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Season 15 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 1

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by alba (REVERTO)



4 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]

European Politically correct pander vs European REVERTO
3 - 3

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


Politically correct pander (6) furbo, rockie, zoob, Hildreth, Shifty, Sideshow
REVERTO (6) BaR, toogyboogy, Starkie, Rising, Maffi, alba


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 05 May 2013, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Added Alba to re-arrange game to later in the week, we can’t really do Sunday, I am fairly sure I will be casting (and we barely have a team anyway).

  3. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by Furbo Pandas.
    You must reschedule and play this game by 25/05/2013.

  4. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Can we play on Tuesday 14th? 21.15

  5. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Nevermind I see you got another match then, lets do Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th, Sunday 19th? Monday 20th?

  6. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    This match will be casted on BlackOut TV:


  7. dAGNER: duplo said:


  8. Cookeh said:

    Come on Pandas!

  9. deli: CENTO said:

    gonna be good! gl both!

  10. Dennia: FAINT said:

    Gl alba , maffi , bar.

  11. Fallen: TC said:

    Furbo to carry
    Sideshow to dribble.

  12. BaR: REVERTO said:

    well played

  13. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Hildreth: okay his PC is apparently fucked
    Hildreth: can we use a merc?
    reverto Stark: yeah ok
    Hildreth: Sheepy ok?
    reverto Stark: yeah
    Hildreth: kk ty
    Hildreth: sorry bout this
    reverto Stark: np

    Thanks for allowing sheepy mid-game sub, GG.

  14. Sarah said:


  15. Dennia: FAINT said:

    Big choke reverto im dissapoint

  16. rockie said:

    GG everyone and thanks for letting sheeeeeeeeeepy merc

  17. zooob said:


  18. AnimaL said:

    sheepy mercing is insta win

  19. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:


    VOD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOqJ0CoESVQ

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