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Season 10!

Division 6b

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Lokter (UCAP eSports)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]

European UCAP eSports vs Germany Full Aim Control
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


UCAP eSports (4) Acky, Cho, Bluezy, Lokter
Full Aim Control (6) FullHDieter, Hupu, quis9r, makke, .Constantine, Vandal
Unrostered (2) Hek, izaak²²


  1. Vandal: .:[F-H-C]:. said:

    caint wait for week 5^^ realy looking forward to this match

  2. makke: .:[F-A-C]:. - .:[F-H-C]:. said:

    yeah me too, but plz dont use a heavy instead of second scout, its so… american?

  3. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 27 October 2011, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  4. Standard said:

    Can FAQ play that time?

  5. Standard said:

    FAC* Entschuldigung.

  6. Bluezy: NeverGonnaGiveY said:

    Really looking forward to this, cu on lads :D

  7. Acky: EASY - Labi said:

    Good luck to both teams tonight ;)

  8. Dan07 said:

    GL HF both of you lot.

  9. Cho said:

    GG WP’d, but you guys must have had a secret American because there was a heavy almost right away.

  10. Acky: EASY - Labi said:

    Stuff happens when Acky gets to play medic. *giggidy*

  11. Bluezy: NeverGonnaGiveY said:

    Wp good game, hard game on badlands ^^

  12. makke: .:[F-A-C]:. - .:[F-H-C]:. said:


    heavy was only for defense : P
    and btw fuuuuu obscure!

  13. makke: .:[F-A-C]:. - .:[F-H-C]:. said:

    could you please upload the source tv demo?

  14. Acky: EASY - Labi said:

    we could but then we would have to ubersaw you… D:

  15. makke: .:[F-A-C]:. - .:[F-H-C]:. said:

    np, its just for frag movie material, if theres any : /

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