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Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 4B

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Kop (CiC Core)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



0 - 5

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1 - 3

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European CiC Core vs Jamaica nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte (6) ryder, cmd, kham, guapdaddy4000, fluffy, onerule
CiC Core (6) Kop, Cookeh, Roadster, JakescRzyy., Thndr., CVM


  1. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    we dont play wednesdays, fridays or saturdays and we cant start earlier than 20:30

  2. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    is there no way u can do tuesday, just realised this weekend is i-event so cant be sure every1 will be home and setup, so doubt we can do 7th or 6th

  3. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    Posting for the sake of match comments, already discussed this. Tuesday works for us as long as we start at 20:30 since 2 of our members have to go at about 21:40-22:00. I’d be more than happy to rearrange if something comes up :)

  4. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    i will make sure my team is ready for 7.30 uk time, really would rather not reshedule as we are trying hard to fit games in as fast as possible due to ppl unavail towards end of season :(

  5. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Good luck guys…oh yeah, and have fun :D

  6. llbr said:

    Let’s have fun and be friends!

  7. fluffy: Pinturillo - William said:

    gg wp!

  8. llbr said:

    gg, jake beast on gully

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