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Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming

Division 1

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by pancake (Kill Switch)



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

UnitedStates Unbelievably Brave Sweethearts vs European Kill Switch
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Unbelievably Brave Sweethearts (9) CHEERISS, jello, Pulse, phAZE, Hildreth, Polk, tm4, misskay, sheepy dog's hand
Kill Switch (9) sad-panda, EmilioEstevez, Hegee, Tom, Scribby, Enders Flame, kcot, Eliman, UNBRKBL


  1. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Hey guys, would you be willing to do weekends, 21 CET?

  2. pancake: |Ks| - |ks| said:

    hi, adding to discuss; 21 would be too late we can do 20 CEST, weekends should be fine

  3. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    20 should be okay, can we Sat or Sunday 20/21st?

  4. pancake: |Ks| - |ks| said:

    i will ask others n get back to u asap, it would be easier if u can add me ur friend list is full so i cant do it

  5. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Saturday, 20 April 2013, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  6. pancake: |Ks| - |ks| said:

    can we move this to sunday 21st @ 20 CEST plz

  7. demsii: EPA said:

    gogo KillSwitch! :))

  8. Jon1155: ETF said:

    This game will be casted over on BlackOut TV


  9. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Hildreth -ts-: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/20748
    Hildreth -ts-: we wanna use him tomorrow on Demo
    Hildreth -ts-: as Merc, cos I am away
    |ks| Pancake |PB’s|: k
    |ks| Pancake |PB’s|: should be fine
    |ks| Pancake |PB’s|: we too might use 1 merc
    |ks| Pancake |PB’s|: not sure yet though
    Hildreth -ts-: kk should be fine whoever you allow
    |ks| Pancake |PB’s|: they will be div 1 or div 2 i will let u know beforehand
    Hildreth -ts-: it’s cool no worries
    |ks| Pancake |PB’s|: k thnx

  10. irfx: EPA said:

    KS, beware of this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-HqxoLPeBg&hd=1

  11. Quell: UbeR | said:

    go ks:)

  12. Muffinz: pen15 said:

    Will this match still be casted? Or is there stv?

  13. Enders Flame said:


  14. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Damn polk and his pug teams.

    GG – good luck Kill Switch.

  15. sad-panda said:

    Was a good game first round was very close.

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