Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Division 2B
Week 1
Not Scheduled
This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

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Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood
[XX] - [XX]
- May 20th, 17:08 - Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [d2m]
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Hello old friends!
It seems only yesterday we were playing this –
Sunday 6th May @ 21:15CEST?
Let me know on Steam/match page/smoke signals/etc :)
Sunday 6th will not work, just wanna point that out before you all read this comment. Myself and MrG will be at i45 during that weekend. Please speak to d2m about the rest ^_^
Looking forward to this rematch.
Hello Team Vertex.
We have had some roster changes and have played ~4 pcw’s in the last… 3 weeks.
I will propose Wednesday 9th of May to see if we can play this match.
Would also prefer to start this match around 20.30, because I know how long ETF2L matches usually take and I’m always in a hurry ^^
Hope hearing from you!
We would prefer to play the game in the specified weeks, which is from now till Sunday 6th May. Seems I made a mistake with regards to the i45 date.
Can you let me know your availability next week? Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday (30th April, 1st May, 2nd May).
As for a time, unfortunately we have one player who works late on week nights, so if we’re not playing on a Sunday, the earliest we can play is 21:00CET.
Speak to you chaps soon!
This is where d2m begins winning the league
Last online 7 days ago.
Can’t say anything about when we are able to play this match for now, sorry.
Sorry to hear that Rock is away, I hope he’s ok!
If it makes it easier for you guys to play the game, we’re pretty easy going with mercs. So we can discuss that option if needs be?
I’m guessing a default date is going to end up getting set for this game anyway by an admin. We’re available Tuesday and Wednesday of next week @ 21:00CET. Thursday & Sunday we have players at i45, so can’t play.
Hopefully we can play this next week, if not, let’s have a talk soon and sort something :)
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Wednesday, 02 May 2012, 21:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
I think it’s going to be one of the most interesting matches this season.
Good luck Vertex :D
Pledge to carry
Proposed to play at 09/05/2012 20:30, again.
George is getting a new CPU by the end of this week, which should arrive ~thursday – friday.
Rock’s internet is finally fixed, and he ordered a new HDD on saturday so he should get this one too by the end of this week.
So sunday and perhaps monday will be again one of our few chances to actually play some team fortress 2 together, so after that we can play the official.
Please let me know.
Thanks for the message. As per my previous reply, we can’t play at 20:30 during the week, due to a player having late finishes at work, but we can do 21:00 on 09/05/12.
If that’s good for you, I’ve sent a new proposal, so hit accept and we’ll play then.
Thanks for keeping us updated re: your team, hope you guys get things all sorted :)
imma here! not my fault now :P
Match moved at the request of nbs (again).
Thanks for the minor warning admins. Appreciate you penalising us for letting our opponents move the match twice because they’re not organised! xoxoxoxo
Sup nbs! Looks like it’s our turn to join you in being derpy today :D
Dusty can’t play 20th May as he has been called into work that day. So we’ll need to re-arrange.
Can you let me know if Monday 21st or Tuesday 22nd are any good for you please?
Cheers :)
I ment to propose for this sunday 13-05-2012 but only now I notice it was actually 20-05-2012.
Exams are coming up so I really want to play it this sunday, as I tried to propose earlier but aperantly made a human mistake.
P.S. no need to be an a$$ d2m, have some trust ( George lieing about his cpu being broken? lol )
lmao, you’re a bigger idiot than he is if you can’t see a troll. I used a lot of smiley faces.
I’ll have to check re: 13th. It’s a bit too close to the date now to accept that one.
P.S. no need to be stupid MightyMe. Have some common sense (George falling for an obvious troll? lol)
Sorry 13th is no good. Too close to the date to change it now.
We are available:
Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th of May.
Let me know which one works for you. Sorry it can’t be sooner, but we accepted your previous proposal for 20th and have scheduled other games around that.
Look forward to re-arranging this soon :)
Ok sounds great, see you 20th!
Looking forward to it.
Hi, as per the message above, we are unable to play on 20th May.
We are available:
Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Sunday 27th.
Please let us know which of those dates works for your team, so we can re-arrange when both teams are able to play.
I look forward to your reply and hope you remember that we have already rescheduled twice to help your team when you had problems.
Hi, as per the messages above, we are unable to play on 20th May.
We are available:
Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Sunday 27th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th, Thursday 31st May.
Please let us know which of those dates works for your team, so we can re-arrange when both teams are able to play.
I look forward to your reply and hope you remember that we have already rescheduled twice to help your team when you had problems.
Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein
Hi, as per the messages above, we are unable to play on 20th May.
We are available:
Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Sunday 27th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th May
Please let us know which of those dates works for your team, so we can re-arrange when both teams are able to play.
I look forward to your reply and hope you remember that we have already rescheduled twice to help your team when you had problems.
No great man ever complains of want of opportunities.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Oh shut the fuck up already.
Your friendliness and sportsmanship is noted. We look forward to hearing from you about re-arranging the game.
I will continue to post polite requests to re-arrange until we hear from you. Consider it a friendly reminder :)
Hi, as per the messages above, we are unable to play on 20th May.
We are available:
Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Sunday 27th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th May
Please let us know which of those dates works for your team, so we can re-arrange when both teams are able to play.
I look forward to your reply and hope you remember that we have already rescheduled twice to help your team when you had problems.
Men do less than they ought, unless they do all they can.
Thomas Carlyle
Hi, as per the messages above, we are unable to play on 20th May.
We are available:
Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Sunday 27th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th May
Please let us know which of those dates works for your team, so we can re-arrange when both teams are able to play.
I look forward to your reply and hope you remember that we have already rescheduled twice to help your team when you had problems.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams
d2m = massive bellend
A bellend for wanting to re-arrange a game? Your opinion is noted, not necessary, but noted.
Had you a brain cell, you’d note that we have allowed unity to rearrange twice without forcing a merc or a wildcard. We are requesting that the same courtesy be extended to us when we have an issue with a player.
Unfortunately not every team has the ability to be sportsmanlike.
d2m = top bellend
A wildcard has been taken for this match by Team Vertex.
You must reschedule and play this game before 03/06/2012.
As per our previous discussions, we’re wildcarding the game today as you guys refused to schedule it. We’ll be sportsmanlike and wildcard it early to give you a chance to organise a different game for tonight.
Speak to you soon and let’s hope that any date in the future actually suits you.
Thought for the day:
“All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.”
T.E. Lawrence