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Season 17 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 2A

Week 6

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:



1 - 3

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1 - 5

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France Gunslingers ♣ vs Poland TOILET CLEANER MASTERS
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


TOILET CLEANER MASTERS (6) phromelo, Kazachu, wonder, fybedi, paparazi, wonszu
Gunslingers ♣ (5) Origo, Exta, DiabalXen, Chocobo, Salt
Unrostered (1) Lithium


  1. DiabalXen said:

    Well basically if you can’t play on sundays, monday/tuesday are free.

    Nonetheless we prefer tuesday. Tell me asap.

  2. DiabalXen said:

    I proposed u Monday 3rd march at 21.15 by hoping it’s good :3.

  3. wonder: 哟什 said:

    it isn’t good :<. We prefer tuesday/wednesday at 21:15

  4. wonder: 哟什 said:

    I mean 4th or 5th at 21:15

  5. DiabalXen said:

    Well we can’t those 2 days :/. Bad week for us.

  6. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 06 March 2014, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  7. wonder: 哟什 said:


  8. DiabalXen said:

    Pls guys could we play this tuesday 4th, 21.15 ?

  9. DiabalXen said:

    23:44 – Diabal ♣: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/39910/
    23:44 – Diabal ♣: Could you allow him ?
    23:44 – Diabal ♣: Kaza said ti me to contact u
    23:44 – Diabal ♣: finally
    23:44 – Diabal ♣: to*
    23:47 – wonder: he is fine
    23:47 – wonder: I accept him

  10. .Selo said:

    GL NWT

  11. dob: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:


  12. JiPse said:

    Spara 16k.
    Go GS !!

  13. DiabalXen said:

    STV: connect

  14. DiabalXen said:

    Nice default date :/

  15. wonder: 哟什 said:


  16. Chocobo: said:

    Second time playing a team from poland and for the second time they are just the most unfairplay teams meet in ETF2L, I hope to not play against you ever again.

    oh and “gg” …

  17. wonszu: TCM said:

    Nuck: <3 – TSGHUH said:
    February 17th, 2014 at 22:29

    fairest team EU, not complaining once about our player / mumble / server issues…
    was fun, good luck for the rest of the season!

  18. Phroblem: 8-) said:

    good to know that we are the most unfair team but also the fairest team in etf2l, just cry moar

  19. Kazachu: GD said:

    waste WC, blame poland for it,gg default date,be mad, so french

  20. MARIANO said:

    Well done boys! :)

  21. wonder: 哟什 said:

    Why we are the most unfair team? I proposed you to play on tuesday 4th but you didn’t agree, after you saw default date (thursday 6th) you asked to play on tuesday 4th which you refused earlier lol. We couldn’t play on tuesday 4th anymore because of lack our scout (pablo) + we didn’t play any pcw in previous week and started play pcws with rad (who came back to tf2 after long break) who play this official aswell as you can see. After that you proposed to play after deadline but I refused because we don’t want to play 2 officials in 1 week + our medic(phroblem) is starting play pcws with his HL team so he doesn’t have time + we don’t want to get unecesary peantly points for playing after deadline. Anyway you said you will play on default date but you need 1 merc and you proposed prem div players as merc TWICE and I of course refused them because I don’t want to play vs prem div level players, it is obvious. We had many problems with roster too as you can see, We had to play with rad as scout who came back after long break as I said and kazachu played official 1st time as pocket in this season (btw. this roster is same like our 333’s team roster from last season but with wonszu instead of insuu. I think we should change name to 333 again LOL)

  22. wonder: 哟什 said:

    so plz stop accuse us of unfair play

  23. wonder: 哟什 said:

    anyway sorr that my internet went down a few times during the game and you had to wait for me.

  24. Kazachu: GD said:

    1st official – roamer
    2nd official – scout
    3rd and 4th official – demo
    5th official – pocket

    VS STR I need to play as medic <3

  25. Origo said:

    So many bullshit, that is awesome to read :D

    As Choco said, after all the season i’ve done on ETF2L you were one of the most unfair team i’ve met actually but hey like one of the ETF2L admin told me “Point are point ! if they need them so bad they will do it” :D

    Anyway gl for the rest, don’t answer me, i won’t read. Cya & happy fold.

  26. wonder: 哟什 said:

    ah I forgot about another funny fact: that you (your leader) asked me to give you DEFAULT WIN because we won’t win this anyway (because of roster problems) xD

  27. wonder: 哟什 said:

    because of our roster problems*

  28. Phroblem: 8-) said:

    Bullshit lol, you had choice, play on tuesday or play on thursday, you didn’t accept any of those 2 dates and you left that to default date which gave us thursday – day when you didn’t want to play.
    And after default date you tried to reschedule that match to tuesday.
    100% legit bro.
    And of course except that your leader tried to get default win/reschedule game by adding every people from our roster with a funny reason:
    “We have a chance to win that division, not like you with your roster problems”.
    GG WP frenchies, i hope you will win that div, also i think you should add HKN roster and try to get def win.

  29. wonder: 哟什 said:

    anyway who is probably will win this div so why do you have to be mad?

  30. Chocobo: said:

    We don’t care about losing, we lose all the time, it’s part of the game and even if exta and lithium are very good mates to lose with (<3 <3 <3), we still prefere losing with our usual mates so it does not feels like a fracking default lose, because we play to have fun and good challenges … Apparently you can't understand that and chose a cheap victory…

  31. Chocobo: said:

    Btw Diabal is waranger, we don’t have one “leader”.

  32. wonder: 哟什 said:

    I can understand but it wasn’t “a cheap victory” becasue we didn’t play with our usual mates too, so?

  33. Phroblem: 8-) said:

    We had rad on scout who didn’t play few months, kazachu who played 1st official on pocket (except that he played every official on other class) and we played like 2 scrims before that official match with that “new roster”, also, we couldn’t play our match on ANY other date you proposed because we would have to use mercs, that’s your fault because we proposed you to play on other dates and you didn’t accept them.
    And also we won’t play after deadline, 1st reason, i can’t (on date that you proposed), 2nd reason, we don’t really want to get warnings.

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