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Highlander Season 6 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Premiership Division

Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Norway itsallgood vs Ireland Stacked
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Stacked (9) rouHe, Admirable, MUSA, Unlimited, TausoN, b33p, smziii, sorex, Raf
itsallgood (8) kKaltUu, Rudey, Lenny, inso, fanny_filth, Bulow, Hutchy, Lazybear


  1. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    Proposed Sunday 27th at 21 CEST.

  2. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Sunday is probably the best for both teams

  3. Hutchy: :3 - :Blinky: said:


  4. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    sniper pov: http://www.twitch.tv/fanny_filth

  5. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    yey fanny \o/

  6. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Hey, we’re still waiting on the server.

  7. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    We have claimed the default win as I said on the server.

    “A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    For claiming a Default Win, please make a status screenshot of your team available on the server at match time, gather any evidence you think concludes the case (demos or server logs) and contact an admin about the issue as soon as possible.”

    We have supplied the evidence to the admins.

  8. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    rofl they were 8, you should have asked them to ready up at 15 with 8, and wait for the last to join mid game.

    Plus when they asked you 5 extra minutes you didnt even dare answer.

  9. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    well I’m not admin or anything heh, I just think it’s kind of mean to flee a game like this.

  10. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:


  11. Candle said:

    classic stacked.

  12. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    I think I made myself perfectly clear on the server.

    They could have played with 8 yes, but they failed “to have a complete team [b]ready[/b] on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start”.

  13. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    paly or ban

  14. Vampirion: iH said:


  15. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:


  16. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    stacked again, how am i not surprised…….

  17. irfx: EPA said:

    lol hl drama

  18. jakeowaty said:


  19. nijoonen: Gaston - 8-) said:

    Game of the year

  20. ThaZimmer said:

    Jesus stacked… New levels reached now.

  21. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:


  22. ThaZimmer said:

    http://img.pandawhale.com/post-22308-Youre-not-wrong-Youre-just-an-NJ28.png – beep

  23. rouHe said:

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  24. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    We don’t want a default win. This is prem, where we are supposed to set an example for the rest of the league. I know it’s your last official so let’s make it a proper one. We were 8 ready to go at 21:15 and was not forced to ready up nor even asked to do so, with no indication that you guys were in a hurry until you say “claiming def win” and left 30 seconds after at 21:15. We got our merc Puzzle in litterally 21:16 and was just sitting with 9 on the server for at least an hour waiting. This is all on the vod from fannys stream. You were told by the head admin to join and play the game and you never showed.

    Let’s play videogames? This just create negative drama to try to get def wins the second you see a potential possibility.

  25. Hutchy: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  26. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:


  27. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    conflicting information from different league admins who i would assume should all be on the same page when it comes to rules, interesting how this will end now, nevertheless i dont think anyone in stacked cares about the actual result of this since we wouldnt change our position in the tables anyways.

    long story short we cba to wait and tried to end the game according to the rules which was allowed by admins but then disallowed by different admins afterwards

  28. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    iag’s summary:
    we had 8, st left, we were amazed wow, stacked left, we even got a 9th, started and… nothing
    admins+head admins told stacked to rejoin the server, they fucked off, we claimed default after more than an hour of waiting. check fanny’s stream to see what happened.

    currently listening to pancake’s reading of 50 shades, something about spreading asscheeks.

  29. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    Bulow asking to wait for muuki and we did not agree to wait http://puu.sh/8pWHo.png

    itsallgood attempt at cropping chat to cover up Admirable saying Stacked would not wait, and would claim a default if they weren’t ready to play:

    What actually happened in game chat at the time: https://i.imgur.com/C5MicpV.png

    stacked ready 15 minutes after the game was supposed to start: https://i.imgur.com/GudQdLR.png

    status: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/579020457700698792/9A4A20C70E507AE021A94CB9F4F5D3070C776083/

    The rule: “If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win”.


  30. rouHe said:

    “currently listening to pancake’s reading of 50 shades, something about spreading asscheeks.”
    Pls record that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  31. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Stacked definitely deserves the win. The rules clearly state that you may claim a default win if the other team doesn’t have a full team after 15 minutes. Since there is evidence that itsallgood didn’t have their full team ready until as late as 21:16, more than one minute after Stacked was allowed to claim a forfeit win, and itsallgood didn’t take the option to play with 8 players at 21:15, I believe that there are no mitigating factors in itsallgood’s defense. It is sad that a top premiership team can not follow simple rules and have to resort using their admin friends to make decisions in their favour. If the scoreline says anything other than a default win to stacked we can establish that the admin team is either corrupt or incompetent.


  32. Grenja: //rawr said:

    Stacked are a bunch of arseholes for doing this but technically they’re right. This entire situation is stupid.

  33. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    I’m not sure if I’m right Ondkaja, but the opposing team has to ask you to start with 8 players, here they just left.

  34. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Spycy, can you find exactly where in the rules it specifically says that you have to ask the opposing team to ready up with 8 players before you can claim a default? I’m very sure that you are NOT right.

  35. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:


  36. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Well I mean, you cant be like, “You guys didnt state you want to play with 8, so we’re just taking the def now and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
    Playing on the rules is nice if you know what you are doing, rules say you can take the def if the team isnt ready after 15 mins, and a team is considered ready with 8 players. IAG were 8 tho, right?

  37. Grenja: //rawr said:

    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    2.1.3 Minimum of 8 players needed to play a match

    If you are not able to field 9 players you can choose to play 8 vs 9. If you are not able to field 8 players, a default win will be given to the opposing team.

    Problem is here; the rules never state what a “complete team ready” entails. It’s implied that means 9. Meaning stacked would be correct.

    This weirdness in the rules needs to be corrected.

  38. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    Rules are rules.


  39. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Yeah I think there’s the problem, if complete means 9 or a team is already considered complete with 8.

  40. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    com·plete (kəm-plēt′)
    adj. com·plet·er, com·plet·est
    1. Having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps; entire: a complete meal.


  41. ETF2L Staff said:

    Hi teams,

    Given the situation we have no choice but to force a reschedule of this match, here are some things to note;

    Since you are able to play with 8 players, as clearly stated in the rules, then 8 or 9 players is a complete team. You could intentionally turn up and play a match with 8 players if you wanted, it still counts as a complete team.

    3.4 A delay of 15 minutes is allowed
    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    Therefore Stacked had no right to claim a Default Win, since Itsallgood had 8 players on which counts as a complete team, and should have simply asked an admin what to do if the other team is not readying up.

    Trying to a claim a default an hour and a half after the scheduled start time is illogical and in the given circumstances will be ignored.

    Please re-schedule this match by Tuesday 29th May, and play it before Sunday May 4th.

  42. Arcticcu said:

    guys remember this is serious esports professional gaming gotta use all the rules to ur advantage!!!! you might get enough money to buy a cheeseburger after season

  43. quell: UbeR | said:

    roflll is this div6?

  44. Tuto: 8-) said:

    This is what you get for not letting me play :( #benched2raf

    now can i play the reschedule game pls

  45. Rob!: TROLLIED - [T-A!] said:

    more tears please. mmmm delicious.

  46. LaZy Luk said:

    Stacked should have got the default win then teams would learn to take the rules seriously and this nonsense would not occur in the future.

  47. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Next time, just ask us to ready up?

    Would you really pull this shit in 6s prem? In a casted game? Think about it.

  48. TausoN said:

    Not knowing the rules is not an excuse to not apply them.
    But the funny thing is we all knew, including them, that they could have readied up with 8 and what the consequences could be if they didn’t, so there is no reason to ask them to ready up.

    We shouldn’t have to ask an admin what to do if the other team doesn’t ready up since the rules are clear about it:
    “For claiming a Default Win, please make a status screenshot of your team available on the server at match time, gather any evidence you think concludes the case (demos or server logs) and contact an admin about the issue as soon as possible.”

    As Admirable already stated, the main reason why we claimed the default win is because they were not ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start.
    Also, b33p posted all the information needed in the screenshots, where even a league admin who’s playing in their team tried to adulterate what really happened and distort the reality.

    I think it’s funny to say: “This is prem, where we are supposed to set an example for the rest of the league”, when you were the ones not following the rules and calling your admin friends to try solving your mistakes. By the way Lazybear, the “negative drama” wasn’t created by us, but some of your teammates.

    PS: To all guys that know nothing, would be nice you stop posting here.

  49. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    I’d say the team that does everything in their power to get free points is the team that starts the drama.

    Again, you never asked us to ready up. We had 8, which is a full team by the rules. You know the “we didn’t want to wait” argument is a lie, you tried your best to get free points, and thats the truth. If that wasn’t the case, you’d ask us ONCE to ready up.

    Let’s look outside who’s right or not by the rules for a second and just admit that this is fucking pathetic and you should be ashamed of even trying to pull it off.

  50. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    anyways i’m just pissing more ppl off so i’ll shut up

  51. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I’ll make sure to call the police next time I see my neighbour not put on his seatbelt in the morning

  52. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    this is so good :)

  53. Tuto: 8-) said:


  54. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    I heard broderlands 2 has a new dlc for vaulthunters called The Defaulthunter Blitz

  55. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  56. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Apparently admins think that a “complete” team is in fact a team of 8 players. Most people would argue that having 8 people is actually one player short from being a complete team in a 9 vs 9 game. It is fascinating how the admins could bend the rules in itsallgood’s favour, the team with no less than two ETF2L admins. I think we can conclude that the admin team is corrupt for having biased admins influencing the result of the decision.

    Anyway, a reminder what the word “complete” actually means, in case the admins don’t own a dictionary.

    com·plete (kəm-plēt′)
    adj. com·plet·er, com·plet·est
    1. Having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps; entire: a complete meal.


  57. ETF2L Staff said:


    As per the rules, a team is permitted to play with 8 players. Therefore that counts as a complete team, since you don’t even need 9 players to play a game. The same counts in 6v6, where you can ready up and play with 5 if you want.

    It is fascinating how retards think that the admin team is THAT biased that it lets admins involed in the case decide what happens.

    Nice definition, by our rules the neccessary parts of a highlander team is 8 players, see;

    2.1.3 Minimum of 8 players needed to play a match

    If you are not able to field 9 players you can choose to play 8 vs 9. If you are not able to field 8 players, a default win will be given to the opposing team.

    Maybe stay out of something that isn’t your business next time ondkaja? Thanks.

  58. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Response to the ETF2L Staff post:

    “Hi teams,

    Given the situation we have no choice but to force a reschedule of this match, here are some things to note;

    Since you are able to play with 8 players, as clearly stated in the rules, then 8 or 9 players is a complete team. You could intentionally turn up and play a match with 8 players if you wanted, it still counts as a complete team.”

    > The discussion in this thread about 8 or 9 players is totally irrelevant. I don’t even know why the admins chose to address it, as it was not part of our claim for a default win.

    “3.4 A delay of 15 minutes is allowed
    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    Therefore Stacked had no right to claim a Default Win, since Itsallgood had 8 players on which counts as a complete team, and should have simply asked an admin what to do if the other team is not readying up.”

    > The rule clearly states “a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start”. They important word here is not “complete”, it is “ready”. As Stacked were “ready” and Itsallgood were not “ready”, “15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.”

    > It is actually there in black and white in your own rules. The suggestion that we are in some way responsible for Itsallgood is preposterous; they knew the match time time, they knew they were late and they knew we would not wait, as I clearly said in game.

    “Trying to a claim a default an hour and a half after the scheduled start time is illogical and in the given circumstances will be ignored.

    Please re-schedule this match by Tuesday 29th May, and play it before Sunday May 4th.”

    > The only conceivable outcomes are that you award Stacked a default win or award Itsallgood a default win or that both teams lose – one team showed up or neither team showed up. This offering of an extended reschedule does not make any sense what so ever, in fact it simply demonstrates that the ETF2L Staff are panicking and trying to appease the public instead of making the correct if unpopular decision.

    > If you want to use “admin discretion” to conclude that Stacked were in some way wrong to follow the rules to the letter, then Itsallgood should receive a default win as Stacked must not have shown up to the server and readied up 15 minutes after the start time – but as the evidence provided proves that is not what happened and to make such a conclusion would fly in the face of reason.

    > There is only one justifiable outcome under the ETF2L rules that we all signed up to: a default win for Stacked. Our conduct and compliance with the rules was exact. Yet some how a reschedule as been ruled and the only justification offered is that Stacked did not ask Itsallgood to ready up; a condition which is stipulated no where in the rules. It is not the job of Stacked to babysit Itsallgood, it is not the job of any team.

    > ETF2L are just full of contradictions. Slavishly implementing the “fake nick” rules, yet shying away from an opportunity to address the issue of timekeeping here in an open and shut case. Please take a collective deep breath and review this situation using only the facts.

  59. ETF2L Staff said:

    @ Admirable

    > I mentioned it simply because I think people are getting confused about how many players are needed for a complete team – it’s 8 or 9 in highlander. But I agree that the ‘ready’ bit is more important here.

    > Claiming a default win does not mean that you will get it. It all depends on the circumstances as it can get very complicated, as you have found out. If the rule had said “the other team will get a Default Win.” you would be 100% correct.

    2.formally request or demand; say that one owns or has earned (something).

    You formally requested a default win, however in the given circumstances it was denied.

    > I wouldn’t even say it was clear, from watching the relevant parts of f4nny’s stream it sounded like you were joking, as would be expected since most of the time in prem games start late.

    > Both claims for a default win are flawed, and thus I think this is the only sensible solution. Awarding either team a default win would be incorrect, and restating that rule in your next post isn’t going to suddenly make it correct.

    > I don’t need to repeat myself, a default win for Stacked is not justifiable. Your conduct under the rules was not exact, you contacted an admin and tried to claim a default win. You were then told to rejoin the server, and the admins would force IAG to ready up. Did you do this? No. Nowhere have I said that the justification is that Stacked did not IAG to ready up, this is not a requirement in the rules exactly like you said.

    > Bringing up other rules (that are currently being worked on I might add) does not help this case whatsoever.

  60. wonder: 哟什 said:

    blablabla stacked is shit anyway

  61. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    You even had a player in your team saying “sure” when i asked if it was ok to wait a few minutes, and then literally minutes later you show up with nifty screenshots to illustrate how he is not a leader on your team. Doesn’t help that some players in your team are saying all this was done because “We honestly just wanted to mess with fanny and muuki because of their loud mouths.”

    We still want to play this damn match btw, further discussion will go nowhere.

  62. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    Why are nolifers who aren’t on itsallgood or stacked rosters allowed to comment on match pages? Stop trying to be a part of something and get busy with something productive, nerds.

    I know the admins won’t go back on their decision, and any further discussion is simply masturbation, but I may as well put the rest forward.

    ETF2L Admin “I wouldn’t even say it was clear, from watching the relevant parts of f4nny’s stream”

    I don’t know how you can think itsallgood’s stream has evidence that stacked agreed to wait when such evidence does not exist, and has not been shown anywhere apart from itsallgood’s professionally cropped and photoshopped screenshots. You can see my screenshot (I don’t even own photoshop, I use MS Paint) for what really happened. Usually when people try and cover things up they know they made a mistake.

    Since we’re taking that professional gamer’s (sic) stream into account, at 2:33 of the stream they say “lazybear, I don’t know why you said thx when none of them agreed to wait” (from memory). And then when we left the server you heard one very intelligent itsallgood member point out that they didn’t ready up after 15 minutes and ggwp iag.

    As for this nonsense about waiting over an hour to claim a default, what is that about?! Who made this up?! I joined IRC within minutes of leaving the gameserver. After a long conversation with Leftism he said “muuki joined literally just as you left the server”. It’s sweet that this admin takes anything itsallgood says as gospel #believe, but it was a lie! evidence DE LA contrary, MIS AMIGOS: http://puu.sh/8qVfy.png okay, it took me 1 minute to open paint but we could clearly see at 20:46 that noob was in the server for about 22 minutes, meaning he joined at 20:24. You Honour, their story has more holes than Swiss cheese. It was later found that apparently their sub puzzle joined, or something along those lines. Either way, they have more coverups than O.J. Simpson. meanwhile, stacked has one factual story with evidence from the beginning and we’re not trying to cover up anything. #adminsintheirroster #corrupt #lftugcifstackedwontplayofficialsonlycontactmeplsalsonoteagertoplaypyrojustbearthatinmindheavyorengiwouldbecoolorevensoldierihavealottoofferthanksguise

    ETF2L Admin “Claiming a default win does not mean that you will get it. It all depends on the circumstances as it can get very complicated, as you have found out” it would be harder to get a more clean and clear cut case, to be honest. If this is complicated to you, please remove yourself from the gene pool for the sake of humanity. #selflessacts #humanityfirst #yolo,plsyolo,noprocreation

    Admirable “The only conceivable outcomes are that you award Stacked a default win or award Itsallgood a default win or that both teams lose – one team showed up or neither team showed up. This offering of an extended reschedule does not make any sense what so ever, in fact it simply demonstrates that the ETF2L Staff are panicking and trying to appease the public instead of making the correct if unpopular decision” this so hard. Oh yeah, so hard. I know this wasn’t your point but if this were the other way round I’m not certain it would have panned out the same way #justsayin #conspiracy #freakieismyhero It really does seem to be about not making an unpopular decision #lifeoutsidethecirclejerk #toxichlsceneeu #ihaveexhaustedthesehashtagsthisismylastone

    In all seriousness, I agree with Admirable. The result doesn’t make sense. If you look objectively at the situation, it’s a clear decision. Giving IAG a default makes more sense at this stage, because the highlander admins have shown such incompetency, IAG getting a default would be congruent with the bad decision making process by the admins.

    I lied earlier, #yolo


  63. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    b33p has a point.

  64. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    yeah because people dont reconnect at all… puzzle was there anyway

  65. wonder: 哟什 said:

    oh no! random guy from low prem shitty hl team offended me :(

  66. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    about people who have absolutely no interest in this matter other than fulfilling their drama/conspiracy quota. Forum is a good place to start a thread…

  67. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    To clarify (though it was pretty clear) “If you look objectively at the situation, it’s a clear decision” meant giving stacked their default from the beginning, as it was a clear cut case. After dragging out all this crap, since highlander admins have made such poor decisions, in keeping with poor decision making, giving itsallgood a default would be the way to go.

  68. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    so instead of using common sense, it is best to blindly follow rules written by a random guy on the internet in order to claim 6 points which will not matter jack shit regarding playoff positions and results INSTEAD OF just playing a fucking game, i mean if its such a fucking chore to play a game of highlander and you dont seem to want it, how about just fucking drop your shitty team and quit tf2?

  69. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    learn to timekeep noob

  70. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    im sorry, i am succesful in both IRL and tf2 so i might sometimes have unavoidable circumstances that keep me from playing tf2

  71. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    Is it on, now?

  72. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    I mean muuki served you b33p and you served him back. It should be on? Am I wrong?

  73. wonder: 哟什 said:

    stacked you can leave etf2l now :]

  74. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:


    Permzilla actually deleted my latest post. OUCH!!!


  75. Max: Fusion said:

    Its a sad day for ETF2L when everyone is flinging shit at each other without making some sense.

    Even if “8 people in a team” is considered “complete” that still means itsallgood didn’t ready up at the right time. Doesn’t this say in the rules?

    “2.1.3 Minimum of 8 players needed to play a match

    If you are not able to field 9 players you can choose to play 8 vs 9. If you are not able to field 8 players, a default win will be given to the opposing team.”

    Here we see that “8 people are considered a team and it is plausible to play with 8 people for a while or the whole game, seems ok for itsallgood right? I mean they HAD 8 people, and that is considered a “team”! Right?

    Sorry itsallgood people… but there is still some shit left on the floor.

    A pharagraph in the regular rules:

    3.4 A delay of 15 minutes is allowed

    “A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    After a map change, both teams have 10 minutes to organise, starting when the first player joins the server. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server after that, the other team can claim a Default Win, however only for the map concerned, not for the entire match.”

    For claiming a Default Win, please make a status screenshot of your team available on the server at match time, gather any evidence you think concludes the case (demos or server logs) and contact an admin about the issue as soon as possible.”

    You read it? Ok. Now read a section of this more carefully:

    “If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.”

    You still don’t see the point I am making? Ok

    “If a team fails to have a complete team ready”

    “complete team ready”


    Did itsallgood have a complete team ready in 15 minutes? No they didn’t. It is as simple as that.

    When admins are making last minute decisions, itsallgood trying to clean off their tracks with faulty evidence, don’t you think that there’s something fishy? Yeah, there is.

    I know I did a mistake of opening my trap here as b33p said:

    Why are nolifers who aren’t on itsallgood or stacked rosters allowed to comment on match pages? Stop trying to be a part of something and get busy with something productive, nerds.

    But I just needed that someone needed to make the point even clearer. Stacked abided the rules (no matter how much of a dickmove that was) and according to the rules Stacked has every right to get a default win.

    Please consider all the evidence before making a final decisions my loveable admins <3

  76. kindred: myx - 322 said:

    just give killswitch the default win instead

  77. Max: Fusion said:

    so instead of using common sense, it is best to blindly follow rules written by a random guy on the internet in order to claim 6 points which will not matter jack shit regarding playoff positions and results INSTEAD OF just playing a fucking game,

    That made exactly no sense at all,

    >Random guy

    Those are two really different things. Suggest that you both should stop flinging shit at each others. :(

    Also wonder please get out, all you are doing is just give a negative atmosphere here and that will certainly NEVER help at all.

    Please lets keep it calm and rational like mature people <3

  78. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    get out fucking kid

  79. Tuto: 8-) said:

    Wonder do you have anything constructive to say? to me it seems like you’re just jumping on the bandwagon and shittalking for no reason. To be fair this shouldn’t continue any further, what do anyone get out of empty talk, let the admins handle it

  80. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    can we get rid of the nickname rule now

  81. Rudey: itsallgood said:

    I photoshop images 4 cheap!! Contact today for great deal only for u!

  82. wonder: 哟什 said:

    Is 1 ref for 1 photoshopped screen enough?

  83. Dennia: FAINT said:

    fuck wonder real cancer polack

  84. wonder: 哟什 said:

    oh please stop! You’re embarrassing me! ;x

  85. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Side note: Why is the ETF2L Staff account calling the honourable ondkaja a “retard”?


  86. inso: itsallgood said:

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  87. Matwoj said:

    tf2’s such a fucking joke ROFL

  88. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Can’t wait 5 mins for a TF2 player to come on?

    We waited 45 mins for SNSD to get a server they liked and then recreate the round after a server crash.

    Sportsmanship guys.

    Also fuck you Muuki for being late, so unprofessional. 8)

  89. Hutchy: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  90. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    One team tries to claim default – they use one rule as grounds to claim it. They contact an admin, admin gives default – they leave and do not return as their understanding of the situation they’re well in their rights to claim it.

    Other team wants some leeway as you’d expect teams to show eachother, ask for more time and don’t get it, they get someone in shortly after other team claims to have taken the default win. They contact admin, to get their opponents back in the server using another rule as grounds they should have been given a chance to play (rup 8v9) but were denied it.

    Head admins over rule previous admin who originally award the default. Seems like, mixed messages from admins, rules interpreted differently to their intended purpose and a lack of sportsmanship are the causes of issue.

    I also find it funny stacked tell these guys to learn to timekeep, last week we waited least 30-40 mins for you guys to get in a pcw against us.

  91. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    A response to ETF2L Staff:

    “I don’t need to repeat myself, a default win for Stacked is not justifiable. Your conduct under the rules was not exact, you contacted an admin and tried to claim a default win. You were then told to rejoin the server, and the admins would force IAG to ready up. Did you do this? No. Nowhere have I said that the justification is that Stacked did not IAG to ready up, this is not a requirement in the rules exactly like you said.”

    I definitely don’t want you to repeat yourself because you have yet to give any good reason why this ruling has been administered. Please enlighten us as to which circumstances are making this incredibly straight forward application of the ETF2L rules so “very complicated”.

    I do not doubt that some ETF2L admins requested Stacked to rejoin the server, whilst I understand others told us that our claim for a default was valid, but both these things occurred after the fact and are not actually relevant to the content of our claim – which is what I would like to see addressed.

    Did they have a team ready at 21:15? No. The official game time had passed. Rejoining the server is no different to the reschedule ruling to which we are in disagreement.

    Also I regret to hear that you have been using the conjecture from the Itsallgood stream as a basis for your ruling. Luckily Stacked don’t need the ear of the admins to make their case, because it is all there in cold hard facts.

    A default win for Stacked is not only justifiable, it is the only sane, objective outcome from this situation given the rules and the facts. Our claim for a default is not flawed, you simply chose to deny it. As for the reasons behind that, one can only speculate.

    P.S. Bringing up issues around other rules seems entirely appropriate precisely because it shows how out of line this decision is with other actions of the ETF2L Staff in relation to rule enforcement.

  92. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Hildreth, sportsmanship is something I reserve for teams I respect.

  93. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    @ Ads – Only justifiable solution to this is the force a replay, certainly admins can take blame for inconsistencies but the lack of….sportsmanship and willingness to avoid playing the very TF2 game we practise for is disturbing.

  94. aura said:

    We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”

    ― Charles Bukowski

    in other words: get a fucking girlfriend, take a stroll down to the beach, buy an ice-cream, eat the fucking ice-cream, buy a book, read the fucking book, be a smart boy, listen to what older people have to say, die happily.

  95. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    I just want to play videogames.

  96. ETF2L Staff said:

    No admin ever awarded a default win, they went to IRC and admin X took the request and told them to rejoin the server. Talking to an admin on steam who says “go to IRC and claim a default win” does NOT mean he has awarded you a default win.

    And also, it’s really great how TF2 is suddenly such a professional sport. Maybe we’ll get a huge sponsor and go global soon. Currently talking to Dreamhack for a TF2 tournament.

  97. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Head admin of ETF2L and main admin of the highlander division tells you to join the server and play the match. The decision doesn’t get more final than that.

    We were 9 on the server for over an hour waiting for you to join.

  98. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    According to danish laws, I am allowed to murder swedish people crossing over the frozen sea. Which makes it okay, ofcourse. Can’t wait for winter

  99. Spike Himself: TC said:

    I’m not keen on getting involved in this at all but:

    “Did they have a team ready at 21:15? No.”

    From what I read in the other comments, they had 8. So the correct answer to your question would in fact be “yes”.
    (which leaves me to wonder why the both of you didn’t just start playing, but alas, I’ll shush :D)

  100. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    But they didn’t press the “ready” button spike, so ofcourse the natural response to this is leaving the server immediately and claim a default 8)

  101. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Have a team ready to play doesnt essentially mean they have presssed the Ready button.

  102. Max: Fusion said:

    It is, that’s what the button is there for.

    “so ofcourse the natural response to this is leaving the server immediately and claim a default 8)”

    Admirable said that they would rather claim the default while the teams were in the server 8)

  103. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Nobody thought they were serious, for good reasons. Literally no other team would pull this kind of bullshit in prem, it’s just ridiculous.

    Thank god we have admins who are maintaining the quality of the league.

  104. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  105. Max: Fusion said:

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  106. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Team Stacked. The team everyone in prem hates scrimming because they’re 30 minutes late to every scrim.

    The irony.

    Seriously ask ANY team in prem.

  107. wonder: 哟什 said:

    Itsallgood had 8 players on server and Stacked disconnected. Stacked has been asked to rejoin by admins and they didn’t. Itsallgood should win by default win. Thank you.

  108. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Spike, as mentioned ad nauseum they were not -> ready <-
    If they had been ready the game would have started, because Stacked had readied up by 21:15. in accordance with the ETF2L rules.

    I've had a lot of fun so far crossing keyboards, but I am still perplexed by the ETF2L Staff decision making and general conduct. The core of what continues to trouble me is as follows:

    In their wisdom they have apparently decided to circumvent their own stated criteria for a default win. When asked to clarify, ETF2L Staff have continually failed to provide any sort of coherent reasoning behind their decision, instead choosing to address the straw man argument about how many players a team may field which, I seemingly must repeat, played no part in the Stacked claim.

    Another repeated assertion from ETF2L Staff is that Stacked failed to rejoin the server when ordered to do so by admins. If that is the case, then is it not simply a default win to Itsallgood due to a no-show by Stacked?

    To paraphrase the censored ondkaja, any other outcome simply implies that the ETF2L Staff are corrupt or incompetent and I have yet to hear an apology for either. Top that off with the cherry that is the unprofessional and slightly embarrassing tone used by the person or persons posting here in this thread under the "ETF2L Staff" account.

    This whole incident has left a rather unpleasant taste, but I can hope lessons will be learned from this discourse.

  109. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    who the fuck cares just play videogames or quit the game, its not a case of some fake “professionalism” people in our team just want to play highlander and not have to deal with this holier-than-thou rule accomodation bullshit

  110. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    I honestly dont get why anyone would TRY and get a default win in any game under any circumstances. Especially in hl prem after 15 mins. We have seen these kind of things in the past and it always makes me a bit sad to see even respected etf2l players try to get 6 easy points instead of actually playing.

    Following the rules fine, applying them like this still makes you look like an asshole. You shouldve played your previous matches better if you need these 6 points so much.

  111. ETF2L Staff said:

    This will be my final post here. A default date will be set today as mentioned in a previous post.

    You want some coherent reasoning? Even though it’s already been mentioned I’ll try to sum it up a bit more clearly for you.

    “A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    The other team did not have a complete team ready 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, so you had the right to claim a default win. However the standard procedure when the other team has the required number of players on the server and is not readying up, is to force them to ready up. If they refuse then you would have been granted the default win.

    That is why when you went to an admin on IRC, he told you to rejoin the server and force them to ready up with the admins permission. If they did not ready up, you could contact the admin and get the default win. However since you left the server that meant that the normal procedure could not happen, which is completely your fault and no failure on the admin side of things (since we told you to rejoin the server, if you had followed our instructions there would have been no problem.)

    Of course, I agree that Itsallgood have a better case for a default win, because they did nothing wrong. However as far as I am aware, they did not try to claim a default win until over 1h past the scheduled start time, and simply sat on the server hoping a miracle would occur. So awarding them a default win would be illogical in the given circumstances. A reschedule is the most sensible option.

    I am not going to apologise for being corrupt or incompetent, because both are simply not true. Yes, I got angry and used language I should not have, because people are accusing the admin team of being corrupt and for something I have put a lot of time into it cuts deep. We don’t volunteer to run this league to simply be abused by people and called ‘corrupt’ whenever we make a decision they don’t like. And please don’t give me this rubbish about professionalism, when it’s quite clear nobody actually cares until it can be used as a method to make the admin team look bad.

    Just to clarify then: No member from either team was involved in the decision making behind this game .

    The lessons learnt should be to follow the admins clear instructions. I hope everyone, including people not involved in this case, has learnt that.

    A default date will be set later today, good luck to both teams.

  112. Samyzi: :-) said:

    This is why highlander shouldn’t have a prem division..

  113. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Thanks ETF2L Staff for taking the time to make a considered response. This post has put my mind at ease. I fully understand the actions of ETF2L now and understand the outcome completely.

    I look forward to our rescheduled game with Itsallgood.

  114. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    Scissors “Nobody thought they were serious, for good reasons. Literally no other team would pull this kind of bullshit in prem, it’s just ridiculous” lol you took a default win from Electric Temptations rather than rescheduling. They couldn’t field enough players and rather than advise them to use their wildcard or reschedule and take a minor (like SNSD did last season with DAROUTOUTOU afaik) you took the default. good job sizzlekicks.

    also default date not set by the 29th. sup highlander admins?

  115. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    We waited 40 minutes, then he asked himself HOW to even take a default. I assumed they didn’t have any wildcards left. Not saying this to polish my halo, but only because you brought it up.

  116. Bulow: GG said:

    Proposed 2100 on Thursday 1st May.

  117. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 01 May 2014, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  118. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:


    No member from either team was involved in the decision making behind this game

  119. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:


  120. M4RK said:


  121. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    I didn’t know you where Danish smzii…

  122. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    The entire mumble convo is on the stream and you were in the mumble for some of it yourself, so that is a very unnecessary post smzi.

    basically just people from SNSD joining and playing Allah songs. Was pretty funny. Your own teammates were in there too ;)

  123. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:


  124. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Hahaha smzi derulo :D
    I fully understand the actions of ETF2L.
    Standard procedure.

  125. Asaaj said:

    Did Jon ever put the recording on youtube

  126. TWEEKARN\: ez-sports.ru said:

    cancer > hl

  127. Jon: ETF said:

    Checkers enthusiasts vs Splendid-Gaming VOD wasn’t uploaded due to audio problems

  128. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Do you have casters for this, Jon?

  129. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    can someone give me a TL;DR of all this?

  130. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    Not quite a TL;DR but better than a wall of text and easier to make. This match will not be played, here are the reasons why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xIfY1a4flY

    Thanks ETF2L admins.

  131. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

    This is probably the most butthurt video I’ve ever seen. Simple answer beep: Don’t act like assholes so things like that wont happen again.

  132. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    Why are you here attention seeking, Solid? These nolifers with nothing better to do.

  133. emb: (Legend) - ciortai said:

    b33p confirmed that they are not going to play tonight and are granting itsallgood a default win.

  134. Thalash: wG - S-O said:


  135. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    b33p, I wanted to ‘like’ your video but it won’t let me. Can you fix this please?

  136. Raf: w//e - .awkward said:

    The TL;DR: Itsallgood gets away with bending the rules. Only very slightly and through an open-to-interpretation statement in the rules, fair enough.

    Inability to wait 5 minutes is bad sportsmanship? You could say so. Then again so is showing up to official matches 15-20 minutes late. Stacked is very often late to scrims, can’t argue with that point and yeah that is rude to the other team but try and focus on the issue.

    Thanks to every smart and educated-of-the-situation person for sharing your opinion in this wonderful thread, have a good night and enjoy the playoffs.

  137. irfx: EPA said:

    more drama lol

  138. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    b33p’s video is gold.

  139. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Raf all you guys had to do was wait 5 extra minutes for their last, what is 5 minutes to TF2 players, you probably spent more than that time typing that response, imagine if you’d taken that time and used it to wait like a normal team that just wants to be fair game.

    I mean I lost 40 minutes of my life waiting for you guys to show up to a scrim you should give up 5 minutes of yours.

  140. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Everyone just leave this stuff behind and become friends


  141. hrbls said:


  142. Phroblem: 8-) said:

    easy game

  143. Samyzi: :-) said:

    wow b33p what a nerd

  144. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:


  145. TviQ: ft. - 007 said:

    why dont every single retard join in this discussion so we all can laugh at eachother?

  146. Popcorp said:

    why people who quit tf2 for cs:go/dota 2/LoL keep coming back here!?

  147. inso: itsallgood said:

    i want to give a shoutout to rouHe, sorex, Unlimited for waiting with us an hour after the rest of the shitlords left the server.

    karma is a bitch ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  148. Asaaj said:

    So much drama for so little, this is the reason why I play tf2

  149. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    muuki huge scrublord

  150. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Crying 2 days for finally giving up the only chance you had to get in the playoffs.

  151. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    If you nerds got a life and did something productive, maybe you’d be succesful enough to buy a samsung galaxy phone like b33p

  152. Steve!: S-O said:

    -st- to fold

  153. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:


  154. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    b33p i want to be successful like you so i can buy a samsung galaxy

  155. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    All this drama because you decided to leave instead of playing vs 8.

    I guess it all doesn’t matter anymore, good luck next season and hopefully the matches will be more enjoyable then!

  156. nijoonen: Gaston - 8-) said:

    Drama is always fun, but in the end, isn’t the main reason why we even found ETF2L.org because we want to play TF2? Sure getting points and winning stuff is probably a reason to play TF2, but all this shit seems like it’s all a big clusterfuck of avoiding games. Admirable is making some solid points no doubt and those screenshots are truly fun. But I mean why not wait? Why not play the rescheduled game? If you used those 17min and 17sec on waiting for Muuki / Puzzle there would be less “( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” and more games.

    I guess those 6 free points is to much temptation to handle.

  157. Rudey: itsallgood said:

    Life is good.

  158. Lenny: GG said:

    I hate video games. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  159. kzr_: gR. said:

    BENFICA CRL!!!!!!

  160. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Apologies for not delivering on the rematch, I couldn’t bring myself to play without the Spanish guru of gamesense, TausoN.

    Hildreth, what’s 5 minutes or 5 hours or 5 years; it’s all after the cut-off point established by ETF2L.

    Of course we were being dicks! We are Stacked, the pantomime villains of highlander. We absolutely wanted to fuck with Itsallgood, but we were still within our rights to do so under the ETF2L rules.

    I don’t mind that the admins had to tell a little white lie about “standard procedure”, this was surely uncharted territory and I was really starting to hate myself writing these posts.

    The only thing that really irked me in this thread was the derision of the ideas of professionalism and accountability when playing in or running a league, but I guess we are coming from different places on that one.

    All in all, I had a jolly good time and look forward to the default hunt again next season.

    P.S. Sorry b33p, I will never watch this video… 17 minutes? You know I hate to wait any more than 15! Boom.

  161. nijoonen: Gaston - 8-) said:

    The whole Stacked logic is more complicated then your usage of the english language Mr. Potatolord.

  162. Muuki: sirkkels - GG said:

    you sure fucked us by giving us 6 free points and a lot of laughs

  163. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    we only did it because we didn’t want to embarrass iag, as the highpander kids were boasting about it taking you the best part of 20 minutes to push against them in the warmup ://

  164. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    yes, b33p. Thanks for saving us! You guys aren’t so bad after all.

  165. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    tf2 is saved

  166. Lenny: GG said:

    ETF2L = illuminati

  167. repu said:

    would someone like to sum this up?

  168. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Stacked are dicks
    Itsallgood are tight with the ETF2L Staff
    Justice prevails

  169. SmitZ said:

    Wow, b33p is such a fucking cretin. That 20 minute video was dreadful. How could you actually put that much effort in to a video about why you can’t win at a silly cartoon game?

    Congrats to itsallgood for the default win. Love you fanny. xoxoxo

  170. wonder: 哟什 said:

    LOL Stacked LOL


  171. huhystah said:

    what the fuk stacked???

  172. PuzZle: Boys - GG said:

    Haha I forgot to check up on all this drama.

    My quick take on this was that we were always ready. I was in mumble ready to play but since we asked if we could wait a few extra minutes for Muuki and the overall response was “yeah”, minus Admirable’s answer which at that time seemed like a harmless joke seeing as the chat was filled with it, I didn’t join the server but was ready waiting in mumble in case I would be needed. I even played in their warm-up games.

    A few of the stacked members left without further notice claiming a default win. The truth is we were ready, we had players wanting to play but we thought you guys were okay with waiting 5 extra minutes since some of you said it. A misunderstanding from our part, and a greedy action to take free points from some of the stacked members is what I make it out to be.

    (When I say “we” I mean IAG… Although I’m in the chessclub roster, I will always feel like an itsallgooder at heart ^.- )

  173. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    <3 PuzZle

  174. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    It’s not like we ever liked you either puzzle ;__;

  175. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:


  176. PuzZle: Boys - GG said:

    I do like chessclub, I just feel like an itsallgooder at heart :P

  177. nijoonen: Gaston - 8-) said:

    ^Retweet if you cried

  178. FonexiA said:


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