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Highlander Ladder

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Darklobo (JUMANJI)



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Spain JUMANJI vs International OverCharge
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


  1. AkronSire said:

    Proposed a time for 29/09/2012 19:00 – see under Team Admin / My Matches

  2. Darklobo said:

    We win in the 2 first maps,so we dont need to play the 3º map.

  3. ntropia: §GOLD said:

    SOVIETS, why in the world would you share contact info for the match with some idiot who actually joins as 10th player, starts playing and refuses to leave?
    Our bad for not kicking immediately I suppose. Pausing the game might have been good idea.

  4. ntropia: §GOLD said:

    Please ignore the above comment. I just realized it would actually be possible that the dude was just a random dude, since the password was simple and possible to guess from server name. When creating the password I thought randoms would not try to join, since there never are players on the server. Now I realize during the match there are players on the server, so randoms might try to join.

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