Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Season 11

Division 4B

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Funzii (Aloha!)



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A B ]



3 - 0

[Screenshots: A B C ]

European Audere Semper eSports vs France Aloha!
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Aloha! (5) MikeCannon, Funzii, DarkBobo, Cku, fl0o0w
Audere Semper eSports (6) fiuciuaH, zOoleX, Riki, Skull Deep, Sca, M2R
Unrostered (1) gf18_idiot


  1. Sca: aS - aS♦ said:

    Hey, what about thursday the 16th at 21.00CET?

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 16 February 2012, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. Izzy57 said:

    Skull Deap the poor !

  4. Sca: aS - aS♦ said:

    We probably won’t be able to play this week since one of our scouts is feeling really ill. I’d wait a couple of days to move/wildcard it to see if he’s gonna feel better.

  5. DarkBobo: frigide.eZizi said:

    Ok, noted.

    Did he eat some “pâté au beurre” ? French guys of your team will explain this. :D

  6. Cku: Aloha! said:

    FOOK ME PLEES: Salut mec
    Aloha! Cku: yo !:
    FOOK ME PLEES: Apparemment on va play ce soir
    Aloha! Cku: ca va ? =)
    Aloha! Cku: ouai ^^
    Aloha! Cku: On va sûrement avoir besoin d’un merc, mon binome scout s’est pris des vacs au ski cet enfoiré
    Aloha! Cku: est-ce que ca poserai soucis ?
    FOOK ME PLEES: euh ouais tant que tu me laches pas du fl1P :D
    Aloha! Cku: lol non
    Aloha! Cku: on a pas encore demandé
    FOOK ME PLEES: j’en parle avec mes mates
    Aloha! Cku: ca marche ty ;)
    FOOK ME PLEES: t’as des noms vite fait ?
    Aloha! Cku: gf18
    Aloha! Cku: qui serait ok
    Aloha! Cku: je demande à pas mal de monde là
    Aloha! Cku: mais pas de réponse
    jeudi 16 février 2012
    18:29 – Aloha! Cku: Des infos de tes mates ?
    18:29 – FOOK ME PLEES: J’accepte
    18:29 – FOOK ME PLEES: osef c’est qu’un scout
    18:29 – Aloha! Cku: ca roule, merci

  7. atomic said:

    ye we all know french
    gl aS

  8. kustom3: AwS - DA! said:

    Go Go Aloha!


  9. Riki: aS - aS♦ said:

    gg, the match on gullywash was really close… gotta love the train on freight btw

  10. Skull Deep said:

    Ya atomic everyone :3

    GG BTW

  11. MikeCannon said:

    C’était vraiment génial !

    Non je déconne

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