Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Premiership Division
Playoff Round 2
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by kustom3 (Awsomniac)

2 - 3
[Screenshots: N\A ]
The Last Resort
5 - 4
SteamID Screenshots: A
Awsomniac | (7) dmoule, Exon., T-Mac, Tek, Flippy, Bulle, kustom3 |
The Last Resort | (6) HYS, KnOxXx, Rake, Kiler4fun, Mirelin, kalhó |
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Hi The Last Resort and Awsomniac
This is the second round of the Premiership Playoffs. Maps are decided by Loser’s Pick. The Last Resort have the higher seed and thus pick the first map.
Please read Rule 1.10.6 from Season 17 Rules.
1.10.6 Default Dates in Premiership Playoffs and Tiebreakers
All teams must submit 3 available days for a playoff match at least 2 days before the start of the match week (i.e. before Friday 23:59). If the days submitted by both teams overlap, the default date is issued to one of the overlapping days based on admin discretion. If the days submitted by teams do not overlap, the default date is issued to the day not submitted by either team.
Please submit 3 available days between Sunday 30rd and Sunday 6th inclusive before Friday 23:59 CEST so we can set a suitable default date.
Good luck!
ETF2L might want to consider making a news post this time when this is scheduled and confirmed. I thought the playoffs might be deemed significant enough, what with sponsors prizes being at stake and all that? :D
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Thursday, 03 April 2014, 21:15
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
jvois pas l’intérêt de jouer ce match alors que glp c’est le meilleur
Go frenchies
Casted tonight by MotusTV :
dat game! :)
Awesome game
made me stay up longer than I wanted, but it was all worth it, what a game
Submit results please!
Dear teams, please upload the missing scoreboard screenshot and please upload the stv demos