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Season 10!

Division 4e


Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ZartZu (Team Memento Black)



1 - 4

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1 - 4

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Russia Domination vs Finland Team Memento Black
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Team Memento Black (4) Mox, Jiikky, paju, ZartZu
Domination (5) haL., Mars, Burgun, MayDay, Bars
Unrostered (3) Typious, lhs, Revi


  1. ZartZu: [ewe] said:

    Guys when can you play?

  2. MayDay: eehq said:

    We cannot play Wednesday and Sunday, it is not desirable on Saturday ^^

  3. ZartZu: [ewe] said:

    Is monday ok?

  4. MayDay: eehq said:

    Monday is ok, but we will need merc

  5. Dyna: Memento said:

    Merc ETF2L link?

  6. MayDay: eehq said:

    Now we don’t who will be merc :D
    What about time and day?

  7. Jiikky: HHH said:


  8. MayDay: eehq said:

    Thanks for english and google translate ;)
    What about today or tomorrow 19:00 or 19:30? (of course, we can earlier)

  9. Jiikky: HHH said:

    I was just kidding :( damn google translate revealing my secrets!

  10. MayDay: eehq said:

    or Thursday )

  11. Dyna: Memento said:

    Today 19.00?

  12. MayDay: eehq said:

    Let’s go 19:30? :)

  13. MayDay: eehq said:

    What about maps? We will delete from the list?

  14. MayDay: eehq said:

    19:17 – MayDayKa EliSeyKa: What about today?
    19:18 – Ek! paju: we cant play

  15. MayDay: eehq said:

    We cannot play Thursday and Sunday

  16. MayDay: eehq said:

    + can’t Friday and it’s not desirable on Saturday

    so Now we can’t play this week :)

  17. MayDay: eehq said:

    18:08 – Ek! ZartZu: ty
    18:08 – Ek! ZartZu: hi
    18:08 – Ek! ZartZu: we have to talk about our coming playoff match.
    18:12 – MayDayKa EliSeyKa: hello
    18:12 – MayDayKa EliSeyKa: what about next week?
    18:12 – Ek! ZartZu: monday ok?
    18:13 – MayDayKa EliSeyKa: I think it’s ok, what about time?
    18:13 – Ek! ZartZu: 20:00?
    18:14 – MayDayKa EliSeyKa: It’s ok )
    18:14 – Ek! ZartZu: go accept it
    18:15 – MayDayKa EliSeyKa: kk
    18:15 – Ek! ZartZu: ty
    18:15 – MayDayKa EliSeyKa: ty too

  18. Whiteglow said:

    Zatawat! gl dmn

  19. AeZ!: TP said:

    Any possibility of stv?

  20. Mars: dmn said:


  21. ZartZu: [ewe] said:


  22. Typious: Druidz.se said:

    ggs, had fun

  23. paju said:


  24. Mox said:


  25. L1H1S: slc. - HHH said:


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