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Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 4E

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Will (Team Colonslash)



1 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

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Scotland Continuity vs European Team Colonslash
0 - 6

SourceTV: s1.colonslash.eu:28101

SteamID Screenshots: A


Team Colonslash (6) Drackk, Marik, Henghast, Reservoir Dog, Will, Smirre
Continuity (6) Enef, Waebi, Roque, FUN POLICE RUINS TF2, Datenshi, Greyy


  1. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Yo guys, we can play this on Monday 24th or Wednesday 26th at about 21:15CET, how’s those dates sound?

  2. Los Hampusinos!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    Please have spike play this game so it’s similar to the old con vs tc games.

  3. Will said:

    That sounds fine Enef, bit far in the future for us to make a definite time but one of those dates should be good.

  4. Datenshi: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    Scratch Wednesday, looks like we’ll have to play week1 then. Monday and Friday should work for us though I think.

  5. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    If it’s one of the two it’ll be Monday which should in theory be ok for us.

  6. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    I am looking forward to good game and stable connection for Con Soldiers :)

  7. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Rofl, as if that happens. Glhf!

  8. Los Hampusinos!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    the day we both get a stable connection at the same time is the day i change my name on etf2l

  9. Datenshi: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    I wish reservoir…I really do.

  10. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    Dodgy connections, dodgy mice… dodgy thumb :'(. Sounds like it’s gonna be fun.

  11. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    I hope Marik will have enough food for 24th.

  12. Drackk:>: best - sniper said:

    luck fun have good!

  13. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Bombing shots and bombing medics x)

  14. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    gl both <3

  15. Drackk:>: best - sniper said:


  16. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    yeah i dont know i want to lose more – enef or drackk

  17. Fallen: TC said:

    i think you a word there


  18. Drackk:>: best - sniper said:

    i want permzilla to lose

  19. Ch3Vy: FjK said:

    Gl guys :)

  20. Bit said:


  21. Raiku said:

    I wish all of you the best of luck.

  22. raiku: STR said:

    lul wrong account :S

  23. Will said:

    Hope our server will be fine:
    connect s1.colonslash.eu:28001;password tc1war

    STV: s1.colonslash.eu:28101

  24. Bit said:


  25. Drackk:>: best - sniper said:

    GG WP!

  26. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    Good game guys, took a while to get going.

  27. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    I rage too much.

  28. Marik said:

    Sry for the delay guys, I would’ve had a hard time playing this game with a black screen xD

  29. Datenshi: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    GGs! Was pretty fun even though we’re bad!

  30. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    cant lose div4 drackk, sorry :>

    and yes i a word there fallen

  31. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:


  32. Spike Himself: TC said:

    wow what happened there? :D

  33. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:


    watch it yourself :D

  34. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    The casters hate scouts. True fact.

  35. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    also gg

  36. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    oh i did say that already nvm =D

  37. Los Hampusinos!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    i’m surprised there’s no video of me getting raped yet

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