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Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 6P

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ADIOS (Chillout Gaming)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Russia Expendables vs European Chillout Gaming
0 - 6


SteamID Screenshots: A


Expendables (6) UberFuhrer, damnnnnn, Amatsumagatsuchi!, Monceber, Overseer, Rainbow moron <3
Chillout Gaming (5) RiHard, Chemical, ADIOS, Mexxico, bugser
Unrostered (1) Crow‾


  1. Rin said:

    Когда играем?

  2. damnnnnn said:

    when are we playing guys?:D

  3. ADIOS [W.A.S.P.]: Chilly - dneprodno said:

    Added you in Steam

  4. ADIOS [W.A.S.P.]: Chilly - dneprodno said:

    What about 18:00 Sunday? I think it’s the best option for both teams

  5. Alcatraz said:

    gl expendables ;)

  6. damnnnnn said:


    what server, W.A.S.P . ??

  7. damnnnnn said:

    thanks, Alcatraz :3

  8. damnnnnn said:

    can we use http://etf2l.org/forum/user/61710/ as a merc?

  9. damnnnnn said:

    -eXp- damnnnnn -AA- : za nas merknet
    -eXp- damnnnnn -AA- : 1 4el
    -eXp- damnnnnn -AA- : iz 6 diva
    -eXp- damnnnnn -AA- : ok?
    -eXp- damnnnnn -AA- : i’m back bitches zovyt
    ADIOS [W.A.S.P.] : ок

  10. ADIOS [W.A.S.P.]: Chilly - dneprodno said:

    Our merc is http://etf2l.org/forum/user/62770/
    Your merc approved

  11. damnnnnn said:

    ADIOS [W.A.S.P.]: наш мерк http://etf2l.org/forum/user/62770/
    ADIOS [W.A.S.P.]: не пришел один
    -eXp- damnnnnn -AA-: окей

  12. damnnnnn said:

    ur merc approved

  13. damnnnnn said:

    give us Dark Sold1er’s Pov please

  14. Chemical: урот said:

    Why Dark Soldier? not golden?

  15. Chemical: урот said:

    here is my pov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqYExllRhx8&feature=plcp D:

  16. ADIOS [W.A.S.P.]: Chilly - dneprodno said:

    Even better, I have server demo
    Gyllywash https://dl.dropbox.com/u/52605686/auto-20120923-1854-cp_gullywash_final1.dem
    Granary https://dl.dropbox.com/u/52605686/auto-20120923-1925-cp_granary.dem

  17. Castilla said:

    LOL Rin = noob, jack = idiot …

  18. MonCeBer945: Odin said:

    Golden Soldier nice game. Was a pleasure playing with u. Thx for a good game

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