Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Highlander Season 6 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 3

Week 3

Round commencing: -
This match is affected by one or more wildcards.

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Xaah_ (sBooB Team)



0 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

European 30 Percent vs France sBooB Team
0 - 6

SourceTV: http://www.twitch.tv/vvaze
Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


30 Percent (8) Hammock, Burn, Morphine, Boob Lee, Bejcn, Mr.Palmsky, Haydn, aron
sBooB Team (9) Noomiii, kraghann, Glastry, Xaah_, DivCorleone, Osman, Unato, Ulysse, NULL
Unrostered (1) Leftism


  1. Ulysse said:

    We can play Friday 28/03/2014 at 21:00 CET

  2. Ulysse said:

    Both opponent leaders have blocked me on steam for unknown reasons for several weeks now, and refuse to speak to me to organize this match. We are unable to disguss a date. We see this as an on puprose unwillingness to make the match happen in good circumstances, and we regret it.

  3. Taylor Swift said:

    https://i.imgur.com/KgiKT4M.png Maybe if you’d use the date proposing system correctly. Because, you know… I can propose the same date over and over again too. Stop trying to create drama out of bullshits. Now if you’d stop being childish and actually propose a date. We can’t play on fridays (members of the team not available). We can play on Sundays, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  4. Xaah_: Pedro said:

    Hard to you to give your available without crying ?

    I’ll contact you soon I have our available.

  5. Taylor Swift said:

    I’m obviously the one crying there. I bet “logic” isn’t part of your vocabulary.

  6. Ulysse said:

    We are still gathering our team mates availabilites, so be ready to have an answer tomorow or the day after that.

    However, please, let’s not add to drama. You want to block us on steam even if we would need it to organize properly, fine, but let’s try to be adults here instead of drama queens. We want to make this match happen in the best circumstances possibles, given your “anger” against us.

    Just to be sure, since you guys are the home team, can we play on your server please?

  7. Taylor Swift said:

    I too want this match in best conditions but first you should stop with the hatred comments here and there. No anger towards you (should I remind you who started this?!). Anyway We don’t have a server but we could rent one, test it on the d-day and if the pings are bad just switch to an etf2l one. Un-blocking you, it will be easier.

  8. 1pt: CC said:

    sboob drama everywhere :D

  9. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    French drama in english.

  10. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been used for this match by 30 Percent.

    You must reschedule this match before April 4, 2014 CEST and play it before April 13, 2014 CEST.

  11. Taylor Swift said:

    Missing players issues

  12. Mista said:

    putain j’ai plus de popcorn lààààà :D

    en + taylor s’en bat lek maintenant apparemment il a leave sa team??

    + de drama pls =(

    du sang :D

  13. Ulysse said:

    This match is going to be casted by VVAZE : http://www.twitch.tv/vvaze

  14. Ulysse said:

    They asked for an inappropriate merc (Lazyfinger, the famous heavy), which we refused, regarding to this rule :

    1.5 No mercs allowed unless your opponent agrees

    “Mercs” or “ringers” are players that are not on the roster of your team. Teams may not use a merc at any time of a match unless their opponent has agreed to it. If a team does not have enough players for a scheduled match and want to use a merc, they must contact the opponent in time. If the opponent agrees, make sure a log of the agreement is taken and provided in the match comments. All mercs have to be registered on ETF2L. Teams caught using an unregistered merc, or a merc without their opponent’s permission, will receive a default loss and a warning.

    17:06 – ᵗᴮᴷ: we’re most likely gonna need a merc btw
    17:07 – sB | Ulysse: tell me who as soon as you can please, so we can check him :)
    17:07 – ᵗᴮᴷ: it’ll be lazyfinger
    17:07 – sB | Ulysse: :O
    17:09 – sB | Ulysse: i don’t think that he matches the “equal experience” standard, he is way too good for a merc, i’m afraid we would have to refuse
    17:09 – ᵗᴮᴷ: tbf that’d mean i play demo
    17:10 – sB | Ulysse: still, such a player as merc, we can’t agree, that would completely change the balance of your roster, that’s not what mercs are supposed to be

  15. bejcn: :elephant: said:

    [17:28] we admins cannot and will not judge individual skill based on whatever, we can only judge based on divisions they’ve been active in.
    [17:28] and if he is good enough to sub in div2, we’ll consider him div2
    [17:30] if you can find a merc who has never played above div3 you can get him as default merc.
    [17:30] Well I asked them for Lazyfinger too
    [17:30] who hasn’t played past Div 3
    [17:30] and they’re saying the exact same stuff
    [17:30] http://etf2l.org/forum/user/69109/
    [17:30] ?
    [17:30] Yeah that guy
    [17:31] they need to allow him as default merc.
    [17:31] Right
    [17:31] cheers

    1.5 One merc allowed by default and up to 3 mercs if the opponent agrees

  16. Ulysse said:

    1.5 One merc allowed by default and up to 3 mercs if the opponent agrees

    One mercenary is allowed by default and up to 3 mercenaries are allowed if the opposing team agrees. In order for your merc to be allowed by default, he cannot be more experienced than your team overall. Experience in other leagues is included. Opponents can allow exceptions. To use more than one merc, you will need specific approval from the opponent for each merc.

    They want Lazyfinger : http://puu.sh/80VW3.png
    He went in : itsallgood, chessclub, and plays for one round wonders.
    He is one of the best heavies currently playing, he has a lot of experience in platinum and prem teams, we do NOT consider him as a valid default merc, and we strongly disagree with letting him merc in div 3, regarding to the above quoted rule.

  17. Osman: 3.5 said:

    [18:53] It has been ruled he cannot be a def merc in Div 3 as he has experience at a much higher level in UGC plat which we consider to be roughly div 1

  18. bejcn: :elephant: said:


    Change of plan on the defualt merc then

  19. Ulysse said:

    Leftism is a valid default merc, we gladly agree to let him play on this match, and we deplore such a drama was necessary to come to a proper agreement. Good luck to our opponent however, and let’s try to make this a great match to be cast !


  20. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Totally impartial cast. :’)

  21. 1pt: CC said:

    UGC plat is like div 1 ? LOL

  22. Xaah_: Pedro said:

    Logs :

  23. NULL said:

    ça vous dira pas d’arrêter de vous la ramener non ?

    Btw GG 30% gl for the rest of the season

  24. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

    “He is one of the best heavies currently playing, he has a lot of experience in platinum and prem teams”

    I completely lost it

  25. Mista said:

    putain je voulais + de drama j’ai été servi :D

    haha solid :D

  26. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    Lazyfinger hasn’t played above div 3 in ETF2L, though.

  27. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Even admins are joining the drama.

    Let it happen.

  28. Hajdzik: SUAVY - ㄕサ said:

    Yep they shouldn’t have troubles accepting LazyFinger as a merc and after admins responding that they can’t deny him there should be no discussion UGC is other league so you can’t use that argument that he played in Platinum, because it’s etf2l.

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