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Season 14 powered by Twitch

Division 6J

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by GRANT (Team Imperial)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



4 - 3 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

France Insane Gaming vs Lithuania Team Imperial
5 - 1

SteamID Screenshots: A


Unregistered (11) -IM- Didvyris, .#IG.War VG63, Jkr., .#IG.War Alexcouter, .#IG.war Serious, -IM- Nyvis ?, -IM- WzOds, -IM- Kex, Tiky / Mix , Last ?, .#IG.war TaCtixX, -IM- Gon


  1. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    Team Imperial replaced a dropped team. Pleast start scheduling as soon as possible. The week 3 default deadline remains.

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 03 February 2013, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. Alexcouter: Whl said:

    Is it possible to play at 21:00 ?

  4. GRANT: juice said:


  5. vg63: .#IG.War said:

    last demo


  6. vg63: .#IG.War said:

    19:53 – .#IG.War VG63: you accept the merc?
    19:55 – -IM- GRUNTAS: yes
    19:55 – .#IG.War VG63: thx
    20:02 – .#IG.War VG63: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/73773/
    20:02 – .#IG.War VG63: is etf2l profil?
    20:02 – .#IG.War VG63: !
    20:03 – -IM- GRUNTAS: okey
    20:03 – .#IG.War VG63: I post this into the match link
    20:03 – -IM- GRUNTAS: ok
    20:04 – .#IG.War VG63: done

  7. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    I am not sure what is the problem with the status screenshot, but I think it is because of your resolution. Because for some reason the parser cannot read it. Could you get someone else from your team to take the status screenshot for you? Otherwise we might have to request another one that can be read by the parser in the future.

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