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Season 14 powered by Twitch

Division 5D

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Dingo (+forward)



3 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



4 - 3 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]

European +forward vs Germany HerbsArmy
5 - 1

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


+forward (6) ExsDee, BrH, Dingo, EsDeeKay, 009EFF, dffdls
HerbsArmy (6) Rasta, dessi, ash, marKo, Mauzi, Nose


  • Map 1 (cp_process_rc2): Source TV [Pruned] by ash (129 Downloads)
  • Map 2 (cp_snakewater): Source TV [Pruned] by Dingo (109 Downloads)
  • Map 2 (cp_snakewater): Source TV [Pruned] by Dingo (134 Downloads)


  1. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    What about Friday 22/2, at 21:15 cet?

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Friday, 22 February 2013, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by HerbsArmy.
    You must reschedule and play this game by 09/03/2013.

  4. [HA]Rasta: [HA] said:

    Unfortunately it’s a fact that we never play on fridays and saturdays, cause my mates are out oof “office” at this days! But we can offer you next weeks Tuesday (26.02.), Thursday (28.2.) and Sunday (03.03.) or even the week later on this days. As starting-time we would prefer 20hgmt/21hcet!

  5. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    Tuesday at 20:45 cet would be perfect!

  6. [HA]Rasta: [HA] said:

    So let’s play on Tuesday at this time! I ll challenge you!

  7. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    I’m sorry but we have some problems playing tomorrow. We can play Sunday at the time you proposed, I think it will be fine?

  8. [HA]Rasta: [HA] said:

    Ok, let’s play on Sunday 03.03. at 20.15gmt/21.15cet!

  9. [HA]Rasta: [HA] said:

    We ll wait for you at 21.15h at this server:

    connect; password hans

  10. Ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    http://logs.tf/13738 process
    http://logs.tf/13791 snake

    excellent game, gl in your remaining games! :)

  11. [HA]Rasta: [HA] said:

    WP to all! Didn’t expected to have any chance at all after our scrim some days before!
    But snake was really, really thrilling! So vgg and good luck for your next matches! ;)

    And btw. lets blame ash for the cap in the last seconds on snake! :D

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