Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Division 3C
Week 1
Results submitted:
by Sasuke (All The Rage)
This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.
All The Rage
6 - 0
SteamID Screenshots: A
Indeed | (5) Clark, laerin, Chop Suey, LiGz, Яyan |
All The Rage | (6) Shotgun, TWEEKARN\, rytis, BlinkBoy, Sasuke, h1 |
Unrostered | (1) Vladi |
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Indeed replace SixSense. Please schedule this match before Friday September 14th!
Me vs chopsuey, how fun
We can’t play next week on Monday, not sure about other days. How does Wednesday the 19th 21 cet sound?
Definitely can’t do next Wednesday.
How about this Sunday?
chops! im coming for you ;)
Hi guys, we should be able to play this monday, tuesday or thursday next week (if thursday, not later than 20 cet)… Please get in touch with me via steam to schedule.
Never tell your password to anyone.
idd. Nuck: yao
YES WE’RE PLAYING TODAY PLS SHOW: so about that official
YES WE’RE PLAYING TODAY PLS SHOW: We’re fine with thursday 20 cet
idd. Nuck: aight, I haven´t talked to my team though, just posted the general times we´re usually able to play
idd. Nuck: can you suggest that date on etf2l, and I´ll confirm after tonight when I spoke to them?
YES WE’RE PLAYING TODAY PLS SHOW: We can also do tuesday but i’ll have to confirm it first
YES WE’RE PLAYING TODAY PLS SHOW: ye sure i’ll just post this convo
idd. Nuck: tuesday might be fine as well, I guess
YES WE’RE PLAYING TODAY PLS SHOW: as long as we schedule it before friday i’m fine
what he said. it´s either gonna be tuesday (18th) or thursday (20th), will talk to my team tonight and schedule this afterwards.
Team Indeed can’t play in the next week at all, so we’d like to delay this match to week 2
yes, we both agreed on playing this in week 2, gonna talk to an admin about this
Week 2 deadline applies for this match.
hey could we move this 1 hour to 21 15?
hey we may wildcard this, otherwise we’d have to use a merc
talk to rts
also, as stated above, please add me if you want to schedule/discuss mercs.
ATR ■ rip mercyless: hey?
idd. Grimm: Hello mercy
ATR ■ rip mercyless: not mercy
ATR ■ rip mercyless: sorry
ATR ■ rip mercyless: :DD
idd. Grimm: Hello other guy
ATR ■ rip mercyless: anywhore
ATR ■ rip mercyless: is it cool to ask you about mercs for tomorrows official?
idd. Grimm: You can ask, sure
ATR ■ rip mercyless:
ATR ■ rip mercyless: this one
ATR ■ rip mercyless: as soldier
ATR ■ rip mercyless: :s
idd. Grimm: I know eledorian
ATR ■ rip mercyless: can we use him tho?
idd. Grimm: Nice guy, but he is definitely div 2
idd. Grimm: I’ll talk to the guys, wont promise anything
ATR ■ rip mercyless: alright
ATR ■ rip mercyless: the sooner the better tho
ATR ■ rip mercyless: as if not
ATR ■ rip mercyless: I think we’re gonna wildcard it
idd. Grimm: Alright asking now
idd. Grimm: idd. Grimm: Do you disagree
Clark: it depend
idd. Grimm: Eledorian
Clark: let them
Clark: he’s alright
idd. Grimm: There’s your answer
idd. Grimm: See you tomorrow
ATR ■ rip mercyless: so hes okay?
idd. Grimm: That’s what it looks like to me
ATR ■ rip mercyless: kay kay
ATR ■ rip mercyless: will post this to the match page
ATR ■ rip mercyless: :)
idd. Grimm: Now we have an excuse if we lose
idd. Grimm: :)
Eledorian is allowed.
Gl indeed.
Good luck everyone…but especially ATR :D
…oh..indeed, good luck to you too…ermmm, dunno who I want to win….3-3 please, honourable draw.
Good luck everyone for real this time, may the best team win.
I wish all the other teams that have to deal with talking to these guys the absolute best of luck.
Not trying to be whiny and shit, ATR were clearly more prepared and in some way deserved to win, but I just want to point out the bad sportsmanship they showed, and warn other teams in our division that these fellas would rather fucking die than play on any server but theirs, which is absolutely terrible.
don’t type when you’re upset/mad
it was gege
gg lads, was a good game evenly skilled, shame about the abuse at the beginning of the match seems only chop is the mature one, gl with the future team chops gg lads :) and server wise we said we would play on OFFICIAL ETF2L server not ours yet you declined and only wanted you’re own server but anyway shame about the poor mentality of the team :|
gg wp lads
sad that a conversation about servers can generate flame from one of the sides (just a game lads), good luck in your next matches :)
“don’t type when you’re upset/mad”
I must clearly be blind, but I don’t think either me or Grimm showing any upset in our posts :D
I would say about sportsmanship in any case, cuz I want teams in our division to be prepared.
Anyways, I’m outta here, good luck to you and your opponents in the upcoming matches.
It’s a shame about all the whining… from EITHER side… I just wanted to have a fun game without crying (whyyouhefftobemad). Still, as bad as the server might have been, it wasn’t bad enough to influence the result.
GG and good luck in the rest of the season.
>say gg
>evenly skilled
>shame about abuse
>seems chop is only mature one
You’re adorable
Clark,let’s be realistic.Mercyless lives with camels,and he’s ping is an issue.We said that we can play in our server or an etf2l one,plus when we joined your server the ping was higher than on our.If your server was fine,we would agree.Don’t make things looks how are not.
GG and have a good season.
<3 grimm
Firstly, ping isn’t the only thing that matters, i’d rather have 50 ping and a stable smooth server than your sorry excuse for a server.
Secondly, he isn’t even european. When the Israelis play in high div they use a central european server, it’s just standard, ours is in german, I can even do the measurements on an atlas for you if you want to know exactly how much closer germany is to SA than it is to the UK, I had 5 ping on your server, and it felt like I was playing on a 32/32 pub. I don’t see why we should have to suffer on your pile of shit server just because one of you doesn’t live in europe, it’s your deal, not ours, and we even offered to do one map on yours one map on ours, it’s not like I think it would have changed the outcome of the game, I just think that when it comes to being reasonable you’re the last people to be passing judgement…
“Hey to make it fair lets do one map on each server”
“No we want it on ours only”
So fucking reasonable the reasonability is spilling over the edges of the reasonability cup.
You fuckers.
It was the fact that one of our scouts decided he’d delay going out with his friends to play the official but you wouldn’t settle for playing one map on each server. It was unfair to ligz so we had no choice but to go with what you wanted. You’ve also talked down on us on more than one occasion while we treated you fairly and equally until you chose to be uncompromising which caused several of our team to become irritated. We weren’t insisting at least one map on our server for the sake of being difficult, we’d already played 2 maps on your server in the pcw we played against you where you also insisted on your server and found it below satisfactory. As for the game itself, badlands was a good game, gullywash not so much but cheers for pausing when requested. Overall, gg, but some unfair treatment and basically being called shit before even playing the official is never a nice thing.
theozmkay: ATR – said:
September 27th, 2012 at 22:01
don’t type when you’re upset/mad
“gg, next time play on an etf2l server”
etf2l have a german server as well, whats wrong with it???????
but the fact is, if the server is shit – the server is shit for everyone.
also try to play on 170 ping, we’ll see how you’ll do :)
also cant quite recall who called you shit lol?
You actually called us names before the first map started :D
I just want to say one more thing:
A lot of you seem to be mistakenly thinking that we assume the outcome would be any different if we played on other server, but that is not even what we are talking about here.
As I said before it was just a matter of sportsmanship and we would complain about your behavior anyway, despite the result, because you acted like complete dickheads.
lads lads lads, hows the anus ?
How did we exactly act like complete dickheads
again, why did you not agree on an etf2l server, do you think their servers are shit too????
so forcing us to playing with our soldier at 170 ping is good sportsmanship?
ETF2L servers were decent, whats wrong about using them? Mercy has around 120 there, we could’ve used them
“also cant quite recall who called you shit lol?”
Some of your teammates seemed extremely annoyed by the fact we were moved up to division 3. If I recall it correctly the opinion was based on a practice clan war you won against us – guys who played together for the first time ever.
we were pissing about, dont take it seriously..
Console: ETF2L config (2012-09-03) loaded.
Console: * Please check that the settings are correct for this game mode!
Console: * You must record POV demos and take screenshots of all results.
ATR. blinkboy connected
ATR Shotgun : the janitor
ATR Shotgun : the janitor
ATR Shotgun : the janitor
idd. Clark connected
idd. LiGz : plz guy join fast, strat fast or I will rape you
ATR. killed idd. Grimm with tf_projectile_rocket.
ATR. killed idd.chop with tf_projectile_rocket.
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; suicided.
*DEAD* ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : ;)
ATR. killed laerin with tf_projectile_rocket.
V. connected
laerin : yellow lerp, choke, nice sever
idd. LiGz suicided.
idd.chop killed ATR Shotgun with tf_projectile_rocket.
ATR. killed idd.chop with tf_projectile_rocket.
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : 0 choke
idd. Grimm : This server is literally hitler
idd. Clark : 3 chokes
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : and orange lerp
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : :D
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : get better isp
idd.chop : 30.3 lerp
idd. Grimm : Bullshit harder
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : im on virgin media
laerin : get better country
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : uk is bad :(
ATR Shotgun : 30.3 lerp just means your interp lol
idd. Grimm killed ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; with tf_projectile_pipe.
ATR. blinkboy killed idd. Clark with scattergun.
ATR. blinkboy killed idd. Grimm with scattergun.
*DEAD* ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : anyway lads
*DEAD* idd. Grimm : You’re an idiot
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : cut the shit just play
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : thanks
laerin : aye glhf
idd.chop : no , its set lowe
idd.chop : r
NORTH KOREAN MAFIOSO killed idd. LiGz with tf_projectile_pipe.
ATR. blinkboy killed laerin with scattergun.
idd. Grimm : You don’t understand lerp, no wonder the server is in this state
ATR h1 – RIP mercy :( so long ; : i dont
rts, well, then next time you have to be more careful with what you are saying. Because it sounded like you were full of yourselves, which is pretty fucking annoying.
next time use my server
hud_saytext_time 0, clark :)
The only comment anyone ever made about your team was from shotgun who said “They’re high div4 maybe”
Did that really offend you?
A comment in which I replied to a person stating you were way above div 4. A comment in which I referred to this pcw and in which I implied that you were capable of high div 4 (= low div 3) AT THE TIME OF THE MATCH. Of course I am not stupid enough to think that you can’t become a better team over time, I was just giving my opinion that I agreed with the admins’ seeding and I think you would have fit in div 4 (as well as in div 3).
But enough about insults, if you want sportsmanship I suggest you add me next time. Mercy can get mad easily when it comes to his ping not being ok and I know you just wanted to have a ‘good game’ as much as we did. However take into consideration the comments of my teammates above. We COULD have played on an ETF2L server, but you refused this offer. Don’t cry afterwards about our server being shit when you just agreed on playing on it.
Have a nice season and best of luck to you.
Kind regards,
Shotgun, lobby medic.
stv? STV STV
How do I challenge someone???