bunch of assholes in tf2! omfg how entertaining thx guys :D

    also must be obsessed or tramautised ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) by frenchies judging on how many times they mention “french french french”

    but most importantly, probably are just lil kids )))

  39. Bape: iSlam said:

    wtf lol

  40. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:


  41. Kemor said:

    http://etf2l.org/matches/45046/ 8)

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