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Season 14 powered by Twitch

Division 5J

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by FLOWER (Virtual Λlliance)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Germany vier // white vs Pakistan Virtual Λlliance
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


Virtual Λlliance (6) Muerte, Elipsysl0x, Khum, Sjoeberg, nibo, FLOWER
vier // white (3) pain., steli, Vertex
Unrostered (1) .muku


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 24 February 2013, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by vier // white.
    You must reschedule and play this game by 09/03/2013.

  3. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 07 March 2013, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  4. FLOWER: B4P said:

    Our server connect; password private42 and stv : connect; password tv . GL & HF

  5. Muerte: elev8 said:

    Good luck and have fun guys! :D

  6. Sjoeberg: 9 ☆ said:

    Good game and such

  7. pain.: Nein said:

    After declining all our proposed days to play this match and declining all our mercs we needed to use because we played on a day we couldn’t, this team thought being a bunch of retards isn’t enough, they also had to shit-talk through the whole game. This is as low as a team could get and I hope you all die in a fire. Have a nice day.

  8. LuckShot: En TÖÖRNS said:

    our one merc was allowed.

    Have fun with the 6 points guys. Put them above your fireplace or something.

  9. Morph said:

    biggest morons ive ever played against. fairplay, wtf is that….

  10. FLOWER: B4P said:

    The shit-talking was done by me don’t blame my team for that. And you wildcarded a game and then dont schedule it why would we therefor default date it is!

  11. pain.: Nein said:

    We talked to you twice and you declined our days (monday, wendnesday and sunday) twice. I don’t care who from your team shit-talked, but you weren’t the only one. But is that a way to represent your team? All you prove is that you are one premature piece of shit.

  12. nibo: elev8 - eerie said:

    “You must reschedule and play this game by 09/03/2013.”
    No reschedule so we take the default date. Not our fault

  13. Muerte: elev8 said:

    First, regarding the shit talking. It came from both sides.

    Now, about the date.
    First, you wildcarded a game. Fair enough. No issues there. You then didn’t contact us with a proposal for a date. Therefore, a default date was given. With Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday being our scrim nights, Thursday was a perfect date. I agreed with everyone on our team that we would play on the defaulted Thursday since it was a day we were all free and with 1 game still to play this coming Sunday, on our end we had no other day we could arrange it for.
    It was only a couple of days ago that you contacted our war arranger, Flower, with the request to change the date. I’m sorry, but if you had what, a 1 (or was it 2?) week period in which to contact us after you wildcarded the game, before the default date was set automatically. This lack of contact suggested to us that you were happy to play on said default date.
    Regarding mercs. Previously, on multiple occasions, we have allowed 2 mercs. On a couple of these occasions the mercs top scored, easily above the points of their medic resulting in us getting rolled. The rules state that the use of mercs is subject to the enemy team allowing them. We allowed 1 merc. Aye, you may consider it unfair, but from my perspective it was a perfectly reasonable decision on our part. A few individuals on my team had a got at me for even authorising the use of 1 merc.
    Again, if players are unable to play on a certain day (as was made clear by your wildcard), you had a perfectly long period of time in which you could’ve contacted myself (or Flower) to arrange a suitable day/time prior to the default date being set.

    Anyway, say what you will. We were well within our rights to allow just the 1 merc and refuse to change the default date. It’s called a default date for a reason.

    Feel free to contact myself or Flower if you ever want to scrim/pcw in the future.

    GG and GL to your team in the future.

  14. LuckShot: En TÖÖRNS said:

    Oh. Make no mistake. I’m perfectly aware that it was all within the rules.

    First, about the date. We contacted you last weekend, said we couldn’t play. You know, sometimes we can’t know two weeks in advance if we will be able to play, that stuff happens.
    All fine, we thought. Still plenty of time left.
    So, we contacted you last weekend, gave you three days where we could play and you denied each of them. You even said you could play sunday, but you just didn’t want to.
    Fair enough, all within the rules. Nothing we can do.

    So we tried to get the people to play on thursday. Managed to get 4, so with 2 mercs all should be fine. We gave you 5 choices. All players on div5 level. You deny 4 of those, bringing up reasons like “He played in div4” even though that single div4 match that player was in, was 2 years ago. (check the screenshot I posted above)

    I’m not even going to touch the shit talking.

    To sum it all up. I’m not saying it was against the rules.
    I’m just saying you did at no point try to find a compromise and make it work for both teams.
    And this is really the first time this has happened to me. Every other team we played somehow managed to find a date suitable for both teams.

  15. Muerte: elev8 said:

    This is the last week available for games. We already have a our last game scheduled for this Sunday coming.

    Everything that occurred was due to 1 simple thing. Your lack of contact. Take this as a lesson and learn to approach your enemies in advance, before a default date is set, to arrange an official.

    End. Of. Story.

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