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ETF2L 6th Cup

Quarter Final

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by alba (REVERTO)



5 - 1

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3 - 5

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2 - 3

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European Pokeman vs European REVERTO
3 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Pokeman (6) Si^, t0dA, Kiler4fun, Haunter, Coinz, Rising
REVERTO (4) BaR, Maffi, alba, iZon
Unrostered (2) fybedi, Josh


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 17 January 2013, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. alba: duplo said:

    what day you want? im pretty sure default is fine for us

  3. Random: iveR said:

    gg wp, reverto lost.

  4. alba: duplo said:

    22:39 – 5LINE.reV alba #Aenhost.com: we need a merc though
    22:39 – 5LINE.reV alba #Aenhost.com: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/21171/
    22:40 – !myDGB.net Coinz: ok

  5. alba: duplo said:

    badlands, quay then process decider

  6. iZon! :7: LEGO - LEGO said:

    gg plz no main class

  7. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    impossible without carry- rdios

  8. omrish said:

    reverto will win this

  9. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    impossible without carry- rdios

  10. san alex said:

    source tv plz :X

  11. alba: duplo said:

    21:16 – 5LINE.reV alba #Aenhost.com: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/19674/
    21:16 – 5LINE.reV alba #Aenhost.com: is he okey?
    21:18 – !myDGB.net Coinz: sure

  12. CRS said:


  13. iZon! :7: LEGO - LEGO said:


  14. bebeto: |Ks| said:

    gz reverto

  15. omrish said:

    rofl I was right.

  16. BaR: REVERTO said:


  17. Jonte said:

    myDGB prem

  18. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    nice game

  19. Caeli: #T4F said:

    YEEEEEEEEEEEES REVERTOOOOOOOOOO <3333333333333333333333333
    Congratulations BaR Mitzba, IZoN and fybedi!!!!!!!!!

  20. gjk said:


  21. Si^: T2P - [PG] said:


  22. Trane said:

    Really wp reverto.

  23. Caeli: #T4F said:

    +1 gjk, fybedi is most underrated demo in history.

  24. Ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    WP guys. :)

  25. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    div izon?

  26. CRS said:

    what was that about admins and professional comments and then get banned for it? oh wait

  27. profix: FLANK said:


  28. Sergeant Scrotum: -9w- said:

    my word. wp reverto

  29. General Gape: TSUN~ said:

    prem aint what it used to be i guess

  30. CRS said:


  31. Caeli: #T4F said:

    REVERTO 2013.

  32. dAGNER: duplo said:

    lol mydgb is shit

  33. alba: duplo said:

    thank’s for tuning in lads<3

  34. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    Wow, well played Reverto! :)

  35. lexs: BeachBoys - vier said:

    logs…pretty please

  36. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    MyDGB.net they were ofclassing Rights?

  37. alba: duplo said:

    myDGB offclassed but only difference was kiler4fun. And they mainclassed the last around 20 minutes on process and badlands

  38. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    Okay Nice WP ReV

  39. Haimehh: Do you even? said:

    Well played reverto.

  40. alba: duplo said:


    badlands: http://logs.tf/4141
    process: http://logs.tf/4142

  41. Death said:

    nice reverto :D

  42. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    i don’t understand CRS????

  43. Sergeant Scrotum: -9w- said:

    t0da outplayed demo v demo

  44. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    Nice game.

  45. Mon: V V V - gandhi is said:

    oh wow, well played reverto!

  46. raikouy: STR said:

    reverto, damn you sexy beasts, keep it up :)

  47. D.o.B.: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:

    lol wp reverto

  48. Klogar: Towm said:

    Why is a team like that in Prem???
    They suck hard!
    Reverto you are my heros go prem instead of this noobshitters…
    GG WP

  49. frix: LG said:

    Just because they beat them doesn’t mean reverto can play prem. MyDGB deserves its prem spot no matter what as they won div1 previous season. Shit happens. wp reverto tho

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