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Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 6B

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by supersimplet (M&M's revolution)



3 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]

Spain Eight Bit vs France M&M's revolution
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


M&M's revolution (6) supersimplet, Crasydante, Pine2lu, bonobo, kanab, albundi
Eight Bit (6) TRanky, Fantasy, Iwrestledabearonce, RaLf, Kas, Food and Bombs


  1. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    Hey ! So what about wednesday ?? 21:00

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Wednesday, 17 October 2012, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    let us know if you will be there or if we must expect a wildcard from you.
    If the date (or the time) is not ok for you, we can always arrange, but let us know as soon as possible, otherwise, you’ll have to wildcard.

  4. RaLf: said:

    by now its ok for us, wednesday at 21:00, we should try servers (ours is located in france from hiperz with sourceTv) first and a little stop of 10 minutes between the 2 maps if its ok 4 you

  5. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    french server should be perfect ! ;) we got one too if there’s any problem

  6. RaLf: said:

    hi, we are going to use the wildcard because we cant play tomorrow

  7. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by Eight Bit.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 30/10/2012.

  8. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    Ok, let us know when you want to play this as soon as you can.

  9. RaLf: said:

    can you play on sunday 23rd at 20:30 ?

  10. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    no ! because sunday 23rd doesn’t exist ! ^^

  11. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    and usualy we prefer to play at 21:00 if it’s possible. 20:45 if we want.

  12. RaLf: said:

    lol mon dieux, my mistake, my head is flying over mordor right now, sunday 21st of october at 20:45 its ok?

  13. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    I could ask but we are rarely more than 3 or 4 available on sundays, monday or tuesday would probably be better for us, you choose. Same time.

  14. RaLf: said:

    okay, then, if you can wait, i will tell you on sunday if we play on monday or tuesday ok?

  15. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    we can try that.

  16. RaLf: said:

    «Π&Π’s™» Supersimplet: hey
    8-bit Black Legend: hi!!
    8-bit Black Legend: tomorrow?
    8-bit Black Legend: its ok?
    «Π&Π’s™» Supersimplet: for us yes
    «Π&Π’s™» Supersimplet: you ?
    8-bit Black Legend: 20:45?
    8-bit Black Legend: yeah
    «Π&Π’s™» Supersimplet: ok then
    8-bit Black Legend: ;)
    «Π&Π’s™» Supersimplet: good night
    8-bit Black Legend: bonne nuit ;)

  17. supersimplet: ôBowdel | - CnS said:

    Very nice game ! Too bad you got some connection problems in badlands, the game wasn’t as close as it should have been…

  18. Crasydante: \"M&M\'s\" - CnS said:

    Well, that was a very good game, especially on Process !

    Good luck for the season finale, Eight Bit Team !

  19. RaLf: said:

    oh, yeh, that process was EPIC!!!

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