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Season 16 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 1

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by F2 (LEGO)



4 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

European Fenneks eSports by SimRai.com [season 18 vs Denmark LEGO
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Fenneks eSports by SimRai.com [season 18 (6) Salmon, skeej, gf18_idiot, delzic, KillAri, .kr4tos
LEGO (6) crizzl, Natural, Dr. Phil, zen1th, helberg, F2


  1. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    tue 1st 21:15 plz!!!

  2. F2: Danmark said:

    We cannot play Mon 30 or Tue 1. Try another date. :)

  3. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 29 September 2013, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  4. lacrimosa said:

    Stick auf last den Punkt ordentlich ab, Kr4tis!!

  5. Scottylein said:

    gl hf.

  6. lacrimosa said:


  7. kalaa: x 6 - SeB said:

    hey guys can u give me a hltv connect?

  8. dAGNER: duplo said:


  9. Canos said:

    Is there anywhere to watch it?

  10. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Someone cast this game :D

  11. calm``: DANMARK said:

    Leg Godt

  12. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    [17:27] skeej: so are you ok with rescheduling to the 6th for now thne?
    [17:27] skeej: then
    [17:27] F2: yes, if you take wildcard in case we can’t play on the 6th

    So, we’ll wildcard the game if LEGO ends up not being able to play on the 6th. For now its rescheduled by a week.

  13. andyvich: Blame Andy said:

    will cast on http://www.twitch.tv/fenneks

  14. BlackOut | Jon: ETF said:

    Will also be casted on BlackOut TV:


  15. BlackOut | Jon: ETF said:

    ignore ^

  16. BlackOut | Jon: ETF said:

    ^ignore my ignore message

  17. BlackOut | Jon: ETF said:

    ^ignore all my comments on here

  18. Bulle: Epsilon - LEGO said:

    I believe in crizzl

  19. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:


  20. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:


  21. Selo said:


  22. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    Selo :(

  23. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    zen :(

  24. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    skeej :(
    papa john’s never forget

  25. Arcade: aVo - READ said:

    GL FENNEKS … and zen

  26. Selo said:

    Sry Zen, good luck to you but I gotta support the boys :( .

  27. Oupa: Nave said:

    gl zen

  28. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    gg :)

  29. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    gg wp

  30. Natural said:

    intense games! gl for the remainder of the remainder of the season. :)

  31. Natural said:

    adrenaline cluttering my spelling, damn it xD

  32. F2: Danmark said:


    Including the real heals and medic stats in Show Chat.


  33. konr: idd. said:

    GG! Was very enjoyable to cast.

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