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Highlander Season 1

Division 5D

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by 1009 (Überium)



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

France Team §§ Tidam vs International Überium
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Team §§ Tidam (9) Bullfrog, Altaic, grincheux, p@ko, L alchimiste, Zepolak, Auguste, Foxone, Morcar
Überium (9) Farran, RichTT, The Spammish Intermi, Kyusuke, possibly, 1009, Tymarinia, pygmy.shrew, Vlad


  1. 1009: Üb said:

    Do you have a server or will we have to get one from ETF2L? Is it OK for our team to check 15 minutes beforehands how our ping is doing?

  2. Zepolak: §§ said:

    We do have a server and can play on it. Of course, you can check the ping beforehand, although we had no problem in the past with anyone so I expect it to be ok :)

  3. Zepolak: §§ said:

    Thanks a lot !

    Very nice people you are, we wish you the best for the tourney & anywhere else as well !

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