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Season 10!

Division 4g

Week 6

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by .wolf (semper idem)

Default Win

Ukraine semper idem vs Italy Entropy Team
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


semper idem (5) .wolf, Statick! :3, The Prom Queen, WepoSaid, Pupicuv
Entropy Team (6) Tommy, AlucarD, Dogghi, Alexi, King, saynot76
Unrostered (1) eXeLLo



  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 30 October 2011, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. Dogghi: бекон said:

    what about 6th 21:00 ?

  3. Dogghi: бекон said:

    or 3rd still 21:00

  4. Mon: V V V - gandhi is said:

    gl s.idem, good luck pupic <3

  5. Tommy: MILANO said:


    FYI – Your automatic system has failed and the default date was assigned to the same date / time at which Semper Idem already has a match scheduled (even from “default date”). So I assume that is impossible for them to play with us today.
    I think our war arranger was already in contact with SI to according for another date, BTW if you want to reassign a new default date we will adhere to it.

  6. Tommy: MILANO said:

    According to Wolf from SI we are about to reschedule the match on November 3rd, 20,30 cet.

  7. [TANG] Merple: [d¿s] - (Q)< said:


  8. Tommy: MILANO said:

    s.idem // .wolf: hey
    s.idem // .wolf: i posted result
    s.idem // .wolf: submit pls
    entropy / Tommy: I see you used a merc but I don’t remember you ask us for allowing to use a merc…
    s.idem // .wolf: statick told me that asked for you about merc
    s.idem // .wolf: -(
    entropy / Tommy: I can’t verify the result, I need to ask my mate dogghi if someone told him about the merc, sorry.
    s.idem // .wolf: in fact it is a medic, enter in my position, 2 players went away under an end a season
    s.idem // .wolf: hammered in a head the search of new players, can indeed forgot to warn you of merc
    s.idem // .wolf: rly sry
    entropy / Tommy: You can have all good reasons, but play with a merc without inform the opponent is unfair. I can’t verify the match and I left decision about that to etf2l admins. We will agree to their wise decision.

  9. Tommy: MILANO said:

    As showed in the previous post, I can’t verify the match result because I really don’t know if my mate Dogghi was informed about the use of a merc (but I don’t think because he didn’t mentioned to us…).
    Now he his offline and we have to wait until tomorrow in the afternoon when he come back home.
    In case he wasn’t informed, we will not do any requests but we will let ETF2L admins to make the decision that it considers most appropriate.

  10. Dogghi: бекон said:

    I can confirm that no one asked me to use a merc, i’ll speak with an admin

  11. fe said:

    It was so big deal to punish s.i., so they lost div. I wish you to play tf2 forever >:[

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