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Season 14 powered by Twitch

Division 6A

Week 6

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Kitanamonk (e-Lemonators)



2 - 7

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Jamaica 420 Bong Zebras vs International e-Lemonators
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


e-Lemonators (5) TheDrNick, Hutchy, Lemons, andy's hoe, Kitanamonk
420 Bong Zebras (6) dc., staas-, Moosetorpedo, Unequity, IceCool., sondi
Unrostered (1) Solid


  1. staas-: ^zebras^ said:

    hey. the date and time is fine with us. see you guys next week

  2. staas-: ^zebras^ said:

    sorry guys our med can’t play so we have to wildcard.

  3. AeZ!: TP said:

    The default date has been removed, sorry for any caused problems!
    Automatic sender still mailed you since the message was here at the beinning.

    Default date will be applied when needed, this time it was too early, sorry for any inconvenience.

  4. pAnke: .Flaj said:


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