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Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 4D

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Tenshi (Dead Man's Shift)



5 - 3

[Screenshots: A B ]



4 - 3

[Screenshots: A B ]

Germany Dead Man's Shift vs Russia Who Dares Wins
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Dead Man's Shift (6) Killo, Xerofset, Trevelyan006, Tenshi, Blade, WLL
Who Dares Wins (6) skiter, nabique, cold, MozG., Gas13, Nullik


  1. Gas13: niveous. said:

    Hi guys,

    We can play any Tue/Thu/Sun, starting 20.30-21.30. When can you play? I’ll propose next sunday via etf2l engine.

  2. Xerofset: DMS! said:

    Accepted ! Maybe we can start a little bit earlier, like 20:30 or 20:45 ?

  3. Gas13: niveous. said:

    20:45 would be better, let’s discuss it closer to the game then.

  4. Xerofset: DMS! said:

    connect connect; password dope

  5. Gas13: niveous. said:

    Bad server address (connect)

  6. Gas13: niveous. said:

    lol copypasted

  7. Tenshi: 50829 said:

    GG my fellow commies.

  8. Xerofset: DMS! said:

    well played
    both maps were really close :)
    FINALLY NOT A 3-3 WHAT IS HAPPENING ???!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!

  9. Gas13: niveous. said:



  10. Tenshi: 50829 said:

    Confirm results please.

  11. Gas13: niveous. said:

    I can’t see the button to confirm. Did you submit them?

  12. Gas13: niveous. said:


  13. Tenshi: 50829 said:

    Hmm weird, Xerofset told me he has submitted the results.
    That lying son of a bitch.

  14. Tenshi: 50829 said:

    Submitted results myself, don’t have a status screen though so could you submit that instead? If you have one :>

  15. Gas13: niveous. said:

    I don’t have it but I’ll ask the others.

  16. Gas13: niveous. said:

    Both screenshots lead to 404 page for some reason. I guess it’s about naming screens.

  17. Tenshi: 50829 said:

    Meh :/

    Well, here they are then

    Grany: http://puu.sh/vW2m

    Snake: http://puu.sh/vW6e

  18. Xerofset: DMS! said:

    Shiiiit, where are my submitted results.

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