Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Premiership Division
Week 5
Round commencing: -
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Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff
Default Win
Fenneks eSports by [season 18
6 - 0
- Fenneks eSports by [season 18 [Minor] Not showing up for a match
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25th or 27th would be best, if not then 23rd is possible
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Thursday, 27 February 2014, 21:15
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
rulebook getting thrown towards you in 3,2,1…
maybe it would’ve been a different result if we played the best map in tf2
Sadly Fenneks did not show up for this match, I’m defaulting this match in AYO’s favor.
called it
Genuinely our fault…
tried to ask for lenience @ admins to wildcard it around 21:05, denied
tried to appeal to ayo’s sportsmanship to reschedule 24+ hrs so we could wildcard it anyway (resulting in no warning or other negative effect on ayo’s part), but they denied
its ok, its genuinely our fault, but nevertheless, this match could have been played easily if other parties provided some lenience
WHERE IS THE FAIRPLAY? this in prem guys… come on
this is ridiculous again, playing on rules..
We really some sort of referee for prem to keep it from those ridiculousness, this is happening too much in 6on6 or HL..
such a shame ayo too since they made exactly the same thing to us, just with a 5mn difference
bande de cons
they have pedrzilla :(
not at all the same situation – fenneks started this by not even attempting to schedule this game, I had to badger skeej for a long time and the most I heard was “oh we should be able to play 27th”. They then had 3 players missing for pcws and the official and still nobody is organised enough to inform us or take a wildcard until 21:11, that’s fucking ridiculous.
We were there for pcws before the evokate game, we thought everything would be ok until right before the official when things went wrong. These guys literally had the whole day to wildcard and couldn’t be arsed, stopping us getting a 21 and wasting a night when Mike had stuff to do anyway that he cancelled. There was no way that fenneks would be organised enough to arrange another date without mercs, and we would have needed mercs as well because we can only play one date next week. Fuck that shit. We’re not default hunting, you just fucked us over and we’re not prepared to let you reschedule if you make literally ZERO effort arranging the match or communicating with us.
I rescheduled a meeting with a tour operator for a 2000 man trip for a video game that didn’t happen.
Video games.
Dear Sideshow, mind your language please!
It’s not appropriate for an admin to use so rude words.
”that’s fucking ridiculous.”
I’m very sorry mirelin, I apologise and I’ll rephrase my post.
not at all the same situation old chap! fenneks started this by not even attempting to schedule this game, I had to badger the dickens out of skeej for the longest time and the most I heard was “oh we should be able to play 27th”. They then had 3 players missing for pcws and the official and still nobody is organised enough to inform us or take a wildcard until 21:11, by jove that’s an outrage!
We were there for pcws before the evokate game, and we thought everything would be jolly fine and dandy until the very minute before the official when things went ever so awry. These buffoons literally had the whole day to wildcard and couldn’t gather any kind of motivation, stopping us getting a jolly decent 21 game and wasting a perfectly satisfactory night when Mike and Hawku had stuff to do anyway that they cancelled. There was no way in a month of Sundays that fenneks would be organised enough to arrange another date without mercs, and we would have needed mercs as well because we can only play one date next week. A jolly roger and a pint of bumblejuice to that good sir! We’re not default hunting – frankly you just told us you dropped the soap and were glaring at our posteriors in gleeful delight! We’re not prepared to let you reschedule if you make literally ZERO BALLY EFFORT arranging the match or communicating with us wot ho.
I don’t see what your skeej-length post adds to what I said. I already admitted that the initial mistake was ours, yet that does not mean there is no room for leniency or sportsmanship.
It was a coördination error. The match should have already been wildcarded, but somehow nobody had gotten to it (and I’m the captain/war arranger, so even though others could wildcard the game, the ultimate responsibility for not wildcarding lies with me).
There’s really no reason for you to elaborate on the situation by simply adding uninformed assumptions. It’s not a question of “motivation” or “not being arsed”. There was not “literally” “zero effort” to schedule the match because we definitely discussed possible dates (and yes we didn’t get far, but stop using the word literally when you don’t mean literally). It’s a dumb case of miscommunication to which we responded by asking for some sportsmanship and co-operation to have this match played anyway.
So to repeat, it’s simple: We (mostly I) fucked up organisationally, yet we wanted to gladly play this match at another point. You guys rather took the default win.
It’s ok.
I’m not annoyed at you, just clearing things up for the mad frenchies who are assuming we’re default hunting.
Dear Mirelin
Thank you for noticing this, we take profanity very seriously in the admin team and Sideshow will be dealt with immediately. If you notice this happen again please let me know – Sideshow is already on his 2nd warning for this.
Kind Regards,
ETF2L Admin Team
ETF2L Staff div?