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Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 6L

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Stavoh (Tea-Mates)



1 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]



1 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]

Hungary SecksBusters vs European Tea-Mates
2 - 4

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Tea-Mates (8) Yodas Brother, Frozty, engkvist, Stavoh, Mmchips, madfox, Divi, crazycalumrock
SecksBusters (6) Smile, JimMorrison723, szemi, KFAR, kalaa, NigerGufi
Unrostered (4) happi, VaHur, Vabe, Ilias


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 17 March 2013, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. Divi: RATS said:

    4 – 2? pathetic liars

  3. counter4561: Wii - JaR said:

    This is a lie. It was 2-1 to Variety of Inception.

  4. engkvist: FISTERRRRR said:

    The rules said its the winner of each round, which means it cant be 4-2
    We actually won 2-1, stop the lies.

  5. happi: BS # - SeB said:

    wow…. we lose ;_; not other team

  6. Maniac said:

    I have changed the score to correctly show a 2 – 1 round win for Voi

    A few things:
    1. They did submit the score in the correct format – when submitting a score for either pl or cp, if it is a GC, you enter 2 – 1 for both maps, and hit the GC button for both. The big 4 – 2 that you see at the top of the page is the ETF2L score, i.e. what gets added to the tables, not the exact score from the game. (e.g. when you win normally, say 5 -0, the top of this page will say 6 – 0, as you get 6 table points for winning).

    2. Secksbusters – this is an unofficial warning, as it is your first time submitting results i wont punish you, however if you are unsure how to submit results come to the support page and we will help you. If you enter incorrect results again, then you will be punished (unless you come to us immediately if its just because you hit submit too soon)

    I hope you enjoy the rest of the HL season, gl hf!

  7. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Dear SecksBusters and Variety of Inception:

    Both team will receive a minor warning for not uploading status screenshot. If you do upload a proper status screenshot, you can contact an admin on ETF2L IRC channel for warning removal.

  8. Stavoh said:

    Reservoir_dog can you contact me on steam so I can fix this issue with the screenshots. Because I am clearly doing something wroing when submiting them and I want to know how to do it proberly.

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