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Season 15 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 3D

Week 7

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Golden (Mai Ingrush iz table)



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]



4 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

UnitedKingdom clanda vs European Mai Ingrush iz table
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Mai Ingrush iz table (5) Golden, Honky, caned, bob, Susu
clanda (6) Goose, b0nes, b0binho, beach, Abomination, Blue.Eagle
Unrostered (1) T0m


  1. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:

    we are free thursday or sunday

  2. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:

    sorry i ment tuesday and sunday

  3. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 16 June 2013, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  4. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:

    we have another etf2l game on tuesday now, sunday is good tho

  5. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:

    our svr = connect;password dawar

    let me know if this is ok ty

  6. AnimaL said:

    Will be casted by VanillaTV: http://www.vanillatf2.org/vanillatv/

  7. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    ggwp & thanks to vtv for the stream

  8. Golden said:

    mercs for 2nd map are allowed

  9. T0m.: (ETF2L Donator) said:


  10. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:

    sorry mine and goose’s connection totally borked, couldn’t move at all on first map

  11. Blue.Eagle said:

    gg, thanks for your patience, and allowing the mercs, and having an awesome team name :D

  12. JohnnyBambo: #T4F said:

    Dear teams, can you pls upload a higher resolution status screenshot. This one cant be read by our screenshot parser.

    You can add it through this link here:

  13. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:


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