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Season 15 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 6H

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

Default Win

Germany encore vs Germany Run Bitch, Run!
6 - 0



  1. ryse: encore said:

    we need a merc, please approve http://etf2l.org/forum/user/9764/

  2. ryse: encore said:

    euer teamleader ist seit 4 tagen nich online gewesen, darum hier connectline für heut abend: connect; password boobies

  3. ryse: encore said:

    nur so nebenbei..

    1.6 Teams with more than 2 Default Losses or 2 noshows in a row will be expelled from the Season

    If a team receives a third Default Loss or is not showing up for a match twice in a row, it will be expelled from the league for the running season.

  4. BotX: [RBR!] said:

    Ich versuche sie dazu zu animieren

  5. ryse: encore said:

    wie schauts mit unserem merc aus?

  6. ryse: encore said:

    brauchen merc fürn merc -> http://etf2l.org/forum/user/84923/

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