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ETF2L 6th Cup - BO1 Stage

Round 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Wux (9 Men)



1 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]

England 9 Men vs Egypt Elite nile Gunners
0 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


Elite nile Gunners (6) Raymon, ZooZ, WildEast, Chad, Mr.Dr.Venom, Mak
9 Men (5) Sarah, Nymthae, Nitram, Gambles, Wux
Unrostered (1) SnowiE


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 13 December 2012, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    Hello! When are you up to play this one?

  3. Wux: -9m- - -9m- said:

    Would like to avoid thursday if possible. How’s monday or wednesday for you? (10th, 12th)

  4. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    Wed should be good for us.

  5. AeZ!: TP said:

    dis gun b gud

  6. Nymthae: -9w- - -9m- said:

    [19:07] do you mind if we have a merc? snowie?
    [19:07] sure
    [19:07] http://etf2l.org/forum/user/849/
    [19:07] i mean we dont mind*
    [19:07] cheers

    & Gullywash decided as the map

  7. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    gg guys

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