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Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 5H

Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by MightyMe (UbeR powered by Gnoegaming.eu)



3 - 4 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Portugal pNeumatics vs Netherlands UbeR powered by Gnoegaming.eu
1 - 5

SteamID Screenshots: A


pNeumatics (6) Signs., WeeD_SmokeR, VanCook, BlackToaster, k1zZuP, trevor
UbeR powered by Gnoegaming.eu (4) Vlijm, sno, Emsee, MightyMe
Unrostered (2) kKaltUu, Wiethoofd



  1. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    We can play usually on monday or tuesday or wednesday. We can’t play thursday, friday, saturday and sunday.
    Also we do not have a server this season so I hope you have one or we can use one from http://www.serveme.tf or etf2l.
    Add me on steam or post here dates which you can play. Thanks.

  2. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    Can we play wednesday 29th at 23h cet ?
    We have a player that gets home fairly late, can we reach the latest hour we both good to play on wednesday ?

  3. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    2300 on a workday, nty.

  4. quell: UbeR | said:

    23h really is a bit late, especially during a weekday. some of us have to get up at 6 the next day and need their sleep ;) usual playtimes are at 20/21

  5. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    In case you haven’t notice, I am asking politely what is the latest time you can play on wednesday ?
    We perfectly understand that 23h is late for you, no problem.

  6. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    We are available to START from 20.00 to 21.15.
    If you can play on other day than wednesday that is also fine, maybe we can arrange it.
    Let me know.

  7. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Ah, I’m sorry but I forgot: I have a Highlander official starting wednesday 29 at 21:15. So we can start our game at 20.00 or we can play on a different day.

  8. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 28 January 2014, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  9. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Default date is fine by us.

  10. ISIGlarsbreuer said:

    go Uber

  11. MightyMe: UbeR | said:


    Can we use this player as scout merc?

  12. trevor said:

    i’m not the leader so the last word is not mine, but since we usualy dont acept people from higher div’s, i’m telling you that we won’t accept him and ask you to find another guy, any div5 will probably be acepted.

    sorry for the incovenient.

  13. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    This player is playing right now in division 6 as a scout.

    His previous season was in division 4, but as you can see they lost every match in that division.(niet kwaad bedoeld) He is a friend of us and he already mercs a lot during pcw’s and mixes.
    This guy is definitely same skill as the rest of us.

  14. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    If you still not feel comfortable with him, maybe we can use this guy as scout? http://etf2l.org/forum/user/9994/

  15. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    20:15 – pNT’ ReMoVeR: evening! :)
    20:16 – ÜbêR | MightyMe: hey
    20:16 – ÜbêR | MightyMe: im not sure who to talk to
    20:16 – ÜbêR | MightyMe: but do u accept http://etf2l.org/forum/user/9994/ as merc?
    20:17 – pNT’ ReMoVeR: i’ll answer you in a sec
    20:17 – ÜbêR | MightyMe: ok
    20:18 – pNT’ ReMoVeR: It’s fine
    20:18 – ÜbêR | MightyMe: yes you accept him?
    20:18 – pNT’ ReMoVeR: yes we accept him
    20:19 – ÜbêR | MightyMe: thanks a lot

  16. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    “pNT’ ReMoVeR: evening! :)
    ÜbêR | MightyMe: hey
    ÜbêR | MightyMe: im not sure who to talk to
    ÜbêR | MightyMe: but do u accept http://etf2l.org/forum/user/9994/ as merc?
    pNT’ ReMoVeR: i’ll answer you in a sec
    ÜbêR | MightyMe: ok
    pNT’ ReMoVeR: It’s fine
    ÜbêR | MightyMe: yes you accept him?
    pNT’ ReMoVeR: yes we accept him
    ÜbêR | MightyMe: thanks a lot”
    We accept the scout merc. Cheers

  17. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    “pNT’ ReMoVeR: we accept http://etf2l.org/forum/user/51315/ as merc”

  18. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    gg, shame you didnt want to play 2nd map

  19. MC: UbeR | said:

    gg gran was close. Shame about the rest.

  20. Signs. said:

    gg, gran was close, shame on having to use mightyme as demo to win the map, gg on the second map.

  21. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    pNT’ Trrev0r jesus diz que vcs sao todos uns conas
    pNT’ Trrev0r i would like to paly with your mom
    Emsee My mom is dead :(
    pNT’ Signs LFT HL MEDIC and you shouldn’t be an asshole… something are just the way they are :)
    pNT’ Trrev0r i wish you more then ill..

    And 100+ pauses, refusing to play and other bad stuff. Cheers

  22. Signs. said:

    why don’t you show up the rest of the chat? :)

  23. trevor said:


    i think you guys didn’t really understand why we(at least me) are unhappy whit the game, so i’ll explain.
    if it was allowed for mightyme(i’m just gona refer to him as the ass from now on) to play, with is main class in div 5, i would only be mad at etf2l for holding such a bad league.
    but when we allow you to play with a merc and then he leaves, and you guys have to get a new merc, he joins the server and our medic reconizes him has being a div 5 med, and we were seing the ass DMing as demo, so our med just says “guys the ass is gonna play demo and that guy is going med”,
    and i’m like “no way that’s just stupid.. ” but in mumble everyone is just saying for us to decline the merc, afraid that the ass might play demo…
    then you guys say in chat that the ass e playing med a and the merc is going solly.
    still all my team was suspicious and wanted to decline the merc. and i say “guys that doesn’t even makes sense… why would the ass want to play as demo in div 5.. it’s just stupid.. they said the merc is going solly.. there’s no way the ass is playing demo” needless to say that my fairplay backfired…
    so from then on i just wanted to talk to an admin so that we could fuck you guys in any way, and had no motivation to keep playing with a team that has higher div players in their main classes. cuz the thing is i’m here to have fun.. paly good matches.. like gran was.. but you guys had to act in worst way possible…

  24. WeeD_SmokeR said:

    I would not use that kind of language but what Trevor said basically describes the game.
    I find it extremly unfair that a Prem player can go to lower divs and be allowed to play on his main class. In that case I could just ask Haunter and killer4fun(they are both on the community that I am) and ask them to play on their main class. It would be a smooth ride up to div2 at least with them carrying us to the top.
    I had in mind that TF2 is a game where fairplay outruns the urge to win. But I see that is a lie.

  25. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    it was a nice first map… it’s a shame that you had to forget a bit about the fairplay and started playing us fools switching nicknames and bla bla bla. We ain’t dumb and we knew obviously who was playing what. It was a nice effort from your end to get the win, and so you did. Congratulations on the win and good luck for the rest of the season

  26. FakemasterPT: Barroliano - Nave said:

    it’s curious how there is no logs of the second map …

  27. FakemasterPT: Barroliano - Nave said:

    ok there is ….

  28. Signs. said:

    In fact I couldn’t agree more with both of my teammates words, I was suspecting something like that would happen. But my teammates told me that by fairplay, and beliving in other people word, well I believed in other people and look the good things happening… Game is all about the fairplay, but I got screwed more than once and this is just another proof that game is all about winning. Even in lower divs the urge to win is above doing what’s in my opinion is right :)
    another point is you shouldn’t let admins play the league… just saying… Great league by the way.

  29. basshead: mid said:

    I can’t find where it says MightyMe played demo in the logs?

    help me guys

  30. WeeD_SmokeR said:

    click on mightyme on the log and you’ll go to the guy who was playing as him. And vice-versa

  31. Signs. said:

    first you can look to the avatar :)
    then you can look at nicknames… why would mightyme remove the Uber tag during the game? :)
    i guess you are a big uber fan but there’s your help :) status is coming :)

  32. basshead: mid said:

    @weed_smoker cheers for pointing that out to me, hadn’t thought he would change his nick lol

    @Signs fuck you

  33. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    ^ nice!

  34. trevor said:


  35. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    What’s the point of having a pair os testicles if you can’t even be a man of honor/ word?

  36. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    That’s a par.

  37. Signs. said:

    That dear mate… it’s missing you a pair of something…

  38. WeeD_SmokeR said:


  39. 1pt: CC said:

    div 5 srs bsns.

  40. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:


  41. WeeD_SmokeR said:

    I see. I did not know that. Thank you.

  42. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    “It was a nice effort from your end to get the win,”

    NT’ Signs LFT HL MEDIC if you want the default win take it :)
    Red ÜbêR | MightyMe i dont want default win
    Blu pNT’ Signs LFT HL MEDIC i want :)
    Red ÜbêR | MightyMe i want to play
    Red kKaltUu | ETF2L.org civil is staying within the ETF2L ruleset. You’ve had 15 minutes to ready up.
    Red ÜbêR | Vlijm no we dont want that i hate defaults
    Blu pNT’ VanCooK team fortress yeah, not assfortress

  43. ducky: |LP| said:

    Changing nick names to try to hide the fact that you are gonna use a fucking prem player at his main class is disgusting.

    I can’t believe they actually are gonna get away with it…

  44. ducky: |LP| said:

    Oh btw, if I suck an admins dick can I get epsi back to play on div6?

  45. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    Hes in our roster he can play any class. We asked for div5 and got it, look at our results last season. Also stop focusing on mightyme im the real star of this team…

  46. ducky: |LP| said:

    Yeah I get that but it’s still a huge dick move, the fact that you got div5 is because MM is supposed to play medic and not demo, especially in a gc where a mid dictates the round win.

    And if you so sure of the rules why the fuck did you change names trying to trick the other team? Just shows how much of a dick you guys are.

  47. Reservoir dog: TC.Express said:

    The ETF2L staff is fully aware of the issues in this match.

    I am asking both parties (and players outside these two teams) not to engage into conversations on match page. Teams will be notified when our staff makes a decision, hopefully soon enough.

  48. maidos: 000 said:

    Agreed with the portugese team. Its a huge cunt move by you turds lying to your opponent saying mightyme wont play his main just so you can get your merc.

  49. Signs. said:

    The admins will do nothing about it… there was a admin playing the game and he did nothing against it… so… if the etf2l staff does something will kKaaltuu been put out of the staff?
    that’s my point… but hey… i’ll speak no more… not at the match page :)

  50. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Would like to propose to replay this game if the other team wants to and if admins allow us.

  51. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    For shame UbeR, despite it not really being against the rules.

    Still, at least you’re offering a rematch, so credit for that.

  52. Loch said:

    *eating popcorn*

    Looks like you got owned by etf2″ rules.
    Iff there wasnt a f*kn default date we could get a full team instead of using mercs.

    Gg was close.
    (Was working btw)

  53. Whiteglow said:


  54. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    lol do you really blame the default date system? you know if you’d just propose proper dates and talk to the other team leader there would be no default date

  55. ducky: |LP| said:

    Looks like you got owned by a prem player in div5*

    FTFY Loch

  56. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    hey quintosh have u read what reservoir_dog said?

  57. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Signs.: pNT’ said:
    January 29th, 2014 at 02:37 edit

    The admins will do nothing about it… there was a admin playing the game and he did nothing against it… so… if the etf2l staff does something will kKaaltuu been put out of the staff?
    that’s my point… but hey… i’ll speak no more… not at the match page :)

    Interesting that you want kkaltuu out of the staff considering Uber didn’t break any rules. This is why he didn’t do anything in the game. Additionally, due to his involvement in this case Kkaltuu will not be part of the decisionmaking.

    We fully understand that you’re angry, but do keep in mind that the ruleset is what determines whether there was a punishable offense here – and what that punishment will be.

    As for MightyMe’s question: Any match can be replayed as long as both teams agree and the matchresult is submitted before the deadline.

  58. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Thanks, what would happen if the results are not submitted before the deadline?

  59. ETF2L Staff said:

    Teams pNeumatics vs ÜbêR agreed to replay the match.

    There is currently no deadline, but ETF2L staff would prefer this getting played as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to take result and status screenshots. In case of any special inquirers, contact an admin on IRC.

    Also, ETF2L staff is happy to see that both teams want to end this with a fair play game, in spite of everything. Good luck and have fun in your upcoming game.

  60. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Next week monday or tuesday is best for us.
    Would like to start at 20.30 or 20.00 so that we can make sure we have 6 players untill the end of the game, because Westmin has to leave between 21.45 and 22.00.

  61. WeeD_SmokeR said:

    You can only play on monday, tuesday and wednesday around 20:00 and 21:45.
    So basically 3 days and 1:45h to play.
    The best day for us is on sunday- anytime basically. That cannot be arranged?

  62. Signs. said:

    I can’t play anyday before 21 CET, I work and I can’t miss my job to play TF2, mondays and thursday before 23 CET. I would like to rematch but I can’t miss my job :)

  63. Signs. said:

    @Buffalo Bill.
    I don’t want kkaltuu out of the staff… i’m just saying that if the admins do something, and kkaltuu as admin inside the game did nothing, that could only mean 1 of 2 things.
    or kkaltuu is a useless admin, or the staff is against kkaltuu opinion…
    you can take your own conclusions…

  64. Reservoir dog: TC.Express said:

    kKaltUu did exactly what he should have in that moment – he stayed out of the this because he knew he cannot possibly be objective. He was fully aware that situation is delicate, and didn’t want to interfere. He also didn’t participate in admin decision about this match.

    What kKaltUu in fact did – was adminship done by the book, no matter what you say.

  65. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    ÜbêR ,
    Can we do the rematch on a sunday anytime you want ?

  66. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Sorry we are not available to play on sunday.
    We are available on monday, tuesday or wednesday.

  67. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Wanna play wednesday 12th 20:30?

  68. WeeD_SmokeR said:

    Sure thing.

  69. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Sorry my working schedule has changed and now I also have to work on wednesday.
    What about next week monday / tuesday?

  70. MightyMe: UbeR | said:


  71. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Wanna play or not?

  72. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    We have tried to contact you about rescheduling this game Mightyme has one of you on steam and we want to play so we can finally get this game out of the way and move on. Also we posted here twice already about a date and no reply.

    We have no clue what we should do more, we offered a rematch but we do want to play this soon and not be forced to play on a weird day later in the season when we might not have time anymore.

    We want to play Tuesday 18-2-2014 at 21:00. I cant send proposal in Team Admin due to this match already ghaving been played so im looking forward to hearing from you.

  73. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    04 March 2014* not 18-2.

  74. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:


  75. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    hello? do you guys even want to replay???

  76. Vlijm: UbeR | said:


  77. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    We scheduled it. MightyMe’s schedules were changed and we didn’t play. I haven’t been much online but what I talked with MIghtyMe and we talked about a date which I can’t recall but I think it was to play on 11th or 12th March(?) and the answer I got was he would see if you guys could play.I haven’t received anything else since.

    I haven’t put much attention to this page since I have talked to MightyMe personally when we meet online.

    We obviously would like to play…


  78. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    I would like to link the following:

  79. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Correct, we were scheduling it but no specific date had been planned yet. The reason why this game is now submitted as a win for us is because my teammates desired this and kaltu informed me this woild be the most wisw decision, for now.
    Since we still have 1 game left to play we are trying prioritizing that one over this match.
    If we were not able to reschedule this game before the end of the season the results would not count, unless we would replay it.
    This is why results have been put back, so that the game still counts as played and we dont have too worry too much about season deadline.

    We still do want to replay this match, but after our last official. Can i ask you to propose dates here, because im not always online on steam?

    Our available days:
    Monday 21.15
    Tuesday: 21.00
    Wednesday (least preferred): 21.00

  80. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    Can we play Tuesday 18th at 21h ?

  81. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    We have our other official on that date.
    What baout Tuesday the 25th?

  82. ReMoVeR: pNT\' said:

    It can be! Tuesday 25th @ 21h ! (i’m not sure if the date is “etf2l possible”?)

  83. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Checked with rest of my team, like 4 or 5 of them wont be available.
    Will check If other date is better, but we have also some exams now so we are pretty busy.

  84. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Status #etf2lX ETF2L_X LeftismX
    [00:44] Good morning MightyMe
    [00:44] How can I help?

    [00:44] yes morning
    [00:44] hello
    [00:44] this match: http://etf2l.org/matches/46385/
    [00:44] when is the deadline
    [00:44] to submit results if we can replay it

    [00:45] I think the results are standing as they are now
    [00:45] We’ve given like a month since you offered a rematch and nothing has been sorted
    [00:45] To replay it?
    [00:45] You can’t

    [00:45] ok
    [00:45] so results stay as is?

    [00:45] Regular season was over 24 hours ago
    [00:45] Yes

    [00:45] ok

    [00:45] As I said

    [00:45] ill inform their team

    [00:46] It’s been a month

    [00:46] But yeah, regular season was over Monday 00:00cet

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