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Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 6K

Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Handrew (Flower Gaming)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Hungary Lagg & Luck vs European Flower Gaming
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Flower Gaming (5) AwniaLight, Skive, Black, Handrew, Hellblazer
Lagg & Luck (5) Koversa, wS Pepsiman, TAPSí, Komcsi, ETAG
Unrostered (2) madc12341, S!MON


  1. Handrew: swole. - BANTER! said:

    Official on sunday at 19 cest ( 20cet ) ?

  2. Handrew: swole. - BANTER! said:

    Sir Poopington The 3rd: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/65063/
    ll» tapsika: ő lenne a medicetek?
    ll» tapsika: a merc ugye
    Sir Poopington The 3rd: Igen
    ll» tapsika: na ná jöhet úgy is akartam ellene még 2 meccset menni :3

  3. S!MON: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    gg, good luck in the future!

  4. ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Dear teams, you are either missing turbine result screenshots, submitted the score incorrectly (it can only be 1-2 or 2-1 or a golden cap) or you only played one round of Turbine, instead of the best of three as stated by the rules. If it’s the latter – please play those missing turbine rounds and contact an admin to submit the final score line.

    Check the ETF2L rules page for details as to how to play Turbine, and feel free to request admin support on IRC if you need further assistance.

    4.5 Capture-the-files maps

    On capture-the-files (CTF) maps each team has a suitcase with intelligence files in his base. Both teams need to defend their own files while capturing the enemy’s files and bring them to their own base. CTF maps are played as best of 3 rounds. Please use the ETF2L CTF config. Examples for this map type are ctf_turbine_pro_rc2 and ctf_doublecross.

    4.5.1 Timelimit: 3x 10 minutes

    Each round uses a timelimit of 10 minutes.

    4.5.2 Winlimit: First to 5, best of 3

    If a team reaches 5 captures on a CTF map, that team wins the round. If no team manages to capture the intelligence 5 times during the 10 minutes timelimit, the team with more captures wins the round. The first team to win 2 rounds within 3 rounds total wins the map.

    4.5.3 Golden Cap: Decider round in case of a draw

    If after 3 rounds there is no clear winner (1-1 or 0-0) , a golden cap round with no timelimit (mp_timelimit 0) and a winlimit of 1 has to be played. The first team to capture one intelligence suitcase wins the golden cap. If neither team captures the intelligence until the time runs out, the golden cap round is repeated until a winner is decided. The winner of a map that ended with a golden cap round gets 2 points, the loser gets 1 point.

  5. ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Please play the remaining turbine rounds before June 8th.

  6. Khaos said:

    We need too arrange something to play the remaining rounds.
    you can add me so we can discuss it

  7. Khaos said:

    ˡ&ˡ T-Apsi: mond nyugodtan
    Road to Autism level: csak annyi, elvileg vasárnapig le kellene tolnunk
    Road to Autism level: ti ragaszkodtok ahhoz hogy lejátszuk, vagy kiegyezhetnénk egy def státuszban
    Road to Autism level: aka Blazerék akarnának def wint.
    Road to Autism level: ugyanis lesz 3 meccsünk az elkövetkezendő 3 napban
    Road to Autism level: turbine-t lszámítva.
    Road to Autism level: Mindezt persze a major warning kikerülése érdekében
    ˡ&ˡ T-Apsi: nyugodtan

  8. Khaos said:

    20:37 – Road to Autism level: they’re okay with def loss.
    20:38 – Road to Autism level: tho I have no clue what he should do further on with admins etc
    20:38 – Who isn’t? H: rofl me either
    20:38 – Road to Autism level: could you talk to him?

  9. Khaos said:

    20:42 – Road to Autism level: basically ‘we either play our match again till sunday, or get major warnings, if you ‘Lagg n’ luck’ guys wish to play the round, all right, but we would stay in a def win for Who Isnt.

  10. Handrew: swole. - BANTER! said:

    20:42 – Road to Autism level: Tapsi “nyugodtan=sure thing”
    agreeing to take a default lose on the none played round

  11. Handrew: swole. - BANTER! said:

    Road to Autism level: Tapsi “nyugodtan=sure thing”
    agreeing to take a default lose on the none played round

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