Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Division 3E
Week 6
This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

[XX] - [XX]

[XX] - [XX]
[XX] - [XX]
- Jun 2nd, 16:48 - randomname [Warden]
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A wildcard has been taken for this match by RAGE.eSports.
You must reschedule and play this game before 16/06/2012.
When do you want to play it ?
anytime you want, guys.
Dear team K-LibR Gaming,
due to several cricumstances, team rws got dropped (leader ragequit and ragekick all of the members) and now is back in the season 12, please contact taybo$$ ( ) to reschedule this match and play it as soon as possible.
In case of any problems, you can always contact an admin via #etf2l.
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Thursday, 14 June 2012, 21:15
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
Do we still have to play this ?