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Highlander Season 6 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 1

Week 1

Round commencing: -
This match is affected by one or more wildcards.

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Toba (The Breakfast Club)



2 - 1 (golden cap)

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2 - 1 (golden cap)

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European PremTech vs European The Breakfast Club
4 - 2

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


PremTech (7) Bear, ShaDowBurn, jwso, polar, ReseF, Tseini, BAITO
The Breakfast Club (9) Reservoir Dog, frothybrew, san alex, Toba, Stary, Goreston, JoeN, kaptain, NOOB_4_EVER
Unrostered (2) quell, quintosh


  1. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    We are currently discussing the availability of our team for the dates 14.3/15.3 and 16.3.

  2. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    We would prefer 14. or 15. at 21cet. 16. is unable for most of us

  3. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    Friday 14th at 21cet ok?

  4. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    It´s good.

  5. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Maito: can we use this guy as a merc in the official 14th day? http://etf2l.org/forum/user/39321/
    Joe: sure
    Maito: cool

    ^^Going to use quell as merc pyro in the match.

  6. Cobz said:

    omfg, we gonna be famous and have girlz ;ç;

  7. quell: UbeR | said:


  8. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    We are gonna need a heavy or demo merc

  9. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    Yeah, sorry we have to use a wildcard. Pyro’s pc broke, Joenufc (maincaller/Demo) has no internet and scout and engi are missing in action.

  10. Cobz said:


  11. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    it has to be either 23th or 30th at 20Cet or 2030cet.

  12. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Nope, those days are reserved for the next 2 officials, as you wildcarded this, we gotta play it during the week starting 24th day>>>>>>> pick a day and be happy. Also we can´t play earlier than 21 cet without bunch of merc´s.

  13. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    we can’t do thursdays, since we have officials then. It has to be either a wednesday at 2030cet or a saturday (time doesn’t matter). Or a sunday at 2030cet?

  14. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    so maybe saturday 22th or saturday 29th?

  15. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    Update: IT HAS TO BE saturday 22th (preferably) at 21cet or saturday 29th at 21cet. And no we don’t approve the usage of Steve and Candle in this match. But we approve quell as we did before.

  16. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    #Toba2scared + let´s see when we play, will solve it soon.

  17. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    Says the guy who denied our heavy mercs on friday

  18. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    and also denied the much needed engi merc on friday, since our sub engi couldn’t play in the friday official

  19. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    I remember telling u on the end that u can use whatever merc´s and soz, but u said u can´t play without 4 main players, so the merc´s weren´t a prob

  20. quell: UbeR | said:

    “And no we don’t approve the usage of Steve and Candle in this match. But we approve quell as we did before.”


  21. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    ? O_o

  22. Jwso: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:



  23. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    It seems that our engineer can´t do this one in time tomorrow unless we are going to play it way later. So another merc is needed. Can we use quintosh as engi merc then http://etf2l.org/forum/user/63260/ ?

  24. Kkeepo said:

    stv ?

  25. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    Allowed mercs so far quell (pyro) and quintosh (engineer)

  26. Jon: ETF said:

    Casted by Mia & sigafoo on BlackOut TV

  27. stephen said:

    premtech vinder

  28. Marty: lala said:

    DM-wise, Premtech has this in the bag.

    However, it is cp_steel we’re talking about – so you never know!

  29. Reservoir dog: TC.Express said:


  30. Reservoir dog: TC.Express said:

    GG wp, was tense. :)

  31. Bear: BM Kappa - <3 said:

    Good game guys! <3

  32. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:


  33. Tuto: 8-) said:

    my favourite div 1 team doing well


  34. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Interesting gameeeees

  35. Asaaj said:


  36. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    did we get Sh4D0wBurn3D? :D

  37. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:

    gg,was intense.
    finally this map is over B)

  38. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:



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