Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Highlander Season 1

Division 4G

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Mors Immortalis (Kabel od Prodiga)



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

France PyRo|GEN Highlander vs Poland Kabel od Prodiga
6 - 0

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


PyRo|GEN Highlander (9) Exon., baud, Syt, empty, redou, syRka, Mihawk, Lakoa, vøid
Kabel od Prodiga (8) majan_pl, Kamikaze667, Mors Immortalis, sixtyn1ne, Dijkstra, cl3ver, deli, raappana
Unrostered (1) Bit


  1. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by Energetic e-sports Highlander.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 03/12/2011.

  2. cl3ver said:

    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: it’s ok
    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: for our
    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: tomorow :)
    22:46 – cl3ver: hmm
    22:46 – cl3ver: can we change it?
    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: omg
    22:46 – cl3ver: i told all my players we’re not going to play tommorow
    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: no
    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: i talk to all of my players
    22:46 – cl3ver: ok then i’m taking and wildecard
    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: so we have amtch don’t play with your team !
    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: omg !
    22:46 – Energetic. Exon: serious ?
    22:47 – cl3ver: srsly sorry
    22:47 – cl3ver: i talk to my mates 2 days ago
    22:47 – Energetic. Exon: ….
    22:47 – Energetic. Exon: !*
    22:47 – Energetic. Exon: omg
    22:47 – cl3ver: and told them all we’re not playing at saturday
    22:47 – cl3ver: tfu sunday
    22:48 – Energetic. Exon: yo uacceptted my date
    22:48 – Energetic. Exon: 9. Exon. proposed to play at 27/11/2011 20:00, which was accepted
    22:48 – Energetic. Exon: 9. Exon. proposed to play at 27/11/2011 20:00, which was accepted
    22:48 – Energetic. Exon: 9. Exon. proposed to play at 27/11/2011 20:00, which was accepted
    22:48 – cl3ver: yeah i know
    22:48 – cl3ver: prakson made an mistake
    22:48 – Energetic. Exon: you’r kidding me !
    22:49 – cl3ver: hmm i’m really sorry
    22:49 – Energetic. Exon: if yo uwant we can play at 19:00
    22:49 – cl3ver: but i have to take an wildcard
    22:49 – Energetic. Exon: omg
    22:49 – Energetic. Exon: –”
    22:51 – cl3ver: rly sorry
    22:51 – cl3ver: i’m gonna take wildcard
    22:51 – Energetic. Exon: noob
    22:51 – cl3ver: mate

    We’re pickig up a wildcard

  3. Exon.: o/ said:

    Yea if you can’t organize don’t do it !

  4. vøid said:

    GG !!?!

  5. Mors Immortalis: KoP!? said:


  6. Exon.: o/ said:


  7. redou: PyRo|GEN said:

    gg, but someone should post the results.

  8. cl3ver said:

    ur the winner :< u post we accept

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