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Season 16 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 4B

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Dark (Kaneco eSports)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]

Croatia Guru Gaming vs Portugal Kaneco eSports
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Kaneco eSports (6) Lemon Juice, Dois, Dark, Barrow, kAsh.pt, mya
Guru Gaming (5) Niketic, Henghast, FlagZero, Susu, Dompa
Unrostered (1) JackyLegs


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 22 September 2013, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. Kokojambo: IDM. said:

    gl, Dompa!

  3. TUS | Retro said:

    hvala!!! AJMO NAŠI :) !!! gl

  4. Dania: RUN! said:

    gud lak!!!

  5. Dark: A4 said:

    merc allowed by dompa:


  6. Dompa: pHy - B☆ said:

    also merc allowed by dark:


  7. Dark: A4 said:

    chat about the server

    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: bring you all team
    guru{Dompa}: yes
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and check it out
    guru{Dompa}: sec
    guru{Dompa}: btw, if u dont wanna play on this server
    guru{Dompa}: we can make arrangement
    guru{Dompa}: 1 map our server ( etf2l ) 1 map your server
    guru{Dompa}: first map gran on etf2l server ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa im not gonna play with 200 ping demo
    guru{Dompa}: btw our merc is offline currently
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: try this server
    guru{Dompa}: but im not goin to play with french server which is laggy
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: if u get 200 ping well get another
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: why is laggy you got 60 pign?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just get everyone in here
    guru{Dompa}: ping and lag are different
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: looking for an admin to solve this
    guru{Dompa}: btw
    guru{Dompa}: Be reasonable regarding servers

    Both teams can agree on the server which both maps are played on, or agree to play one map on each clan’s server. If you can’t agree to play either way then the game must be played on an ETF2L league server (please contact an admin to arrange this).

    Make sure the server is adequate before you start – complaints cannot be made after the match.
    guru{Dompa}: 5.1 rule
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just a sec
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: contacting admin
    guru{Dompa}: sure
    guru{Dompa}: we want to play 1 map
    guru{Dompa}: on this server
    guru{Dompa}: if we cant get both
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: sure ill say that to the admin
    guru{Dompa}: can u give me ip
    guru{Dompa}: from your server
    guru{Dompa}: to check
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: connect ; password private
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa you that guy count as a merc riight?
    guru{Dompa}: and what is your decision ?
    if both teams cant agree on a server, then a default server has to be used
    thats an etf2l server
    i can offer a uk or german hosted server
    or you can try one of theirs server
    this is german server anyway
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: we dont want to play on the german one
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: you dont want a french
    guru{Dompa}: its official server from etf2l
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: so im guessing you dont want the uk one
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: we do not agree on etf2l servers
    guru{Dompa}: but we’re not happy with your server, and etf2l server is the only answer
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: so uk server then
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: its an etf2l
    guru{Dompa}: ask for uk server
    guru{Dompa}: and call him
    guru{Dompa}: on uk server
    guru{Dompa}: to decide
    guru{Dompa}: to play on german or uk
    guru{Dompa}: will u ask admin for uk server ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: barrow is doing that i guess
    guru{Dompa}: okay
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i did not accept that merc
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: caned
    guru{Dompa} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: uk or french?
    guru{Dompa} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    guru{Dompa}: its up to you. you have to decide if the german or uk hosted server
    guru{Dompa}: we say german
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: well if one team clearly has bad pings on the DE server
    [20:32] and both teams have similar pings on UK
    [20:32] then UK it is
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa its uk
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: admin said
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and it does not have whitlist…
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and btw i guess french its better for you
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: than uk
    guru{Dompa}: uk
    guru{Dompa}: would be last option
    guru{Dompa}: and I say lets play on uk server

  8. Dark: A4 said:

    chat about merc:

    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: now dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i did not accept caned
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: its not verified on your team list
    guru{Dompa}: well thats just 1 minor warning
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: so you are playing with a not accepted merc right?
    guru{Dompa}: he’s not merc
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: it is
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: cuz its not verified on etf2l
    guru{Dompa}: why is your main reason
    guru{Dompa}: for disallowing caned ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i accepted 1 already
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: use that one
    guru{Dompa}: he’s not playing
    guru{Dompa}: he’s offline
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: not my fault
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: you accepted my merc which im not gonna use
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i accepted yours
    guru{Dompa}: well if you’re goin to be dick then go on
    guru{Dompa}: why making drama
    guru{Dompa}: besides just playing it
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: not making drama
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just following rules
    guru{Dompa}: which rule ?
    guru{Dompa}: for merc ?
    guru{Dompa}: and what correctly ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: no mercs allowed unless opponent agrees
    guru{Dompa}: we can have 2 mercs if you allow them
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i allowed one
    guru{Dompa}: even 3
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: which is not playing
    guru{Dompa}: and you dont anyone
    guru{Dompa}: of them
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and just 2
    guru{Dompa}: so your main reason for disallowing our merc is
    guru{Dompa}: just we had one accepted ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just go i did not accept your merc
    guru{Dompa}: tell me reason
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i already accepted 1
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: use that merc
    guru{Dompa}: we also accepted your merc, so anyway on your side
    guru{Dompa}: we would agree
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa just stop
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: lets play
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i did not accept your merc
    guru{Dompa}: we have 6
    guru{Dompa}: lets play
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: but a merc i did not accept
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa let be clear
    guru{Dompa}: because you want default win
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: you use that merc you get def win
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: default loss*
    guru{Dompa}: well
    guru{Dompa} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    guru{Dompa}: well if you dont accept him which isnt quite big issue
    guru{Dompa}: and your main reason for not allowing him isnt quite well
    guru{Dompa}: u didnt tell me
    guru{Dompa}: main reason yet
    guru{Dompa}: for not allowing
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i dont have to give you a reason
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i said no
    guru{Dompa}: you have to give a reason
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: its no
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: no i do not
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: where does it says on the rules?
    guru{Dompa}: are you goin to be first team to deny merc just for default win for your team ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: not the first and not the last
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: im following the rules thats all
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: simply as that
    guru{Dompa}: but in rules you can accept more than 1 merc
    guru{Dompa}: and you simply dont want to
    guru{Dompa}: doesnt*
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa we do not accept caned as merc
    guru{Dompa} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    guru{Dompa}: will u accept
    guru{Dompa}: another ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: im not accepting anymore mercs
    guru{Dompa}: lol
    guru{Dompa}: so basically you’re making default win only because you wont accept anyone
    guru{Dompa}: our merc isnt online
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: its not my fault that he is not online
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa enought
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: enough*
    guru{Dompa}: its not mine as well
    guru{Dompa}: give us merc
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: no i already said no
    guru{Dompa}: just play
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa stop pls
    guru{Dompa}: you stop
    guru{Dompa}: lets play
    guru{Dompa}: why you dont wanna play
    guru{Dompa}: because you’re affraid maybe
    guru{Dompa}: and you can easily win
    guru{Dompa}: this game
    guru{Dompa}: by getting default
    guru{Dompa}: and get on the wall of shame
    guru{Dompa}: just play
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: play with the merc i accepted or with 5
    guru{Dompa}: we’ll play with unverified player
    guru{Dompa}: and you can complain
    guru{Dompa}: after the match
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: not verified = merc
    guru{Dompa}: its by the rules
    guru{Dompa}: we gonna play with unverified merc
    guru{Dompa}: ten
    guru{Dompa}: then*
    guru{Dompa}: and contact admin later
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: admin says he has to leave the server before ready up
    guru{Dompa}: that we just played with unverified merc
    guru{Dompa}: can u give me
    guru{Dompa}: link
    guru{Dompa}: just copy paste
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just a sec
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: [20:59] hi BARROWW
    [20:59] hi
    [20:59] emb told me that you need help with something
    [20:59] ya
    [21:00] how can i help you then? ^_^
    [21:01] We wanted to request a default win atm to us
    [21:01] because the other team is using now allowed mercs
    [21:01] if you deny a merc
    [21:01] he should leave
    [21:01] and ask you for another one
    [21:02] We allowed 1 merc before
    [21:02] but they want another one
    [21:02] because the first one didnt show up
    [21:02] and we dont allowed it
    [21:02] so they should either play with 5 or you allow a merc for them
    [21:03] we dont want to allow a merc
    [21:03] so they have to play with 5 or default?
    [21:03] yup
    [21:03] they are being rude and imature with our team so we dont have to help them
    [21:03] or they can get another player from his team
    [21:03] do you have any problems with the server?
    [21:03] emb told me something about that
    [21:03] we already skipped that part
    [21:04] ah ok
    [21:04] emb fixed it before
    [21:04] then
    [21:04] they should play with 5 or leave
    [21:04] they dont want to leave tho
    [21:04] in that case
    [21:04] you will have to take screenshots
    [21:04] of them being rude
    [21:05] or refusing to leave/play with 5
    [21:05] so we actually have a guarantee that what you are saying it’s true
    [21:05] in what server are you playing on?
    [21:05] UK #1
    [21:05] we have the screens
    [21:05] you can check the logs if needed

  9. Dark: A4 said:

    chat about server

    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: bring you all team
    guru{Dompa}: yes
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and check it out
    guru{Dompa}: sec
    guru{Dompa}: btw, if u dont wanna play on this server
    guru{Dompa}: we can make arrangement
    guru{Dompa}: 1 map our server ( etf2l ) 1 map your server
    guru{Dompa}: first map gran on etf2l server ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa im not gonna play with 200 ping demo
    guru{Dompa}: btw our merc is offline currently
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: try this server
    guru{Dompa}: but im not goin to play with french server which is laggy
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: if u get 200 ping well get another
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: why is laggy you got 60 pign?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just get everyone in here
    guru{Dompa}: ping and lag are different
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: looking for an admin to solve this
    guru{Dompa}: btw
    guru{Dompa}: Be reasonable regarding servers

    Both teams can agree on the server which both maps are played on, or agree to play one map on each clan’s server. If you can’t agree to play either way then the game must be played on an ETF2L league server (please contact an admin to arrange this).

    Make sure the server is adequate before you start – complaints cannot be made after the match.
    guru{Dompa}: 5.1 rule
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just a sec
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: contacting admin
    guru{Dompa}: sure
    guru{Dompa}: we want to play 1 map
    guru{Dompa}: on this server
    guru{Dompa}: if we cant get both
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: sure ill say that to the admin
    guru{Dompa}: can u give me ip
    guru{Dompa}: from your server
    guru{Dompa}: to check
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: connect ; password private
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa you that guy count as a merc riight?
    guru{Dompa}: and what is your decision ?
    if both teams cant agree on a server, then a default server has to be used
    thats an etf2l server
    i can offer a uk or german hosted server
    or you can try one of theirs server
    this is german server anyway
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: we dont want to play on the german one
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: you dont want a french
    guru{Dompa}: its official server from etf2l
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: so im guessing you dont want the uk one
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: we do not agree on etf2l servers
    guru{Dompa}: but we’re not happy with your server, and etf2l server is the only answer
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: so uk server then
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: its an etf2l
    guru{Dompa}: ask for uk server
    guru{Dompa}: and call him
    guru{Dompa}: on uk server
    guru{Dompa}: to decide
    guru{Dompa}: to play on german or uk
    guru{Dompa}: will u ask admin for uk server ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: barrow is doing that i guess
    guru{Dompa}: okay
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i did not accept that merc
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: caned
    guru{Dompa} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: uk or french?
    guru{Dompa} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    guru{Dompa}: its up to you. you have to decide if the german or uk hosted server
    guru{Dompa}: we say german
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: well if one team clearly has bad pings on the DE server
    [20:32] and both teams have similar pings on UK
    [20:32] then UK it is
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa its uk
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: admin said
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and it does not have whitlist…
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and btw i guess french its better for you
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: than uk
    guru{Dompa}: uk
    guru{Dompa}: would be last option
    guru{Dompa}: and I say lets play on uk server

  10. Dark: A4 said:




  11. Dark: A4 said:

    chat about server

    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: bring you all team
    guru{Dompa}: yes
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and check it out
    guru{Dompa}: sec
    guru{Dompa}: btw, if u dont wanna play on this server
    guru{Dompa}: we can make arrangement
    guru{Dompa}: 1 map our server ( etf2l ) 1 map your server
    guru{Dompa}: first map gran on etf2l server ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa im not gonna play with 200 ping demo
    guru{Dompa}: btw our merc is offline currently
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: try this server
    guru{Dompa}: but im not goin to play with french server which is laggy
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: if u get 200 ping well get another
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: why is laggy you got 60 pign?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just get everyone in here
    guru{Dompa}: ping and lag are different
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: looking for an admin to solve this
    guru{Dompa}: btw
    guru{Dompa}: Be reasonable regarding servers

    Both teams can agree on the server which both maps are played on, or agree to play one map on each clan’s server. If you can’t agree to play either way then the game must be played on an ETF2L league server (please contact an admin to arrange this).

    Make sure the server is adequate before you start – complaints cannot be made after the match.
    guru{Dompa}: 5.1 rule
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: just a sec
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: contacting admin
    guru{Dompa}: sure
    guru{Dompa}: we want to play 1 map
    guru{Dompa}: on this server
    guru{Dompa}: if we cant get both
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: sure ill say that to the admin
    guru{Dompa}: can u give me ip
    guru{Dompa}: from your server
    guru{Dompa}: to check
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: connect ; password private
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa you that guy count as a merc riight?
    guru{Dompa}: and what is your decision ?
    if both teams cant agree on a server, then a default server has to be used
    thats an etf2l server
    i can offer a uk or german hosted server
    or you can try one of theirs server
    this is german server anyway
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: we dont want to play on the german one
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: you dont want a french
    guru{Dompa}: its official server from etf2l
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: so im guessing you dont want the uk one
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: we do not agree on etf2l servers
    guru{Dompa}: but we’re not happy with your server, and etf2l server is the only answer
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: so uk server then
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: its an etf2l
    guru{Dompa}: ask for uk server
    guru{Dompa}: and call him
    guru{Dompa}: on uk server
    guru{Dompa}: to decide
    guru{Dompa}: to play on german or uk
    guru{Dompa}: will u ask admin for uk server ?
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: barrow is doing that i guess
    guru{Dompa}: okay
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and dompa
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: i did not accept that merc
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: caned
    guru{Dompa} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: uk or french?
    guru{Dompa} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    guru{Dompa}: its up to you. you have to decide if the german or uk hosted server
    guru{Dompa}: we say german
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: well if one team clearly has bad pings on the DE server
    [20:32] and both teams have similar pings on UK
    [20:32] then UK it is
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: dompa its uk
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: admin said
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and it does not have whitlist…
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: and btw i guess french its better for you
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: than uk
    guru{Dompa}: uk
    guru{Dompa}: would be last option
    guru{Dompa}: and I say lets play on uk server

  12. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Pathetic bunch of fannies, would rather play 5v6 than 6v6 so they can get easy points

  13. n1ven: exo. - Fight Club said:

    Fair play award for Dark!!! (irony)

  14. Dompa: pHy - B☆ said:

    “[21:03] they are being rude and imature with our team so we dont have to help them”

    Thank you for describing us how we are. At least we won’t provoke opponent team to start game without 6 players.

    Sportsmanship: Zero points.

    Have fun.

  15. Barrow: Barroliano - A4 said:

    Have fun aswell :)

  16. .Peign - :3: snapeandjaptorc said:

    feel sorry for guru. Looks like someone needed that win really hard…

  17. ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    WTB nazi admins to just ban them without remorse.

  18. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Dompa has not interpreted all the rules correctly.

    “guru{Dompa}: well thats just 1 minor warning” – No. Using a player who is not in the roster and not approved to merc by the opponent is a minor warning and a default loss, making it pointless to insist on playing with the merc you know is not approved.

    “guru{Dompa}: we can have 2 mercs if you allow them. even 3” – No. You can only use a maximum of up to 2 mercs, even if your opponent would allow you to use more. The match result would be overturned.

    It is also wrong to assume that if your opponent allowed player A as merc, he will also allow player B to help out, especially if the allowed merc is listed in the match comments.
    Some general advice would be to inform your opponent about everything that is not going according to plan and always be polite, especially if you need a favour from them (which allowing a merc counts as).

  19. SpacePig said:

    SpacePig: your team is bad
    Dark fm-eSports.tf2: yep, we suck

  20. Barrow: Barroliano - A4 said:

    No point to keep this discussion since your friends just want to defend Guru. No problem with that. Have fun and gl on season

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