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Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 6J

Week 6

Round commencing: -
This match is affected by one or more wildcards.

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

European Moustache Gaming vs China Team ⑨
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:


  1. Al3: a lodi said:

    Can I have the stv :3?

  2. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    We cannot play tonight as we are having issues fielding enough players.
    Match will be wildcarded.



  3. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 16 March 2014, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  4. mistes: T⑨ said:

    Great it’s at the same day and time as our hl official.

  5. mistes: T⑨ said:

    19:24 – >8{ MooP: we only have 3 players online
    19:24 – mistes: oh
    19:26 – >8{ MooP: you can have a default
    19:27 – mistes: alright

  6. gibix: iH said:

    yes they can have the default win

  7. ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Please contact the admins on IRC to claim default wins.

  8. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    Moustache Gaming: Keeping ash occupied 2k14 xD

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