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Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Premiership Division

Week 5

Round commencing: -
This match is affected by one or more wildcards.

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Whiteglow (Lethal Weapon)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Russia 4-25 vs Russia Lethal Weapon
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


Lethal Weapon (6) HYS, ShaDowBurn, atomic-, Whiteglow, YanG "Пальмира", Forsak3n
4-25 (6) Dikker, sid vicious, skappa, Shyyou, lippy, Death


  • Map 2 (koth_pro_viaduct_rc4): Source TV [Pruned] by Death (171 Downloads)
  • Map 1 (cp_process_final): Source TV [Pruned] by Death (163 Downloads)


  1. Forsak3n: S said:


  2. Death said:

    thurs 12

  3. Death said:


  4. Whiteglow said:


  5. Death said:


  6. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 15 June 2014, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  7. ash: (Legend) said:

    Ignore the original default date notification please, the current default date is the correct one.

  8. Whiteglow said:

    What’s wrong with u? This Default date is for week 6

  9. Death said:

    This match must be scheduled before Jun 5th, 23:59 and played before Jun 15th, 23:59

  10. Hedšūteris: plēve said:

    atomic, atlaižu kuponus var dabūt no GGWP stora? :D

  11. Cholera: RS said:

    GL, GGWP.pro!

  12. samuraiskipp said:

    ggwp.pro bez msh fail :^(

  13. Zinson: урот said:

    Opyat viaduct. DEFEAM WG

  14. TWEEKARN\: ez-sports.ru said:

    russland vinder

  15. Alezilon: TC.Express said:


  16. Spot: NAPO said:

    gl russians

  17. ian: WJM said:

    omg lol trollface ruski gonna play zis game

    1. gl ggwp.pro, rekt ’em all
    2. drops: dikker (1), wg (1)
    3. atomic gunna trade gibus during the game

  18. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been used for this match by 4-25.

    You must reschedule this match before June 19, 2014 CEST and play it before June 29, 2014 CEST.

  19. Death said:


  20. Shyyou: 4-25 - ⇗upp⇙ said:

    sory pacany y deza koshka rojaet (c) msh velikolepny

  21. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    wow they should really remove wildcards

  22. empty said:

    так и скажи,что зассал пёс

  23. Death said:

    a ti kto?:o

  24. YanG "Пальмира" said:

    empty PAKETA

  25. Dego: pis`ka said:

    xD empty PAKETA

  26. Death said:

    burn tashi,fors sosi <3

  27. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:

    po4 v odin den’ s epsi, syka kogo smotret’ teper’?

  28. maxxx.lfc: ⇗upp⇙ said:

    россию с алжиром

  29. Forsak3n: S said:

    skappa pizdec strong

  30. Mr. Tinkertrain said:

    последний раунд збс был!

  31. Death said:

    ggwp pacani voobshe krasavci,forsaken voobshe krasavec,moget,burn toje krasava,voobshem gl v play-offe guys,a ny i da eto horosho chto wg dropnyl ot mena <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  32. Whiteglow said:


  33. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:


  34. Shyyou: 4-25 - ⇗upp⇙ said:

    300 kilov za karty? legko.Gg wp epta.

  35. Collaide said:

    I like kensi pls help him

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