Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Premiership Division
Grand Final
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

5 - 2
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2 - 3
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6 - 2
[Screenshots: N\A ]
Made In Germany <3 Admirable <3 Thun
The Last Resort
6 - 3
SteamID Screenshots: A
Made In Germany <3 Admirable <3 Thun | (6) byte, GeaR, kaidus, basH., Mike, smziii |
The Last Resort | (5) HYS, KnOxXx, Rake, Mirelin, kalhó |
Unrostered | (1) BeaVerN |
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Hello Made in Germany and The Last Resort,
This is the Grand Final of Season 17 powered by Tt eSports, the winner will go home with €500 and 6 Tt Cronos Headsets, while the loser will walk away with €300 and 6 Tt Theron Gaming Mice.
The maps will be chosen in Loser’s Pick format, Made in Germany have the higher seed and get to choose the first map.
Please read Rule 1.10.6 from Season 17 Rules.
1.10.6 Default Dates in Premiership Playoffs and Tiebreakers
All teams must submit 3 available days for a playoff match at least 2 days before the start of the match week (i.e. before Friday 23:59). If the days submitted by both teams overlap, the default date is issued to one of the overlapping days based on admin discretion. If the days submitted by teams do not overlap, the default date is issued to the day not submitted by either team.
Please submit 3 playing days between Sunday 6th and Sunday 13th inclusive to an admin before Saturday 23:59 CEST, so we can set a suitable default date.
Good luck!
tues wed thurs
priority to thurs
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Thursday, 10 April 2014, 21:15
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
Preview article
Casted by CommanderX & WARHURYEAH with myself on cam for TeamFortress.TV
yey hype yey
you got this kaidusdorito
Top match of the season, good luck! Dat game :) will be terrific
gl emilio
go big kalho
gl mig!
gl tlr!
source TV ?
stv please
Good finale, well played :)
After the shittalk at the end I’m not surprised competitive TF2 isn’t taken more seriously, though… That was really low for the supposedly best two teams of Europe.
Selek, you are reading in to that way to deep, look at other competitive games and tell me there’s no shit talk, EVERY game has it and bad blood between players and teams.
The problem was down to myself and commanders end, we knew there would be shit talk and were promoting it and drawing more attention to it so I apologize. It would have been a better idea to bring them in separately so it ends on a more lighter and constructive note.
right, cause all professionals of every sport and esport don’t talk shittalk… what we said was tame, mate
selek 4Head
Bring back Arx and Beta!
VODs etc.
I can’t really imagine e.g. Na’Vi’s Puppey calling Alliance’s s4 an “emotionless and soulless shitter” at The International. But I have seen worse in the CoD community, true. Either way, if there are no hard feelings, I suppose it’s not too bad.
Be it as it may, congratulations mig :)
would be cool if you guys could just get better so the good scene grows instead of getting smaller every season – i think thats one of the bigger reasons this game dies slowly
Can we get the STV-demos please? Would be much appreciated.
Epsilon is back ;)
Dear teams, please submit the results of this match. Including all necessary screenshots and the stv demos.
And remember these rules:
this one here:
and last but not least:
Upload the results and STV!
i would like to put in results n stuff but maybe fix your matchpage/site first
The site is fine.
you cant submit results since the match isnt linked to the respective Teams
i had to get sonnyblack to submit results etc
besides that i submitted results for other games this season as far as i know without being leader….
stv demos
since the first link doesnt work for a lot of people use this one
someone in here is using internet explorer, sniff