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Season 16 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 4A

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by CVM (UCAP eSports)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

European UCAP eSports vs Germany HerbsArmy
6 - 0

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


UCAP eSports (6) Head Hunter, Chillerbear, Lokter, CVM, Beetle, damneasy
HerbsArmy (6) JohnnyBambo, Rasta, dessi, ash, Mauzi, CanFo


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 26 September 2013, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Oh no, I can’t play that day :(

  3. Chillerbear said:


  4. Lokter: UCAP. - 8D said:

    connect turtle.dmci.hva.nl:27285; password ucap

  5. Rasta: [HA] said:

    Unfortunately we are not able to play tonight! We take a wildcard and would like to arrange the match for tuesday (01.10.), thursday (03.10.) or sunday (06.10.) of the following week around 20.30h cet!

  6. Rasta: [HA] said:

    The match will take place on sunday the 06.10. at 21h cet! Cya soon and sorry again for the little chaos! ;)

  7. Chillerbear said:

    good luck have fun

  8. halbstarkn: encore said:

    stv please, gl hf

  9. DamnEasy said:

    Ill try to remember to give stv :)

  10. halbstarkn: encore said:


  11. Lokter: UCAP. - 8D said:

    STV: connect fr.fakkelbrigade.eu:27080; password tv

  12. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Best team of the group is out of the way. From now on it can only go upwards!

  13. Rasta: [HA] said:

    GG UCAP and a big WP to Headhunter!

  14. CVM: 8D said:

    gg lads, gl with rest of the season!

  15. DamnEasy said:


  16. DamnEasy said:


  17. Lokter: UCAP. - 8D said:

    ggwp, logs incoming

  18. ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    gg, gl with your remaining games.

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