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Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 5H

Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Feyne (MTF.Gaming)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 4 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]

Luxembourg MTF.Gaming vs European Monkey-Gamers
4 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A


MTF.Gaming (5) meth0d, cobz, Feyne, Sam, wardemon
Monkey-Gamers (4) L-iNC, action-, Warmaster, Jawsjack
Unrostered (3) edicius, Akasazh, Hysteria


  1. L-iNC said:

    How about Sunday 29th at 21cest?

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 29 June 2014, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. Feyne: NASA said:

    hi, we prefer to play tuesday or thursday at 21 cet, before 21 cet is basically impossibru for us

  4. Yuval: YN - DBLE said:


  5. Feyne: NASA said:

    Feyne.mtf: we need a soldier merc
    Feyne.mtf: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/77952/
    Feyne.mtf: can we use him?
    Linc: sure

  6. L-iNC said:

    your merc is fine, can we have aka? http://etf2l.org/forum/user/4461/

  7. Feyne: NASA said:

    we allow him

  8. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    M T F

  9. cobz said:

    I G N I S

  10. Feyne: NASA said:

    probably gonna jump off a bridge now, luckiest win ever

  11. cobz said:

    meh, was fun. Good luck next season !

  12. L-iNC said:

    Good games, good luck in the future.

    21:12 –  -[MG]- Linc : can we has this guy http://etf2l.org/forum/user/43488/
    21:15 – Feyne.mtf: what class?
    21:15 –  -[MG]- Linc : pocket solly
    21:15 – Feyne.mtf: sec im checking
    21:17 – Feyne.mtf: we allow him
    21:17 –  -[MG]- Linc : cool thanks

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